2023-03-31 14:50:08 +00:00
// ragel_subtype=go
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
package php8
import (
2021-07-30 18:01:34 +00:00
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
machine lexer;
write data;
access lex.;
variable p lex.p;
variable pe lex.pe;
func initLexer(lex *Lexer) {
%% write init;
func (lex *Lexer) Lex() *token.Token {
eof := lex.pe
var tok token.ID
tkn := lex.tokenPool.Get()
lblStart := 0
lblEnd := 0
_, _ = lblStart, lblEnd
action heredoc_lbl_start {lblStart = lex.p}
action heredoc_lbl_end {lblEnd = lex.p}
action new_line {
if lex.data[lex.p] == '\n' {
if lex.data[lex.p] == '\r' && lex.data[lex.p+1] != '\n' {
action is_not_heredoc_end { lex.isNotHeredocEnd(lex.p) }
action is_not_comment_end { lex.isNotPhpCloseToken() && lex.isNotNewLine() }
action is_not_heredoc_end_or_var { lex.isNotHeredocEnd(lex.p) && lex.isNotStringVar() }
action is_not_string_end_or_var { lex.isNotStringEnd('"') && lex.isNotStringVar() }
action is_not_backqoute_end_or_var { lex.isNotStringEnd('`') && lex.isNotStringVar() }
newline = ('\r\n' >(nl, 1) | '\r' >(nl, 0) | '\n' >(nl, 0)) $new_line %{};
any_line = any | newline;
whitespace = [\t\v\f ];
whitespace_line = [\t\v\f ] | newline;
lnum = [0-9]+('_'[0-9]+)*;
dnum = (lnum?"." lnum)|(lnum"."lnum?);
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
hnum = '0x'i[0-9a-fA-F]+('_'[0-9a-fA-F]+)*;
bnum = '0b'i[01]+('_'[01]+)*;
onum = '0o'i[0-7]+('_'[0-7]+)*;
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
exponent_dnum = (lnum | dnum) ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? lnum;
varname_first = [a-zA-Z_] | (0x0080..0x00FF);
varname_second = varname_first | [0-9];
varname = varname_first (varname_second)*;
heredoc_label = varname >heredoc_lbl_start %heredoc_lbl_end;
2022-06-26 00:31:29 +00:00
operators = ';'|':'|','|'.'|'['|']'|'('|')'|'|'|'/'|'^'|'+'|'-'|'*'|'='|'%'|'!'|'~'|'$'|'<'|'>'|'?'|'@';
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
prepush { lex.growCallStack(); }
constant_string =
start: (
"'" -> qoute
| "b"i? '"' -> double_qoute
# single qoute string
qoute: (
(any - [\\'\r\n]) -> qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> qoute
| "\\" -> qoute_any
| "'" -> final
qoute_any: (
(any - [\r\n]) -> qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> qoute
# double qoute string
double_qoute: (
(any - [\\"${\r\n]) -> double_qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\\" -> double_qoute_any
| '"' -> final
| '$' -> double_qoute_nonvarname
| '{' -> double_qoute_nondollar
double_qoute_any: (
(any - [\r\n]) -> double_qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> double_qoute
double_qoute_nondollar: (
(any - [\\$"\r\n]) -> double_qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\\" -> double_qoute_any
| '"' -> final
double_qoute_nonvarname: (
(any - [\\${"\r\n] - varname_first) -> double_qoute
| "\r" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\n" @new_line -> double_qoute
| "\\" -> double_qoute_any
| '$' -> double_qoute_nonvarname
| '"' -> final
main := |*
"#!" any* :>> newline => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
any => {
fnext html;
html := |*
any_line+ -- '<?' => {
tok = token.T_INLINE_HTML;
'<?' => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_OPEN_TAG, lex.ts, lex.te)
fnext php;
'<?php'i ( [ \t] | newline ) => {
lex.ungetCnt(lex.te - lex.ts - 5)
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_OPEN_TAG, lex.ts, lex.ts+5)
fnext php;
'<?='i => {
tok = token.T_ECHO;
fnext php;
php := |*
whitespace_line* => {lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_WHITESPACE, lex.ts, lex.te)};
'?>' newline? => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(';')); fnext html; fbreak;};
';' whitespace_line* '?>' newline? => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(';')); fnext html; fbreak;};
(dnum | exponent_dnum) => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DNUMBER; fbreak;};
bnum => {
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
s := strings.ReplaceAll(string(lex.data[lex.ts+2:lex.te]), "_", "")
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 2, 0)
if err == nil {
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LNUMBER; fbreak;
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DNUMBER; fbreak;
lnum => {
base := 10
if lex.data[lex.ts] == '0' {
base = 8
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
s := strings.ReplaceAll(string(lex.data[lex.ts:lex.te]), "_", "")
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, base, 0)
if err == nil {
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LNUMBER; fbreak;
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DNUMBER; fbreak;
hnum => {
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
s := strings.ReplaceAll(string(lex.data[lex.ts+2:lex.te]), "_", "")
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 16, 0)
if err == nil {
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LNUMBER; fbreak;
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DNUMBER; fbreak;
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
onum => {
s := strings.ReplaceAll(string(lex.data[lex.ts+2:lex.te]), "_", "")
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 8, 0)
if err == nil {
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LNUMBER; fbreak;
lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DNUMBER; fbreak;
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
'namespace'i ('\\' varname)+ => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NAME_RELATIVE; fbreak;};
varname ('\\' varname)+ => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NAME_QUALIFIED; fbreak;};
'\\' varname ('\\' varname)* => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED; fbreak;};
'\\' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NS_SEPARATOR; fbreak;};
'abstract'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ABSTRACT; fbreak;};
'array'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ARRAY; fbreak;};
'as'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AS; fbreak;};
'break'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_BREAK; fbreak;};
'callable'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CALLABLE; fbreak;};
'case'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CASE; fbreak;};
'catch'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CATCH; fbreak;};
'class'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CLASS; fbreak;};
'clone'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CLONE; fbreak;};
'const'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CONST; fbreak;};
'continue'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CONTINUE; fbreak;};
'declare'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DECLARE; fbreak;};
'default'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DEFAULT; fbreak;};
'do'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DO; fbreak;};
'echo'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ECHO; fbreak;};
'else'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ELSE; fbreak;};
'elseif'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ELSEIF; fbreak;};
'empty'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_EMPTY; fbreak;};
'enddeclare'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDDECLARE; fbreak;};
'endfor'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDFOR; fbreak;};
'endforeach'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDFOREACH; fbreak;};
'endif'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDIF; fbreak;};
'endswitch'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDSWITCH; fbreak;};
'endwhile'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENDWHILE; fbreak;};
2021-07-31 16:44:09 +00:00
'enum'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENUM; fbreak;};
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
'eval'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_EVAL; fbreak;};
'exit'i | 'die'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_EXIT; fbreak;};
'extends'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_EXTENDS; fbreak;};
'final'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FINAL; fbreak;};
'finally'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FINALLY; fbreak;};
'for'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FOR; fbreak;};
'foreach'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FOREACH; fbreak;};
'function'i | 'cfunction'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FUNCTION; fbreak;};
'fn'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FN; fbreak;};
'global'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_GLOBAL; fbreak;};
'goto'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_GOTO; fbreak;};
'if'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IF; fbreak;};
'isset'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ISSET; fbreak;};
'implements'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IMPLEMENTS; fbreak;};
'instanceof'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INSTANCEOF; fbreak;};
'insteadof'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INSTEADOF; fbreak;};
'interface'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INTERFACE; fbreak;};
'list'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LIST; fbreak;};
'namespace'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NAMESPACE; fbreak;};
'private'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PRIVATE; fbreak;};
'public'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PUBLIC; fbreak;};
'print'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PRINT; fbreak;};
'protected'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PROTECTED; fbreak;};
'return'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_RETURN; fbreak;};
2021-07-31 15:00:21 +00:00
'readonly'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_READONLY; fbreak;};
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
'static'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STATIC; fbreak;};
'switch'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SWITCH; fbreak;};
'match'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_MATCH; fbreak;};
'throw'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_THROW; fbreak;};
'trait'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_TRAIT; fbreak;};
'try'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_TRY; fbreak;};
'unset'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_UNSET; fbreak;};
'use'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_USE; fbreak;};
'var'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_VAR; fbreak;};
'while'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_WHILE; fbreak;};
'yield'i whitespace_line+ 'from'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_YIELD_FROM; fbreak;};
'yield'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_YIELD; fbreak;};
'include'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INCLUDE; fbreak;};
'include_once'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INCLUDE_ONCE; fbreak;};
'require'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_REQUIRE; fbreak;};
'require_once'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_REQUIRE_ONCE; fbreak;};
'__CLASS__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CLASS_C; fbreak;};
'__DIR__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DIR; fbreak;};
'__FILE__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FILE; fbreak;};
'__FUNCTION__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_FUNC_C; fbreak;};
'__LINE__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LINE; fbreak;};
'__NAMESPACE__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NS_C; fbreak;};
'__METHOD__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_METHOD_C; fbreak;};
'__TRAIT__'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_TRAIT_C; fbreak;};
'__halt_compiler'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_HALT_COMPILER; fnext halt_compiller_open_parenthesis; fbreak;};
'new'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NEW; fbreak;};
'and'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LOGICAL_AND; fbreak;};
'or'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LOGICAL_OR; fbreak;};
'xor'i => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_LOGICAL_XOR; fbreak;};
'#[' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ATTRIBUTE; fbreak;};
'::' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM; fbreak;};
'&&' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_BOOLEAN_AND; fbreak;};
'||' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_BOOLEAN_OR; fbreak;};
'&=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AND_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'|=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_OR_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'.=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CONCAT_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'*=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_MUL_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'**=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_POW_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'/=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DIV_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'+=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_PLUS_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'-=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_MINUS_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'^=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_XOR_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'%=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_MOD_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'--' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DEC; fbreak;};
'++' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INC; fbreak;};
'=>' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DOUBLE_ARROW; fbreak;};
'<=>' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SPACESHIP; fbreak;};
'!=' | '<>' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_NOT_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'!==' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL; fbreak;};
'==' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'===' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_IDENTICAL; fbreak;};
'<<=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SL_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'>>=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SR_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'>=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'<=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'**' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_POW; fbreak;};
'<<' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SL; fbreak;};
'>>' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_SR; fbreak;};
'??' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_COALESCE; fbreak;};
'??=' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_COALESCE_EQUAL; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* 'array'i whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ARRAY_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* ('bool'i|'boolean'i) whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_BOOL_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* ('real'i) whitespace* ')' => {lex.error(fmt.Sprintf("The (real) cast has been removed, use (float) instead")); fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* ('double'i|'float'i) whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DOUBLE_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* ('int'i|'integer'i) whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_INT_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* 'object'i whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_OBJECT_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* ('string'i|'binary'i) whitespace* ')' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING_CAST; fbreak;};
'(' whitespace* 'unset'i whitespace* ')' => {lex.error(fmt.Sprintf("The (unset) cast is no longer supported")); fbreak;};
php8: fixed a bug with `#` comments (#22)
Example from issue:
# Comment
$a = 100;
The problem with the example from the issue is that `#` is immediately followed by a line break.
And since the rule in the lexer for such comments was changed, this case was handled incorrectly.
(('#' ^'[') | '//') any_line* when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
This rule has one problem, it checks two characters at once, first for the match `#`, and
then for the mismatch `[`, which leads to the fact that in the case of an empty comment, the first
matcher will capture `#`, and the second line break (`\n`), which will lead to the fact that `any_line`
matcher will not work and will not increase the line number.
The next rule added is specifically for this case.
'#' newline when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
2021-08-02 09:37:08 +00:00
# For case '#\n'
'#' newline when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
(('#' ^'[') | '//') any_line* when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
php8: fixed a bug with `#` comments (#22)
Example from issue:
# Comment
$a = 100;
The problem with the example from the issue is that `#` is immediately followed by a line break.
And since the rule in the lexer for such comments was changed, this case was handled incorrectly.
(('#' ^'[') | '//') any_line* when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
This rule has one problem, it checks two characters at once, first for the match `#`, and
then for the mismatch `[`, which leads to the fact that in the case of an empty comment, the first
matcher will capture `#`, and the second line break (`\n`), which will lead to the fact that `any_line`
matcher will not work and will not increase the line number.
The next rule added is specifically for this case.
'#' newline when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
2021-08-02 09:37:08 +00:00
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
'#' => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
php8: fixed a bug with `#` comments (#22)
Example from issue:
# Comment
$a = 100;
The problem with the example from the issue is that `#` is immediately followed by a line break.
And since the rule in the lexer for such comments was changed, this case was handled incorrectly.
(('#' ^'[') | '//') any_line* when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
This rule has one problem, it checks two characters at once, first for the match `#`, and
then for the mismatch `[`, which leads to the fact that in the case of an empty comment, the first
matcher will capture `#`, and the second line break (`\n`), which will lead to the fact that `any_line`
matcher will not work and will not increase the line number.
The next rule added is specifically for this case.
'#' newline when is_not_comment_end => {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
2021-08-02 09:37:08 +00:00
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
'/*' any_line* :>> '*/' {
isDocComment := false;
if lex.te - lex.ts > 4 && string(lex.data[lex.ts:lex.ts+3]) == "/**" {
isDocComment = true;
if isDocComment {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_DOC_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
} else {
lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_COMMENT, lex.ts, lex.te)
operators => {
tok = token.ID(int(lex.data[lex.ts]));
2022-06-26 00:31:29 +00:00
"&" whitespace_line* '$' => { lex.ungetWhile('&'); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AMPERSAND_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG; fbreak; };
"&" whitespace_line* '...' => { lex.ungetWhile('&'); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AMPERSAND_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG; fbreak; };
"&" whitespace_line* ^'$' => { lex.ungetWhile('&'); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AMPERSAND_NOT_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG; fbreak; };
"&" whitespace_line* ^'...' => { lex.ungetWhile('&'); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_AMPERSAND_NOT_FOLLOWED_BY_VAR_OR_VARARG; fbreak; };
'...' => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ELLIPSIS; fbreak; };
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
"{" => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('{')); lex.call(ftargs, fentry(php)); goto _out; };
"}" => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('}')); lex.ret(1); goto _out;};
"$" varname => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_VARIABLE; fbreak; };
varname => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING; fbreak; };
"->" => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fnext property; fbreak; };
"?->" => { lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fnext property; fbreak; };
constant_string => {
"b"i? "<<<" [ \t]* ( heredoc_label | ("'" heredoc_label "'") | ('"' heredoc_label '"') ) newline => {
lex.heredocLabel = lex.data[lblStart:lblEnd]
tok = token.T_START_HEREDOC;
if lex.isHeredocEnd(lex.p+1) {
fnext heredoc_end;
} else if lex.data[lblStart-1] == '\'' {
fnext nowdoc;
} else {
fnext heredoc;
"`" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('`')); fnext backqote; fbreak;};
'"' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('"')); fnext template_string; fbreak;};
any_line => {
c := lex.data[lex.p]
lex.error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Unexpected character in input: '%c' (ASCII=%d)", c, c));
property := |*
whitespace_line* => {lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_WHITESPACE, lex.ts, lex.te)};
"->" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fbreak;};
"?->" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fbreak;};
varname => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING; fnext php; fbreak;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fgoto php;};
nowdoc := |*
any_line* when is_not_heredoc_end => {
fnext heredoc_end;
heredoc := |*
"{$" => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CURLY_OPEN; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(php)); goto _out;};
"${" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(string_var_name)); goto _out;};
"$" => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fcall string_var;};
any_line* when is_not_heredoc_end_or_var => {
if len(lex.data) > lex.p+1 && lex.data[lex.p+1] != '$' && lex.data[lex.p+1] != '{' {
fnext heredoc_end;
backqote := |*
"{$" => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CURLY_OPEN; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(php)); goto _out;};
"${" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(string_var_name)); goto _out;};
"$" varname_first => {lex.ungetCnt(2); fcall string_var;};
'`' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('`')); fnext php; fbreak;};
any_line* when is_not_backqoute_end_or_var => {
template_string := |*
"{$" => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_CURLY_OPEN; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(php)); goto _out;};
"${" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES; lex.call(ftargs, fentry(string_var_name)); goto _out;};
"$" varname_first => {lex.ungetCnt(2); fcall string_var;};
'"' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('"')); fnext php; fbreak;};
any_line* when is_not_string_end_or_var => {
heredoc_end := |*
varname -- ";" => {
tok = token.T_END_HEREDOC;
fnext php;
varname => {
tok = token.T_END_HEREDOC;
fnext php;
string_var := |*
'$' varname => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_VARIABLE; fbreak;};
'->' varname_first => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fbreak;};
'?->' varname_first => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR; fbreak;};
varname => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING; fbreak;};
'[' => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('[')); lex.call(ftargs, fentry(string_var_index)); goto _out;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fret;};
string_var_index := |*
2021-07-31 15:37:01 +00:00
lnum | hnum | bnum | onum => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_NUM_STRING; fbreak;};
'$' varname => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_VARIABLE; fbreak;};
varname => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING; fbreak;};
whitespace_line | [\\'#] => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE; lex.ret(2); goto _out;};
operators > (svi, 1) => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(lex.data[lex.ts])); fbreak;};
']' > (svi, 2) => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(']')); lex.ret(2); goto _out;};
2021-07-30 17:53:27 +00:00
any_line => {
c := lex.data[lex.p]
lex.error(fmt.Sprintf("WARNING: Unexpected character in input: '%c' (ASCII=%d)", c, c));
string_var_name := |*
varname ("[" | "}") => {lex.ungetCnt(1); lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.T_STRING_VARNAME; fnext php; fbreak;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fnext php;};
halt_compiller_open_parenthesis := |*
whitespace_line* => {lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_WHITESPACE, lex.ts, lex.te)};
"(" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int('(')); fnext halt_compiller_close_parenthesis; fbreak;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fnext php;};
halt_compiller_close_parenthesis := |*
whitespace_line* => {lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_WHITESPACE, lex.ts, lex.te)};
")" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(')')); fnext halt_compiller_close_semicolon; fbreak;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fnext php;};
halt_compiller_close_semicolon := |*
whitespace_line* => {lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_WHITESPACE, lex.ts, lex.te)};
";" => {lex.setTokenPosition(tkn); tok = token.ID(int(';')); fnext halt_compiller_end; fbreak;};
any => {lex.ungetCnt(1); fnext php;};
halt_compiller_end := |*
any_line* => { lex.addFreeFloatingToken(tkn, token.T_HALT_COMPILER, lex.ts, lex.te); };
write exec;
tkn.Value = lex.data[lex.ts:lex.te]
tkn.ID = token.ID(tok)
return tkn
2023-03-25 14:02:34 +00:00