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# Meet the users of Terminal theme!
- https://xicode.se **magistern** (Teacher)
- https://devmaster64.com **devmaster64** (Software Developer)
- https://mickie1.gitlab.io/blog/ **mickie** (Engineer)
- https://calloc.net **Vaibhav Yenamandra** (Software Engineer)
- https://potatofrom.space **Kevin Liu** (Software)
- https://horochx.org **horochx** (Software Developer)
- https://feng.si **Si Feng** (Software Engineer)
- https://ben-on-vms.com **Benedikt Frenzel** (Technical Support Engineer)
- https://johngazzini.com **John Gazzini** (Software Engineer)
- https://geekx.tech/ **Sagar Ladla** (Student Developer & Cyber Security Specialist)
- https://tears.io/ **Alex** (SRE)
- https://ayushkarn.me/ **Ayush Karn** (Student Developer)
- https://ssgram.dev **Ramaseshan Parthasarathy** (Software Developer)
- https://zaine.me **Amine Zaine** (Cloud Engineer)
- https://notes.dmaitre.phyip3.dur.ac.uk/computing-club/ **Ryan Moodie** (Physics PhD student)
- https://thecodecousins.com **Stanley Nguyen** (Software Engineer) & **Hoang Do** (Software & IoT Engineer)
- https://schacherbauer.dev **Markus Schacherbauer** (Student Developer)
- https://rinma.dev **Marvin Dalheimer** (Software Developer)
- https://lunar.computer **Lunar Computer** (DevOps Engineer)
- https://naxxfish.net **Chris Roberts** (Broadcast Systems Engineer)
- https://security.jtang.dev **Jonathan Tang** (Student & Software Engineer)
- https://andreacaravano.net **Andrea Caravano** (Student)
- https://dawsonverboven.com/ **Dawson Verboven** (Student & Software Developer)
- https://www.rockyourcode.com **Sophia Brandt** (tax officer and hobby coder)
- https://qbunt.com **Jeremy Bunting** (Software Engineer)
- https://smeik.org **Smeik** (Embedded Developer)
- https://code.willstocks.co.uk **Will Stocks** (Blogger & Developer)
- https://blog.vnandag.me **Nanda Gopal** (Student Developer)
- https://m47r1x.github.io **Neo** (Citizen of Zion)
- https://bgameiro.me/ **Bernardo Gameiro** (Engineer Physicist student)
- https://return-to-libc.com/ **elraro** (Cyber Security Specialist)
- https://pablart.com/ **Pablo Diaz-Gutierrez** (Software Engineer, General Tinkerer)
- https://waterloos.niflheimr.blue/ **cindrmon** (Student and Aspiring Software Engineer)
- https://monocle.rpod.club/ **classx** (DevOps Engineer)
- https://wjdevschool.com/ **Wojciech Bogócki** (Making Things & Teaching / W&J Dev School)
- https://dongzhi.me **Joe** (Software Developer)
- https://isaes.com.tr/ **Isa Es** (Software Engineer)
- https://conight.com **Conight Wang** (Software Engineer)
- https://blog.m5e.de/ **Christoph Miksche** (Software Developer)
- https://mpostument.com/ **Maksym Postument** (DevOps Engineer)
- https://mathiejosh.xyz **Josh Mathie** (Electrical Engineering Technology Student/Sales and Engineering Tech)
- https://yuji.ne.jp/ **YUJI** (Student & Software Developer)
- https://blog.puvvadi.me **KD Puvvadi** (Software Dev & Cloud Orchestrator)
- https://hidden.land/ **Louisload** (Game Developer & Musician)
- https://linuxbase.nl **Michael Trip** (DevOps Engineer)
- https://markopolo123.github.io **Markopolo** (DevOps Engineer)
- https://mcwertgaming.github.io **Damon Leven** (Student & Software Developer)
- https://sethsimmons.me **Seth Simmons** (Information Security Engineer, Cryptocurrency Writer)
- https://thesprawl.city **crish** (Software and stuff)
- https://radoslawkoziel.pl **Radek Kozieł** (Software Designer and Developer)