2017-12-13 17:41:48 +01:00

551 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2001 Kai Blaschke <>
* The included "THW Thema" templates, logos and the Q&A catalog are protected
* by copyright laws, and must not be used without the written permission
* of the
* Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk
* Provinzialstraße 93
* D-53127 Bonn
* Germany
* E-Mail:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Template class
* This class is capable of replacing variables with text,
* including other templates, and it can parse dynamic blocks
* which can be nested inside other blocks.
* Predefined variables:
* {templatePath} Contains the template path
* {templateLang} Contains the country code, if set
* If you don't need them, remove them immediately after
* creating the class instance or setting a new template path.
* $id: class Template v1.0 / Kai Blaschke $
class Template {
// ************************************************************
// Member variables
var $TPLFILES = array(); // Contains all template filenames
var $TPLDATA = array(); // Contains all template data
var $LOADED = array(); // Already loaded templates are
// stored as $LOADED[HANDLE]=>TRUE
var $PARSEVARS = array(); // Array of variable/value pairs
// to be replaced in templates
var $HANDLES = array(); // Handles which contain parsed templates
var $BLOCKS = array(); // Array with dynamic block data
var $H_BLOCKS = array(); // Parsed block data
// Filename: $TPLDIR/filename[.$LANG].tpl
var $TPLDIR; // Path to template files
var $LANG; // Country code (en, de, fr, ...)
var $TPLEXT; // Filename extension (default is .tpl)
// ************************************************************
// Global settings
var $RPLBRACES = TRUE; // Safely replaces curly braces with HTML
// entities in variable values if
// set to TRUE.
var $WIN32 = FALSE; // Set to "TRUE" on Win32 systems, if
// you encounter problems with paths.
var $DIEONERR = TRUE; // If set to TRUE, die() is called in error
// ************************************************************
// Constructor
function Template($tpldir, $lang = "", $tplext = "tpl")
$this->LANG = strtolower($lang);
$this->TPLEXT = $tplext;
$this->addVars("templateLang", $this->LANG);
// ************************************************************
// Sets or changes the template search path
function setPath($path)
if ($this->WIN32) {
if (ord(substr($path, -1)) != 92) $path .= chr(92);
} else {
if (ord(substr($path, -1)) != 47) $path .= chr(47);
if (is_dir($path)) {
$this->TPLDIR = $path;
// Add a path variable for use in templates
$this->addVars("templatePath", $path);
return TRUE;
} else {
echo "[TEMPLATE ENGINE] The specified template path "
."'<b>".$path."</b>' is invalid!<br />";
$this->TPLDIR = "";
if ($this->DIEONERR == TRUE) die();
return FALSE;
// ************************************************************
// Get dynamic blocks recursively to enable nested blocks
function getDynamicBlocks($tplFilename, $contents)
$contents, $blocks);
if (empty($blocks[0])) return;
// Go through all blocks and save them in $this->BLOCKS
for ($I=0; $I<count($blocks[0]); $I++) {
$blockparts = array();
preg_match_all("/(\{\|" . $blocks[2][$I] .
$blocks[3][$I], $blockparts);
for ($J=0; $J<count($blockparts[0]); $J++) {
// Get nested blocks
$this->getDynamicBlocks($tplFilename, $blockparts[3][$J]);
// Replace block data with placeholders
$blockparts[3][$J] =
"\\1", $blockparts[3][$J]);
// Save block data
= $blockparts[3][$J];
// ************************************************************
// Loads a template, runs some checks and extracts dynamic blocks
function loadTemplate($tplFilename)
// Template already loaded?
if (isset($this->LOADED[$tplFilename])) return TRUE;
// Has the path been set?
if (empty($this->TPLDIR)) {
echo "[TEMPLATE ENGINE] Template path not set or invalid!<br />";
if ($this->DIEONERR == TRUE) die();
return FALSE;
// Is a user-defined county code set?
if (!empty($this->LANG)) {
// Yes. Try to find template with the specified CC
if (file_exists($this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename]."."
.$this->LANG.".".$this->TPLEXT)) {
$filename = $this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename].".".
} else {
// Otherwise, use template filename without CC
if (file_exists($this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename]."."
.$this->TPLEXT)) {
$filename = $this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename]."."
} else {
echo "[TEMPLATE ENGINE] Can't find template "
."'".$tplFilename."'!<br />";
if ($this->DIEONERR == TRUE) die();
return FALSE;
} else {
// No. Use template filename without CC
if (file_exists($this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename]."."
.$this->TPLEXT)) {
$filename = $this->TPLDIR.$this->TPLFILES[$tplFilename]."."
} else {
echo "[TEMPLATE ENGINE] Can't find template "
."'".$tplFilename."'!<br />";
if ($this->DIEONERR == TRUE) die();
return FALSE;
// Load template file
$contents = implode("", (@file($filename)));
if (!$contents || empty($contents)) {
echo "[TEMPLATE ENGINE] Can't load template '"
.$tplFilename."'!<br />";
if ($this->DIEONERR == TRUE) die();
return FALSE;
// Parse dynamic blocks recursively
$this->getDynamicBlocks($tplFilename, $contents);
// Replace all block data with placeholders
$contents = preg_replace("/(\{\|([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\})(.*?)\\1/s", "\\1",
$this->TPLDATA[$tplFilename] = $contents;
$this->LOADED[$tplFilename] = 1;
return TRUE;
// ************************************************************
// Parses a template and loads it if neccessary.
// The result is assigned or concatenated to the specified handle.
function parse($handle = "",
$file = "",
$append = FALSE,
$delunused = FALSE)
// Check if all prerequisites are met
if (empty($handle) || empty($file))
return FALSE;
if (!isset($this->TPLFILES[$file]))
return FALSE;
if (!isset($this->LOADED[$file])&&!$this->loadTemplate($file))
return FALSE;
$templateCopy = $this->TPLDATA[$file];
// Reset array pointers
// Replace blocks
if (isset($this->H_BLOCKS[$file])) {
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->H_BLOCKS[$file]))
$templateCopy = preg_replace("/\{\|".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $templateCopy);
// Replace variables
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->PARSEVARS))
$templateCopy = preg_replace("/\{".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $templateCopy);
// Replace {~name} placeholders with already parsed handle of
// the same name
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->HANDLES))
$templateCopy = preg_replace("/\{\~".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $templateCopy);
// Delete unused variables and placeholders
if ($delunused)
$templateCopy = preg_replace("/\{[~|\|]?(\w*?)\}/", "",
// Assign to handle
if ($append && isset($this->HANDLES[$handle])) {
$this->HANDLES[$handle] .= $templateCopy;
} else {
$this->HANDLES[$handle] = $templateCopy;
return TRUE;
// ************************************************************
// Parses multiple templates.
// $list is an associative array of the type "handle"=>"template".
// Note that concatenation is not possible. Use the parse() method instead.
function multiParse($list)
if (!is_array($list)) return FALSE;
while (list($handle, $file) = each($list))
if (!$this->parse($handle, $file)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// ************************************************************
// Parses a template and prints the result.
function printParse($handle = "", $file = "", $append = FALSE)
if ($this->parse($handle, $file, $append)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ************************************************************
// Parses a block and replaces or appends the result to the block handle.
// Note: First argument is the template file name containing the blocks,
// not a handle name!
// Note: This function has no effect on any template handle.
// Parsed block data is inserted into the template handle in the
// parse() method.
function parseBlock($file = "",
$block = "",
$blockpart = "",
$append = FALSE,
$delunused = FALSE)
if (empty($file) || empty($block) || empty($blockpart))
return FALSE;
if (!isset($this->TPLFILES[$file]))
return FALSE;
if (!isset($this->LOADED[$file])&&!$this->loadTemplate($file))
return FALSE;
$blockCopy = $this->BLOCKS[$file][$block][$blockpart];
// Reset array pointers
// Replace blocks
if (isset($this->H_BLOCKS[$file])) {
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->H_BLOCKS[$file]))
$blockCopy = preg_replace("/\{\|".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $blockCopy);
// Replace variables
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->PARSEVARS))
$blockCopy = preg_replace("/\{".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $blockCopy);
// Replace {~name} placeholders with already parsed handle of
// the same name
while (list($varname, $value) = each($this->HANDLES))
$blockCopy = preg_replace("/\{\~".$varname."\}/i",
$value, $blockCopy);
// Delete unused variables and placeholders
if ($delunused)
$blockCopy = preg_replace("/\{[~|]?(\w*?)\}/", "", $blockCopy);
// Assign to handle
if ($append && isset($this->H_BLOCKS[$file][$block])) {
$this->H_BLOCKS[$file][$block] .= $blockCopy;
} else {
$this->H_BLOCKS[$file][$block] = $blockCopy;
return TRUE;
// ************************************************************
// Deletes all block handles
function clearBlockHandles()
if (!empty($this->H_BLOCKS)) {
while (list($ref, $val) = each($this->H_BLOCKS))
// ************************************************************
// Deletes the specified block handle
function delBlockHandle($file, $block)
if (!empty($file) && !empty($block))
if (isset($this->H_BLOCKS[$file][$block]))
// ************************************************************
// Adds one or more templates
// You can pass one associative array with $handle=>$filename pairs,
// or two strings ($handle, $filename) to this function.
function addTemplates($tplList, $tplFilename = "")
if (is_array($tplList)) {
while (list($handle, $filename) = each($tplList)) {
// Add handle to list
$this->TPLFILES[$handle] = $filename;
// Delete loaded flag if set
} else {
$this->TPLFILES[$tplList] = $tplFilename;
// ************************************************************
// Deletes all template handles
function clearHandles()
if (!empty($this->HANDLES)) {
while (list($ref, $val) = each($this->HANDLES))
// ************************************************************
// Deletes the specified template handle
function delHandle($handleName = "")
if (!empty($handleName))
if (isset($this->HANDLES[$handleName]))
// ************************************************************
// Returns the contents of the specified template handle
function getHandle($handleName = "")
if (empty($handleName))
return FALSE;
if (isset($this->HANDLES[$handleName]))
return $this->HANDLES[$handleName];
return FALSE;
// ************************************************************
// Prints a parsed template handle
function printHandle($handleName = "")
if (empty($handleName)) return FALSE;
// Remove all remaining placeholders
$this->HANDLES[$handleName] = preg_replace("/\{[~|\|]?(\w*?)\}/",
"", $this->HANDLES[$handleName]);
if (isset($this->HANDLES[$handleName])) {
echo $this->HANDLES[$handleName];
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ************************************************************
// Deletes all variables set with the addVars() method
function clearVars()
if (!empty($this->PARSEVARS)) {
while (list($ref, $val) = each ($this->PARSEVARS))
// ************************************************************
// Adds one or more variables.
// You can pass one associative array with $varname=>$value pairs
// or two strings ($varname, $value) to this function.
function addVars($varList, $varValue = "")
if (is_array($varList)) {
while (list($varname, $value) = each($varList)) {
// Replace curly braces
if ($this->RPLBRACES == TRUE) {
$value = preg_replace(Array("/(\{)/", "/(\})/"),
Array("&#123;", "&#125;"),
// Add/replace variable
if (!preg_match("/[^0-9a-z\-\_]/i", $varname))
$this->PARSEVARS[$varname] = $value;
} else {
// Replace curly braces
if ($this->RPLBRACES == TRUE) {
$varValue = preg_replace(Array("/(\{)/", "/(\})/"),
Array("&#123;", "&#125;"),
// Add/replace variable
if (!preg_match("/[^0-9a-z\-\_]/i", $varList))
$this->PARSEVARS[$varList] = $varValue;
// ************************************************************
// Returns a value set by the addVars() method
function getVar($varName = "")
if (empty($varName)) return FALSE;
if (isset($this->PARSEVARS[$varName]))
return $this->PARSEVARS[$varName];
return FALSE;
// ************************************************************
} // End of class 'Template'