
220 lines
7.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2001 Kai Blaschke <>
* The included 'THW Thema' templates, logos and the Q&A catalog are protected
* by copyright laws, and must not be used without the written permission
* of the
* Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk
* Provinzialstraße 93
* D-53127 Bonn
* Germany
* E-Mail:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Vollständiger Prüfungsbogen mit zufälligen Fragen
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('page-body', 'NavBogen', 'Sublinks');
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addVars('navBogen', 'current');
if (isset($_REQUEST['create']) && $_REQUEST['create'] == '1') {
// Neuen Bogen erstellen
// Werte initialisieren
$_SESSION['bogen']['StartTime'] = time();
$_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'] = array();
// Anz. Abschnitte und Fragen aus der DB holen
$sectionCount = getSingleResult('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM abschnitte WHERE Jahr = ?', array('i', $_SESSION['jahr']));
$questionId = 0;
$questionSection = 0;
$stmt = $GLOBALS['db']->prepare('SELECT ID, Abschnitt FROM fragen WHERE Jahr = ? ORDER BY Abschnitt, Nr');
$stmt->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['jahr']);
$stmt->bind_result($questionId, $questionSection);
// Fragen in Array übertragen
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
$fragen[$questionId] = $questionSection;
// Gesamtanzahl Fragen
$count_ab = array_count_values($fragen);
// Eine Frage pro Themengebiet aus der DB holen
for ($i = 1; $i <= $sectionCount; $i++) {
$nr = rand(1, $count_ab[$i]);
$id = getSingleResult('SELECT ID FROM fragen WHERE Nr = ? AND Abschnitt = ? AND Jahr = ?',
array('iii', $nr, $i, $_SESSION['jahr']));
array_push($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'], (int)$id);
// Frage entfernen
// Restliche Fragen zufällig auffüllen.
// Dazu verbliebene Keys von $fragen als Values in neues Array $fragen2 kopieren,
// da shuffle() die Keys verwirft!
$fragen2 = array();
foreach ($fragen as $key => $value) {
array_push($fragen2, $key);
for ($i = 0; $i < 40 - $sectionCount; $i++) {
array_push($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'], array_shift($fragen2));
// Fragen erneut mischen
if (isset($_SESSION['bogen'])) {
if (isset($_POST['antwort'])) {
// Fragen beantwortet
$richtig = 0;
$falsch = 0;
$fragen_cnt = count($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen']);
$zeit = time() - $_SESSION['bogen']['StartTime'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $fragen_cnt; $i++) {
$id = $_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'][$i];
$solutionBitmask = getSingleResult('SELECT `Loesung` FROM `fragen` WHERE `ID` = ?',
array('i', $id));
$loesung = array(1 => ($solutionBitmask & 0x1),
2 => (($solutionBitmask & 0x2) >> 1),
3 => (($solutionBitmask & 0x4) >> 2));
if (isset($_POST['antwort'][$id])) {
$korrekt = (($loesung[1] == (isset($_POST['antwort'][$id][1]) ? $_POST['antwort'][$id][1] : 0))
&& ($loesung[2] == (isset($_POST['antwort'][$id][2]) ? $_POST['antwort'][$id][2] : 0))
&& ($loesung[3] == (isset($_POST['antwort'][$id][3]) ? $_POST['antwort'][$id][3] : 0)));
} else {
$korrekt = false;
if ($korrekt) {
} else {
if (($richtig / $fragen_cnt) >= 0.8)
$GLOBALS['db']->query('UPDATE statistik SET fragen=fragen+' . $fragen_cnt
. ',richtig=richtig+' . $richtig
. ',falsch=falsch+' . $falsch
. ',boegen=boegen+1'
. ',bestanden=bestanden+' . (($richtig / $fragen_cnt) >= 0.8 ? 1 : 0)
. ',durchgefallen=durchgefallen+' . (($richtig / $fragen_cnt) < 0.8 ? 1 : 0));
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addTemplates('content', 'bogen-ende');
'anzFragen' => count($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen']),
'zeit' => sprintf('%02d:%02d\'%02d', $zeit / 3600, ($zeit / 60) % 60, $zeit % 60),
'fragenRichtig' => $richtig,
'fragenRichtigQuote' => sprintf('%.2f %%', $richtig / $fragen_cnt * 100),
'fragenFalsch' => $falsch,
'fragenFalschQuote' => sprintf('%.2f %%', $falsch / $fragen_cnt * 100)
if (($richtig / $fragen_cnt) >= 0.8) {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Bestanden', 'Ja');
else {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Bestanden', 'Nein');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen']); $i++) {
if ($i > 0 && $i % 10 == 0) {
// 'Nach oben'-Zeile an Handle anhängen
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Aufloesung', 'Topline', TRUE);
Answer($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'][$i], $_POST['antwort'], FALSE);
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Aufloesung', 'Antwort', TRUE, TRUE);
} else {
// Fragen anzeigen
'content' => 'bogen-fragen'
'zeit' => date('G:i', $_SESSION['bogen']['StartTime'])
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen']); $i++) {
if ($i > 0 && $i % 10 == 0) {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Bogen', 'Topline', TRUE);
// Frage aus DB holen
$question = getQuestionById($_SESSION['bogen']['Fragen'][$i]);
'frageIndex' => $i + 1,
'frageID' => $question['ID'],
'frageNr' => $question['Nr'],
'abschnittNr' => $question['Abschnitt'],
'frageText' => $question['Frage'],
'Antwort1' => $question['Antwort1'],
'Antwort2' => $question['Antwort2'],
'Antwort3' => $question['Antwort3']
if ($question['Antwort3'] == '') {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addVars('rowCnt', '2');
$GLOBALS['tpl']->delBlockHandle('content', 'ThreeRows');
} else {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addVars('rowCnt', '3');
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'ThreeRows', 'Row');
$GLOBALS['tpl']->parseBlock('content', 'Bogen', 'Frage', TRUE, TRUE);
} else {
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addVars('navBogenNeu', 'current');
$GLOBALS['tpl']->addTemplates(array('content' => 'bogen-start'));