%{ package php7 import ( "strings" "strconv" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/token" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/scalar" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/name" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/stmt" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/expr" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/expr/assign" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/expr/binary" "github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/node/expr/cast" ) %} %union{ node node.Node token token.Token boolWithToken boolWithToken list []node.Node foreachVariable foreachVariable nodesWithEndToken *nodesWithEndToken str string altSyntaxNode altSyntaxNode } %type $unk %token T_INCLUDE %token T_INCLUDE_ONCE %token T_EXIT %token T_IF %token T_LNUMBER %token T_DNUMBER %token T_STRING %token T_STRING_VARNAME %token T_VARIABLE %token T_NUM_STRING %token T_INLINE_HTML %token T_CHARACTER %token T_BAD_CHARACTER %token T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE %token T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING %token T_ECHO %token T_DO %token T_WHILE %token T_ENDWHILE %token T_FOR %token T_ENDFOR %token T_FOREACH %token T_ENDFOREACH %token T_DECLARE %token T_ENDDECLARE %token T_AS %token T_SWITCH %token T_ENDSWITCH %token T_CASE %token T_DEFAULT %token T_BREAK %token T_CONTINUE %token T_GOTO %token T_FUNCTION %token T_CONST %token T_RETURN %token T_TRY %token T_CATCH %token T_FINALLY %token T_THROW %token T_USE %token T_INSTEADOF %token T_GLOBAL %token T_VAR %token T_UNSET %token T_ISSET %token T_EMPTY %token T_HALT_COMPILER %token T_CLASS %token T_TRAIT %token T_INTERFACE %token T_EXTENDS %token T_IMPLEMENTS %token T_OBJECT_OPERATOR %token T_DOUBLE_ARROW %token T_LIST %token T_ARRAY %token T_CALLABLE %token T_CLASS_C %token T_TRAIT_C %token T_METHOD_C %token T_FUNC_C %token T_LINE %token T_FILE %token T_COMMENT %token T_DOC_COMMENT %token T_OPEN_TAG %token T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO %token T_CLOSE_TAG %token T_WHITESPACE %token T_START_HEREDOC %token T_END_HEREDOC %token T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES %token T_CURLY_OPEN %token T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM %token T_NAMESPACE %token T_NS_C %token T_DIR %token T_NS_SEPARATOR %token T_ELLIPSIS %token T_EVAL %token T_REQUIRE %token T_REQUIRE_ONCE %token T_LOGICAL_OR %token T_LOGICAL_XOR %token T_LOGICAL_AND %token T_INSTANCEOF %token T_NEW %token T_CLONE %token T_ELSEIF %token T_ELSE %token T_ENDIF %token T_PRINT %token T_YIELD %token T_STATIC %token T_ABSTRACT %token T_FINAL %token T_PRIVATE %token T_PROTECTED %token T_PUBLIC %token T_INC %token T_DEC %token T_YIELD_FROM %token T_INT_CAST %token T_DOUBLE_CAST %token T_STRING_CAST %token T_ARRAY_CAST %token T_OBJECT_CAST %token T_BOOL_CAST %token T_UNSET_CAST %token T_COALESCE %token T_SPACESHIP %token T_NOELSE %token '"' %token '`' %token '{' %token '}' %token ';' %token ':' %token '(' %token ')' %token '[' %token ']' %token '?' %token '&' %token '-' %token '+' %token '!' %token '~' %token '@' %token '$' %left T_INCLUDE T_INCLUDE_ONCE T_EVAL T_REQUIRE T_REQUIRE_ONCE %left ',' %left T_LOGICAL_OR %left T_LOGICAL_XOR %left T_LOGICAL_AND %right T_PRINT %right T_YIELD %right T_DOUBLE_ARROW %right T_YIELD_FROM %left '=' T_PLUS_EQUAL T_MINUS_EQUAL T_MUL_EQUAL T_DIV_EQUAL T_CONCAT_EQUAL T_MOD_EQUAL T_AND_EQUAL T_OR_EQUAL T_XOR_EQUAL T_SL_EQUAL T_SR_EQUAL T_POW_EQUAL %left '?' ':' %right T_COALESCE %left T_BOOLEAN_OR %left T_BOOLEAN_AND %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %nonassoc T_IS_EQUAL T_IS_NOT_EQUAL T_IS_IDENTICAL T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL T_SPACESHIP %nonassoc '<' T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL '>' T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL %left T_SL T_SR %left '+' '-' '.' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '!' %nonassoc T_INSTANCEOF %right '~' T_INC T_DEC T_INT_CAST T_DOUBLE_CAST T_STRING_CAST T_ARRAY_CAST T_OBJECT_CAST T_BOOL_CAST T_UNSET_CAST '@' %right T_POW %right '[' %nonassoc T_NEW T_CLONE %left T_NOELSE %left T_ELSEIF %left T_ELSE %left T_ENDIF %right T_STATIC T_ABSTRACT T_FINAL T_PRIVATE T_PROTECTED T_PUBLIC %type is_reference is_variadic returns_ref %type reserved_non_modifiers %type semi_reserved %type identifier %type top_statement name statement function_declaration_statement %type class_declaration_statement trait_declaration_statement %type interface_declaration_statement %type group_use_declaration inline_use_declaration %type mixed_group_use_declaration use_declaration unprefixed_use_declaration %type const_decl inner_statement %type expr optional_expr %type declare_statement finally_statement unset_variable variable %type extends_from parameter optional_type argument expr_without_variable global_var %type static_var class_statement trait_adaptation trait_precedence trait_alias %type absolute_trait_method_reference trait_method_reference property echo_expr %type new_expr anonymous_class class_name class_name_reference simple_variable %type internal_functions_in_yacc %type exit_expr scalar lexical_var function_call member_name property_name %type variable_class_name dereferencable_scalar constant dereferencable %type callable_expr callable_variable static_member new_variable %type encaps_var encaps_var_offset %type if_stmt %type alt_if_stmt %type if_stmt_without_else %type class_const_decl %type alt_if_stmt_without_else %type array_pair possible_array_pair %type isset_variable type return_type type_expr %type class_modifier %type member_modifier %type use_type %type foreach_variable %type method_body switch_case_list trait_adaptations argument_list ctor_arguments %type encaps_list backticks_expr namespace_name catch_name_list catch_list class_const_list %type const_list echo_expr_list for_exprs non_empty_for_exprs global_var_list %type unprefixed_use_declarations inline_use_declarations property_list static_var_list %type case_list trait_adaptation_list unset_variables %type use_declarations lexical_var_list lexical_vars isset_variables non_empty_array_pair_list %type array_pair_list non_empty_argument_list top_statement_list %type inner_statement_list parameter_list non_empty_parameter_list class_statement_list %type interface_extends_list implements_list method_modifiers variable_modifiers %type non_empty_member_modifiers name_list class_modifiers %type backup_doc_comment %type while_statement for_statement foreach_statement %% ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// start: top_statement_list { rootnode = stmt.NewStmtList($1) positions.AddPosition(rootnode, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) } ; reserved_non_modifiers: T_INCLUDE {$$=$1} | T_INCLUDE_ONCE {$$=$1} | T_EVAL {$$=$1} | T_REQUIRE {$$=$1} | T_REQUIRE_ONCE {$$=$1} | T_LOGICAL_OR {$$=$1} | T_LOGICAL_XOR {$$=$1} | T_LOGICAL_AND {$$=$1} | T_INSTANCEOF {$$=$1} | T_NEW {$$=$1} | T_CLONE {$$=$1} | T_EXIT {$$=$1} | T_IF {$$=$1} | T_ELSEIF {$$=$1} | T_ELSE {$$=$1} | T_ENDIF {$$=$1} | T_ECHO {$$=$1} | T_DO {$$=$1} | T_WHILE {$$=$1} | T_ENDWHILE {$$=$1} | T_FOR {$$=$1} | T_ENDFOR {$$=$1} | T_FOREACH {$$=$1} | T_ENDFOREACH {$$=$1} | T_DECLARE {$$=$1} | T_ENDDECLARE {$$=$1} | T_AS {$$=$1} | T_TRY {$$=$1} | T_CATCH {$$=$1} | T_FINALLY {$$=$1} | T_THROW {$$=$1} | T_USE {$$=$1} | T_INSTEADOF {$$=$1} | T_GLOBAL {$$=$1} | T_VAR {$$=$1} | T_UNSET {$$=$1} | T_ISSET {$$=$1} | T_EMPTY {$$=$1} | T_CONTINUE {$$=$1} | T_GOTO {$$=$1} | T_FUNCTION {$$=$1} | T_CONST {$$=$1} | T_RETURN {$$=$1} | T_PRINT {$$=$1} | T_YIELD {$$=$1} | T_LIST {$$=$1} | T_SWITCH {$$=$1} | T_ENDSWITCH {$$=$1} | T_CASE {$$=$1} | T_DEFAULT {$$=$1} | T_BREAK {$$=$1} | T_ARRAY {$$=$1} | T_CALLABLE {$$=$1} | T_EXTENDS {$$=$1} | T_IMPLEMENTS {$$=$1} | T_NAMESPACE {$$=$1} | T_TRAIT {$$=$1} | T_INTERFACE {$$=$1} | T_CLASS {$$=$1} | T_CLASS_C {$$=$1} | T_TRAIT_C {$$=$1} | T_FUNC_C {$$=$1} | T_METHOD_C {$$=$1} | T_LINE {$$=$1} | T_FILE {$$=$1} | T_DIR {$$=$1} | T_NS_C {$$=$1} ; semi_reserved: reserved_non_modifiers {$$=$1} | T_STATIC {$$=$1} | T_ABSTRACT {$$=$1} | T_FINAL {$$=$1} | T_PRIVATE {$$=$1} | T_PROTECTED {$$=$1} | T_PUBLIC {$$=$1} ; identifier: T_STRING { $$ = $1 } | semi_reserved { $$ = $1 } ; top_statement_list: top_statement_list top_statement { $$ = append($1, $2) } | /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } ; namespace_name: T_STRING { namePart := name.NewNamePart($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(namePart, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = []node.Node{namePart} comments.AddComments(namePart, $1.Comments()) } | namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR T_STRING { namePart := name.NewNamePart($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(namePart, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = append($1, namePart) comments.AddComments(namePart, $3.Comments()) } ; name: namespace_name { $$ = name.NewName($1) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | T_NAMESPACE T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name { $$ = name.NewRelative($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name { $$ = name.NewFullyQualified($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; top_statement: statement { $$ = $1; } | function_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | class_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | trait_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | interface_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | T_HALT_COMPILER '(' ')' ';' { $$ = stmt.NewHaltCompiler() } | T_NAMESPACE namespace_name ';' { name := name.NewName($2) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewNamespace(name, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NAMESPACE namespace_name '{' top_statement_list '}' { name := name.NewName($2) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewNamespace(name, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NAMESPACE '{' top_statement_list '}' { $$ = stmt.NewNamespace(nil, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_USE mixed_group_use_declaration ';' { $$ = $2 } | T_USE use_type group_use_declaration ';' { $$ = $3.(*stmt.GroupUse).SetUseType($2) } | T_USE use_declarations ';' { $$ = stmt.NewUseList(nil, $2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_USE use_type use_declarations ';' { $$ = stmt.NewUseList($2, $3) } | T_CONST const_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewConstList($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; use_type: T_FUNCTION { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CONST { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; group_use_declaration: namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations possible_comma '}' { name := name.NewName($1) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewGroupUse(nil, name, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListTokenPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' unprefixed_use_declarations possible_comma '}' { name := name.NewName($2) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewGroupUse(nil, name, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $7)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; mixed_group_use_declaration: namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations possible_comma '}' { name := name.NewName($1) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewGroupUse(nil, name, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListTokenPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | T_NS_SEPARATOR namespace_name T_NS_SEPARATOR '{' inline_use_declarations possible_comma '}' { name := name.NewName($2) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewGroupUse(nil, name, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $7)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; possible_comma: /* empty */ | ',' ; inline_use_declarations: inline_use_declarations ',' inline_use_declaration { $$ = append($1, $3) } | inline_use_declaration { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; unprefixed_use_declarations: unprefixed_use_declarations ',' unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = append($1, $3) } | unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; use_declarations: use_declarations ',' use_declaration { $$ = append($1, $3) } | use_declaration { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; inline_use_declaration: unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $1; } | use_type unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $2.(*stmt.Use).SetUseType($1) } ; unprefixed_use_declaration: namespace_name { name := name.NewName($1) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewUse(nil, name, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | namespace_name T_AS T_STRING { name := name.NewName($1) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($1)) alias := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(alias, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewUse(nil, name, alias) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(name, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) comments.AddComments(alias, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } ; use_declaration: unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $1; } | T_NS_SEPARATOR unprefixed_use_declaration { $$ = $2; } ; const_list: const_list ',' const_decl { $$ = append($1, $3) } | const_decl { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; inner_statement_list: inner_statement_list inner_statement { $$ = append($1, $2) } | /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } ; inner_statement: statement { $$ = $1; } | function_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | class_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | trait_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | interface_declaration_statement { $$ = $1; } | T_HALT_COMPILER '(' ')' ';' { $$ = stmt.NewHaltCompiler() positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } statement: '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = stmt.NewStmtList($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | if_stmt { $$ = $1; } | alt_if_stmt { $$ = $1; } | T_WHILE '(' expr ')' while_statement { if ($5.isAlt) { $$ = stmt.NewAltWhile($3, $5.node) } else { $$ = stmt.NewWhile($3, $5.node) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $5.node)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DO statement T_WHILE '(' expr ')' ';' { $$ = stmt.NewDo($2, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $7)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FOR '(' for_exprs ';' for_exprs ';' for_exprs ')' for_statement { if ($9.isAlt) { $$ = stmt.NewAltFor($3, $5, $7, $9.node) } else { $$ = stmt.NewFor($3, $5, $7, $9.node) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $9.node)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_SWITCH '(' expr ')' switch_case_list { if ($5.endToken.Value == ";") { $$ = stmt.NewAltSwitch($3, $5.nodes) } else { $$ = stmt.NewSwitch($3, $5.nodes) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $5.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_BREAK optional_expr ';' { $$ = stmt.NewBreak($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CONTINUE optional_expr ';' { $$ = stmt.NewContinue($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_RETURN optional_expr ';' { $$ = stmt.NewReturn($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_GLOBAL global_var_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewGlobal($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_STATIC static_var_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewStatic($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_ECHO echo_expr_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewEcho($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_INLINE_HTML { $$ = stmt.NewInlineHtml($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | expr ';' { $$ = stmt.NewExpression($1) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_UNSET '(' unset_variables possible_comma ')' ';' { $$ = stmt.NewUnset($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FOREACH '(' expr T_AS foreach_variable ')' foreach_statement { if ($7.isAlt) { $$ = stmt.NewAltForeach($3, nil, $5.node, $7.node, $5.byRef) } else { $$ = stmt.NewForeach($3, nil, $5.node, $7.node, $5.byRef) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $7.node)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FOREACH '(' expr T_AS variable T_DOUBLE_ARROW foreach_variable ')' foreach_statement { if ($9.isAlt) { $$ = stmt.NewAltForeach($3, $5, $7.node, $9.node, $7.byRef) } else { $$ = stmt.NewForeach($3, $5, $7.node, $9.node, $7.byRef) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $9.node)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DECLARE '(' const_list ')' declare_statement { $$ = stmt.NewDeclare($3, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | ';' { $$ = stmt.NewNop() positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_TRY '{' inner_statement_list '}' catch_list finally_statement { if $6 == nil { $$ = stmt.NewTry($3, $5, $6) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($1, $5)) } else { $$ = stmt.NewTry($3, $5, $6) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $6)) } comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_THROW expr ';' { $$ = stmt.NewThrow($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_GOTO T_STRING ';' { label := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(label, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewGoto(label) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(label, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_STRING ':' { label := node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(label, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewLabel(label) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments(label, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } catch_list: /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } | catch_list T_CATCH '(' catch_name_list T_VARIABLE ')' '{' inner_statement_list '}' { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($5.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($5)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($5)) catch := stmt.NewCatch($4, variable, $8) positions.AddPosition(catch, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($2, $9)) $$ = append($1, catch) comments.AddComments(identifier, $5.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $5.Comments()) comments.AddComments(catch, $2.Comments()) } ; catch_name_list: name { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | catch_name_list '|' name { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; finally_statement: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | T_FINALLY '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = stmt.NewFinally($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; unset_variables: unset_variable { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | unset_variables ',' unset_variable { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; unset_variable: variable { $$ = $1 } ; function_declaration_statement: T_FUNCTION returns_ref T_STRING backup_doc_comment '(' parameter_list ')' return_type '{' inner_statement_list '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewFunction(name, $2.value, $6, $8, $10, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $11)) comments.AddComments(name, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; is_reference: /* empty */ { $$ = boolWithToken{false, nil} } | '&' { $$ = boolWithToken{true, &$1} } ; is_variadic: /* empty */ { $$ = boolWithToken{false, nil} } | T_ELLIPSIS { $$ = boolWithToken{true, &$1} } ; class_declaration_statement: class_modifiers T_CLASS T_STRING extends_from implements_list backup_doc_comment '{' class_statement_list '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewClass(name, $1, nil, $4, $5, $8, $6) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewOptionalListTokensPosition($1, $2, $9)) comments.AddComments(name, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | T_CLASS T_STRING extends_from implements_list backup_doc_comment '{' class_statement_list '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewClass(name, nil, nil, $3, $4, $7, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $8)) comments.AddComments(name, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; class_modifiers: class_modifier { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | class_modifiers class_modifier { $$ = append($1, $2) } ; class_modifier: T_ABSTRACT { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FINAL { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; trait_declaration_statement: T_TRAIT T_STRING backup_doc_comment '{' class_statement_list '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewTrait(name, $5, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(name, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; interface_declaration_statement: T_INTERFACE T_STRING interface_extends_list backup_doc_comment '{' class_statement_list '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = stmt.NewInterface(name, $3, $6, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $7)) comments.AddComments(name, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; extends_from: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | T_EXTENDS name { $$ = $2; } ; interface_extends_list: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | T_EXTENDS name_list { $$ = $2 } ; implements_list: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | T_IMPLEMENTS name_list { $$ = $2 } ; foreach_variable: variable { $$ = foreachVariable{$1, false} } | '&' variable { $$ = foreachVariable{$2, true} } | T_LIST '(' array_pair_list ')' { list := expr.NewList($3) positions.AddPosition(list, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) $$ = foreachVariable{list, false} comments.AddComments(list, $1.Comments()) } | '[' array_pair_list ']' { list := expr.NewShortList($2) positions.AddPosition(list, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) $$ = foreachVariable{list, false} comments.AddComments(list, $1.Comments()) } ; for_statement: statement { $$ = altSyntaxNode{$1, false} } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDFOR ';' { $$ = altSyntaxNode{stmt.NewStmtList($2), true} positions.AddPosition($$.node, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) } ; foreach_statement: statement { $$ = altSyntaxNode{$1, false} } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDFOREACH ';' { $$ = altSyntaxNode{stmt.NewStmtList($2), true} positions.AddPosition($$.node, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) } ; declare_statement: statement { $$ = $1; } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDDECLARE ';' { $$ = stmt.NewStmtList($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; switch_case_list: '{' case_list '}' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$2, $3} } | '{' ';' case_list '}' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$3, $4} } | ':' case_list T_ENDSWITCH ';' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$2, $4} } | ':' ';' case_list T_ENDSWITCH ';' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$3, $5} } ; case_list: /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } | case_list T_CASE expr case_separator inner_statement_list { _case := stmt.NewCase($3, $5) positions.AddPosition(_case, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($2, $5)) $$ = append($1, _case) comments.AddComments(_case, $2.Comments()) } | case_list T_DEFAULT case_separator inner_statement_list { _default := stmt.NewDefault($4) positions.AddPosition(_default, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($2, $4)) $$ = append($1, _default) comments.AddComments(_default, $2.Comments()) } ; case_separator: ':' | ';' ; while_statement: statement { $$ = altSyntaxNode{$1, false} } | ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDWHILE ';' { $$ = altSyntaxNode{stmt.NewStmtList($2), true} positions.AddPosition($$.node, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) } ; if_stmt_without_else: T_IF '(' expr ')' statement { $$ = stmt.NewIf($3, $5, nil, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' statement { _elseIf := stmt.NewElseIf($4, $6) positions.AddPosition(_elseIf, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($2, $6)) $$ = $1.(*stmt.If).AddElseIf(_elseIf) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(_elseIf, $2.Comments()) } ; if_stmt: if_stmt_without_else %prec T_NOELSE { $$ = $1; } | if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE statement { _else := stmt.NewElse($3) positions.AddPosition(_else, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($2, $3)) $$ = $1.(*stmt.If).SetElse(_else) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $2.Comments()) } ; alt_if_stmt_without_else: T_IF '(' expr ')' ':' inner_statement_list { stmts := stmt.NewStmtList($6) positions.AddPosition(stmts, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($6)) $$ = stmt.NewAltIf($3, stmts, nil, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(stmts, $5.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | alt_if_stmt_without_else T_ELSEIF '(' expr ')' ':' inner_statement_list { stmts := stmt.NewStmtList($7) positions.AddPosition(stmts, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($7)) _elseIf := stmt.NewAltElseIf($4, stmts) positions.AddPosition(_elseIf, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($2, $7)) $$ = $1.(*stmt.AltIf).AddElseIf(_elseIf) comments.AddComments(stmts, $6.Comments()) comments.AddComments(_elseIf, $2.Comments()) } ; alt_if_stmt: alt_if_stmt_without_else T_ENDIF ';' { $$ = $1 positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) } | alt_if_stmt_without_else T_ELSE ':' inner_statement_list T_ENDIF ';' { stmts := stmt.NewStmtList($4) positions.AddPosition(stmts, positionBuilder.NewNodeListPosition($4)) _else := stmt.NewAltElse(stmts) positions.AddPosition(_else, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodeListPosition($2, $4)) $$ = $1.(*stmt.AltIf).SetElse(_else) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(stmts, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments(_else, $2.Comments()) } ; parameter_list: non_empty_parameter_list { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = nil } ; non_empty_parameter_list: parameter { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | non_empty_parameter_list ',' parameter { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; parameter: optional_type is_reference is_variadic T_VARIABLE { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($4.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) if $1 != nil { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, nil, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } else if $2.value == true { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, nil, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition(*$2.token, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $2.token.Comments()) } else if $3.value == true { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, nil, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition(*$3.token, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $3.token.Comments()) } else { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, nil, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) } } | optional_type is_reference is_variadic T_VARIABLE '=' expr { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($4.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) if $1 != nil { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, $6, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } else if $2.value == true { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, $6, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition(*$2.token, $6)) comments.AddComments($$, $2.token.Comments()) } else if $3.value == true { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, $6, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition(*$3.token, $6)) comments.AddComments($$, $3.token.Comments()) } else { $$ = node.NewParameter($1, variable, $6, $2.value, $3.value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($4, $6)) comments.AddComments($$, $4.Comments()) } } ; optional_type: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | type_expr { $$ = $1; } ; type_expr: type { $$ = $1; } | '?' type { $$ = node.NewNullable($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; type: T_ARRAY { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CALLABLE { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | name { $$ = $1; } ; return_type: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | ':' type_expr { $$ = $2; } ; argument_list: '(' ')' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{[]node.Node{}, $2} } | '(' non_empty_argument_list possible_comma ')' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$2, $4} } ; non_empty_argument_list: argument { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | non_empty_argument_list ',' argument { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; argument: expr { $$ = node.NewArgument($1, false, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodePosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_ELLIPSIS expr { $$ = node.NewArgument($2, true, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; global_var_list: global_var_list ',' global_var { $$ = append($1, $3); } | global_var { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; global_var: simple_variable { $$ = $1 } ; static_var_list: static_var_list ',' static_var { $$ = append($1, $3) } | static_var { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; static_var: T_VARIABLE { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewStaticVar(variable, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_VARIABLE '=' expr { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewStaticVar(variable, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; class_statement_list: class_statement_list class_statement { $$ = append($1, $2) } | /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } ; class_statement: variable_modifiers property_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewPropertyList($1, $2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeListTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | method_modifiers T_CONST class_const_list ';' { $$ = stmt.NewClassConstList($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewOptionalListTokensPosition($1, $2, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } | T_USE name_list trait_adaptations { $$ = stmt.NewTraitUse($2, $3.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | method_modifiers T_FUNCTION returns_ref identifier backup_doc_comment '(' parameter_list ')' return_type method_body { name := node.NewIdentifier($4.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) $$ = stmt.NewClassMethod(name, $1, $3.value, $7, $9, $10.nodes, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewOptionalListTokensPosition($1, $2, $10.endToken)) comments.AddComments(name, $4.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, ListGetFirstNodeComments($1)) } ; name_list: name { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | name_list ',' name { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; trait_adaptations: ';' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{nil, $1} } | '{' '}' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{nil, $2} } | '{' trait_adaptation_list '}' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$2, $3} } ; trait_adaptation_list: trait_adaptation { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | trait_adaptation_list trait_adaptation { $$ = append($1, $2) } ; trait_adaptation: trait_precedence ';' { $$ = $1; } | trait_alias ';' { $$ = $1; } ; trait_precedence: absolute_trait_method_reference T_INSTEADOF name_list { $$ = stmt.NewTraitUsePrecedence($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeNodeListPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; trait_alias: trait_method_reference T_AS T_STRING { alias := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(alias, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewTraitUseAlias($1, nil, alias) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(alias, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | trait_method_reference T_AS reserved_non_modifiers { alias := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(alias, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewTraitUseAlias($1, nil, alias) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(alias, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | trait_method_reference T_AS member_modifier identifier { alias := node.NewIdentifier($4.Value) positions.AddPosition(alias, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($4)) $$ = stmt.NewTraitUseAlias($1, $3, alias) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments(alias, $4.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | trait_method_reference T_AS member_modifier { $$ = stmt.NewTraitUseAlias($1, $3, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; trait_method_reference: identifier { name := node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewTraitMethodRef(nil, name) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(name, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | absolute_trait_method_reference { $$ = $1; } ; absolute_trait_method_reference: name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM identifier { target := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(target, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = stmt.NewTraitMethodRef($1, target) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(target, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; method_body: ';' /* abstract method */ { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{nil, $1} } | '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = &nodesWithEndToken{$2, $3} } ; variable_modifiers: non_empty_member_modifiers { $$ = $1; } | T_VAR { modifier := node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(modifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = []node.Node{modifier} comments.AddComments(modifier, $1.Comments()) } ; method_modifiers: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | non_empty_member_modifiers { $$ = $1 } ; non_empty_member_modifiers: member_modifier { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | non_empty_member_modifiers member_modifier { $$ = append($1, $2) } ; member_modifier: T_PUBLIC { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_PROTECTED { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_PRIVATE { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_STATIC { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_ABSTRACT { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FINAL { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; property_list: property_list ',' property { $$ = append($1, $3) } | property { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; property: T_VARIABLE backup_doc_comment { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewProperty(variable, nil, $2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_VARIABLE '=' expr backup_doc_comment { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewProperty(variable, $3, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; class_const_list: class_const_list ',' class_const_decl { $$ = append($1, $3) } | class_const_decl { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; class_const_decl: identifier '=' expr backup_doc_comment { name := node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewConstant(name, $3, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(name, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; const_decl: T_STRING '=' expr backup_doc_comment { name := node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = stmt.NewConstant(name, $3, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(name, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; echo_expr_list: echo_expr_list ',' echo_expr { $$ = append($1, $3) } | echo_expr { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; echo_expr: expr { $$ = $1 } ; for_exprs: /* empty */ { $$ = nil; } | non_empty_for_exprs { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_for_exprs: non_empty_for_exprs ',' expr { $$ = append($1, $3) } | expr { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; anonymous_class: T_CLASS ctor_arguments extends_from implements_list backup_doc_comment '{' class_statement_list '}' { if $2 != nil { $$ = stmt.NewClass(nil, nil, $2.nodes, $3, $4, $7, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $8)) } else { $$ = stmt.NewClass(nil, nil, nil, $3, $4, $7, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $8)) } comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; new_expr: T_NEW class_name_reference ctor_arguments { if $3 != nil { $$ = expr.NewNew($2, $3.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3.endToken)) } else { $$ = expr.NewNew($2, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) } comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NEW anonymous_class { $$ = expr.NewNew($2, nil) } ; expr_without_variable: T_LIST '(' array_pair_list ')' '=' expr { list := expr.NewList($3) positions.AddPosition(list, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) $$ = assign.NewAssign(list, $6) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(list, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '[' array_pair_list ']' '=' expr { shortList := expr.NewShortList($2) positions.AddPosition(shortList, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) $$ = assign.NewAssign(shortList, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments(shortList, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | variable '=' expr { $$ = assign.NewAssign($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable '=' '&' expr { $$ = assign.NewAssignRef($1, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_CLONE expr { $$ = expr.NewClone($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | variable T_PLUS_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewPlus($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_MINUS_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewMinus($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_MUL_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewMul($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_POW_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewPow($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_DIV_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewDiv($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_CONCAT_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewConcat($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_MOD_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewMod($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_AND_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewBitwiseAnd($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewBitwiseOr($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_XOR_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewBitwiseXor($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_SL_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewShiftLeft($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_SR_EQUAL expr { $$ = assign.NewShiftRight($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable T_INC { $$ = expr.NewPostInc($1) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_INC variable { $$ = expr.NewPreInc($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | variable T_DEC { $$ = expr.NewPostDec($1) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_DEC variable { $$ = expr.NewPreDec($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | expr T_BOOLEAN_OR expr { $$ = binary.NewBooleanOr($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_BOOLEAN_AND expr { $$ = binary.NewBooleanAnd($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_LOGICAL_OR expr { $$ = binary.NewLogicalOr($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_LOGICAL_AND expr { $$ = binary.NewLogicalAnd($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_LOGICAL_XOR expr { $$ = binary.NewLogicalXor($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '|' expr { $$ = binary.NewBitwiseOr($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '&' expr { $$ = binary.NewBitwiseAnd($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '^' expr { $$ = binary.NewBitwiseXor($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '.' expr { $$ = binary.NewConcat($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '+' expr { $$ = binary.NewPlus($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '-' expr { $$ = binary.NewMinus($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '*' expr { $$ = binary.NewMul($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_POW expr { $$ = binary.NewPow($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '/' expr { $$ = binary.NewDiv($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '%' expr { $$ = binary.NewMod($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_SL expr { $$ = binary.NewShiftLeft($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_SR expr { $$ = binary.NewShiftRight($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | '+' expr %prec T_INC { $$ = expr.NewUnaryPlus($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '-' expr %prec T_INC { $$ = expr.NewUnaryMinus($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '!' expr { $$ = expr.NewBooleanNot($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '~' expr { $$ = expr.NewBitwiseNot($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | expr T_IS_IDENTICAL expr { $$ = binary.NewIdentical($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL expr { $$ = binary.NewNotIdentical($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_IS_EQUAL expr { $$ = binary.NewEqual($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_IS_NOT_EQUAL expr { $$ = binary.NewNotEqual($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '<' expr { $$ = binary.NewSmaller($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = binary.NewSmallerOrEqual($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '>' expr { $$ = binary.NewGreater($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL expr { $$ = binary.NewGreaterOrEqual($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_SPACESHIP expr { $$ = binary.NewSpaceship($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_INSTANCEOF class_name_reference { $$ = expr.NewInstanceOf($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | new_expr { $$ = $1; } | expr '?' expr ':' expr { $$ = expr.NewTernary($1, $3, $5) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr '?' ':' expr { $$ = expr.NewTernary($1, nil, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_COALESCE expr { $$ = binary.NewCoalesce($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | internal_functions_in_yacc { $$ = $1} | T_INT_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastInt($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DOUBLE_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastDouble($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_STRING_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastString($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_ARRAY_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastArray($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_OBJECT_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastObject($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_BOOL_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastBool($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_UNSET_CAST expr { $$ = cast.NewCastUnset($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_EXIT exit_expr { if (strings.EqualFold($1.Value, "die")) { $$ = expr.NewDie($2) } else { $$ = expr.NewExit($2) } positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '@' expr { $$ = expr.NewErrorSuppress($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | scalar { $$ = $1; } | '`' backticks_expr '`' { $$ = expr.NewShellExec($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_PRINT expr { $$ = expr.NewPrint($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_YIELD { $$ = expr.NewYield(nil, nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_YIELD expr { $$ = expr.NewYield(nil, $2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_YIELD expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW expr { $$ = expr.NewYield($2, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_YIELD_FROM expr { $$ = expr.NewYieldFrom($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FUNCTION returns_ref backup_doc_comment '(' parameter_list ')' lexical_vars return_type '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = expr.NewClosure($5, $7, $8, $10, false, $2.value, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $11)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_STATIC T_FUNCTION returns_ref backup_doc_comment '(' parameter_list ')' lexical_vars return_type '{' inner_statement_list '}' { $$ = expr.NewClosure($6, $8, $9, $11, true, $3.value, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $12)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; backup_doc_comment: /* empty */ { $$ = yylex.(*lexer).PhpDocComment; yylex.(*lexer).PhpDocComment = "" } ; returns_ref: /* empty */ { $$ = boolWithToken{false, nil} } | '&' { $$ = boolWithToken{true, &$1} } ; lexical_vars: /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } | T_USE '(' lexical_var_list ')' { $$ = $3; } ; lexical_var_list: lexical_var_list ',' lexical_var { $$ = append($1, $3) } | lexical_var { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; lexical_var: T_VARIABLE { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = expr.NewClosureUse(variable, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '&' T_VARIABLE { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($2.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = expr.NewClosureUse(variable, true) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; function_call: name argument_list { $$ = expr.NewFunctionCall($1, $2.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $2.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM member_name argument_list { $$ = expr.NewStaticCall($1, $3, $4.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable_class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM member_name argument_list { $$ = expr.NewStaticCall($1, $3, $4.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | callable_expr argument_list { $$ = expr.NewFunctionCall($1, $2.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $2.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; class_name: T_STATIC { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | name { $$ = $1; } ; class_name_reference: class_name { $$ = $1; } | new_variable { $$ = $1; } ; exit_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | '(' optional_expr ')' { $$ = $2; } ; backticks_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = []node.Node{} } | T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE { $$ = []node.Node{scalar.NewEncapsedStringPart($1.Value)} } | encaps_list { $$ = $1; } ; ctor_arguments: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | argument_list { $$ = $1 } ; dereferencable_scalar: T_ARRAY '(' array_pair_list ')' { $$ = expr.NewArray($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '[' array_pair_list ']' { $$ = expr.NewShortArray($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING { $$ = scalar.NewString($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; scalar: T_LNUMBER { $$ = scalar.NewLnumber($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DNUMBER { $$ = scalar.NewDnumber($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_LINE { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FILE { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DIR { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_TRAIT_C { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_METHOD_C { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_FUNC_C { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NS_C { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CLASS_C { $$ = scalar.NewMagicConstant($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_START_HEREDOC T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = scalar.NewString($2.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3))/* TODO: mark as Heredoc*/ comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_START_HEREDOC T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = scalar.NewEncapsed(nil) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '"' encaps_list '"' { $$ = scalar.NewEncapsed($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_START_HEREDOC encaps_list T_END_HEREDOC { $$ = scalar.NewEncapsed($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } | constant { $$ = $1; } ; constant: name { $$ = expr.NewConstFetch($1) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodePosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM identifier { target := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(target, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = expr.NewClassConstFetch($1, target) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(target, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable_class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM identifier { target := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(target, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = expr.NewClassConstFetch($1, target) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(target, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; expr: variable { $$ = $1; } | expr_without_variable { $$ = $1; } ; optional_expr: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | expr { $$ = $1; } ; variable_class_name: dereferencable { $$ = $1; } ; dereferencable: variable { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } ; callable_expr: callable_variable { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | dereferencable_scalar { $$ = $1; } ; callable_variable: simple_variable { $$ = $1; } | dereferencable '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | constant '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | dereferencable '{' expr '}' { $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name argument_list { $$ = expr.NewMethodCall($1, $3, $4.nodes) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4.endToken)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | function_call { $$ = $1; } ; variable: callable_variable { $$ = $1; } | static_member { $$ = $1; } | dereferencable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name { $$ = expr.NewPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; simple_variable: T_VARIABLE { name := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = expr.NewVariable(name) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(name, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '$' '{' expr '}' { $$ = expr.NewVariable($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '$' simple_variable { $$ = expr.NewVariable($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; static_member: class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM simple_variable { $$ = expr.NewStaticPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | variable_class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM simple_variable { $$ = expr.NewStaticPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; new_variable: simple_variable { $$ = $1 } | new_variable '[' optional_expr ']' { $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | new_variable '{' expr '}' { $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | new_variable T_OBJECT_OPERATOR property_name { $$ = expr.NewPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | class_name T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM simple_variable { $$ = expr.NewStaticPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | new_variable T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM simple_variable { $$ = expr.NewStaticPropertyFetch($1, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } ; member_name: identifier { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '{' expr '}' { $$ = $2; } | simple_variable { $$ = $1 } ; property_name: T_STRING { $$ = node.NewIdentifier($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '{' expr '}' { $$ = $2; } | simple_variable { $$ = $1 } ; array_pair_list: non_empty_array_pair_list { if ($1[len($1)-1] == nil) { $$ = $1[:len($1)-1] } else { $$ = $1 } } ; possible_array_pair: /* empty */ { $$ = nil } | array_pair { $$ = $1; } ; non_empty_array_pair_list: non_empty_array_pair_list ',' possible_array_pair { $$ = append($1, $3) } | possible_array_pair { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } ; array_pair: expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW expr { $$ = expr.NewArrayItem($1, $3, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr { $$ = expr.NewArrayItem(nil, $1, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodePosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW '&' variable { $$ = expr.NewArrayItem($1, $4, true) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodesPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | '&' variable { $$ = expr.NewArrayItem(nil, $2, true) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | expr T_DOUBLE_ARROW T_LIST '(' array_pair_list ')' { // TODO: Cannot use list() as standalone expression list := expr.NewList($5) positions.AddPosition(list, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($3, $6)) $$ = expr.NewArrayItem($1, list, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewNodeTokenPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(list, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, comments[$1]) } | T_LIST '(' array_pair_list ')' { // TODO: Cannot use list() as standalone expression list := expr.NewList($3) positions.AddPosition(list, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) $$ = expr.NewArrayItem(nil, list, false) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments(list, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; encaps_list: encaps_list encaps_var { $$ = append($1, $2) } | encaps_list T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE { encapsed := scalar.NewEncapsedStringPart($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(encapsed, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = append($1, encapsed) comments.AddComments(encapsed, $2.Comments()) } | encaps_var { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE encaps_var { encapsed := scalar.NewEncapsedStringPart($1.Value) positions.AddPosition(encapsed, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = []node.Node{encapsed, $2} comments.AddComments(encapsed, $1.Comments()) } ; encaps_var: T_VARIABLE { name := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = expr.NewVariable(name) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(name, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_VARIABLE '[' encaps_var_offset ']' { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch(variable, $3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_VARIABLE T_OBJECT_OPERATOR T_STRING { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) fetch := node.NewIdentifier($3.Value) positions.AddPosition(fetch, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($3)) $$ = expr.NewPropertyFetch(variable, fetch) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments(fetch, $3.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES expr '}' { $$ = expr.NewVariable($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES T_STRING_VARNAME '}' { name := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(name, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = expr.NewVariable(name) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $3)) comments.AddComments(name, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES T_STRING_VARNAME '[' expr ']' '}' { identifier := node.NewIdentifier($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) variable := expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition(variable, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($2)) $$ = expr.NewArrayDimFetch(variable, $4) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $6)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $2.Comments()) comments.AddComments(variable, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_CURLY_OPEN variable '}' { $$ = $2; } ; encaps_var_offset: T_STRING { $$ = scalar.NewString($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_NUM_STRING { // TODO: add option to handle 64 bit integer if _, err := strconv.Atoi($1.Value); err == nil { $$ = scalar.NewLnumber($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) } else { $$ = scalar.NewString($1.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) } comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | '-' T_NUM_STRING { // TODO: add option to handle 64 bit integer if _, err := strconv.Atoi($2.Value); err == nil { lnumber := scalar.NewLnumber($2.Value) positions.AddPosition(lnumber, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) $$ = expr.NewUnaryMinus(lnumber) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments(lnumber, $1.Comments()) } else { $2.Value = "-"+$2.Value $$ = scalar.NewString($2.Value) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $2)) } comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_VARIABLE { identifier := node.NewIdentifier(strings.TrimLeft($1.Value, "$")) positions.AddPosition(identifier, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) $$ = expr.NewVariable(identifier) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenPosition($1)) comments.AddComments(identifier, $1.Comments()) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; internal_functions_in_yacc: T_ISSET '(' isset_variables possible_comma ')' { $$ = expr.NewIsset($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $5)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_EMPTY '(' expr ')' { $$ = expr.NewEmpty($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_INCLUDE expr { $$ = expr.NewInclude($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_INCLUDE_ONCE expr { $$ = expr.NewIncludeOnce($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_EVAL '(' expr ')' { $$ = expr.NewEval($3) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokensPosition($1, $4)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_REQUIRE expr { $$ = expr.NewRequire($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } | T_REQUIRE_ONCE expr { $$ = expr.NewRequireOnce($2) positions.AddPosition($$, positionBuilder.NewTokenNodePosition($1, $2)) comments.AddComments($$, $1.Comments()) } ; isset_variables: isset_variable { $$ = []node.Node{$1} } | isset_variables ',' isset_variable { $$ = append($1, $3) } ; isset_variable: expr { $$ = $1 } ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %%