 About this README

This README is intended to provide quick and to-the-point documentation for
technical users intending to compile parts of Guacamole themselves.

Distribution-specific packages are available from the files section of the main
project page:

Distribution-specific documentation is provided on the Guacamole wiki:


 What is libguac?

libguac is the core library for guacd (the Guacamole proxy) and any protocol
support plugins for guacd.

libguac provides efficient buffered I/O of text and base64 data, as well as
somewhat abstracted functions for sending Guacamole instructions.

 Compiling and installing libguac

Please note that distribution-specific pre-compiled packages are available from
the files section of the main project site:


libguac is built using the popular GNU Automake, and thus provides the standard
configure script.

1) Run configure

    $ ./configure

    Assuming all dependencies have been installed, this should succeed without

2) Run make

    $ make

    libguac will now compile.

3) Install (as root)

    # make install

    libguac will install to your /usr/local/lib directory by default. You can
    change the install location by using the --prefix option for configure.

    Several header files will also be installed to

    You will need to run ldconfig (as root) so that the library can be found
    when guacd is run:

    # ldconfig

 Reporting problems

Please report any bugs encountered by opening a new ticket at the Trac system
hosted at: