
1457 lines
41 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "config.h"
#include "terminal/char_mappings.h"
#include "terminal/palette.h"
#include "terminal/terminal.h"
#include "terminal/terminal_handlers.h"
#include "terminal/types.h"
#include "terminal/xparsecolor.h"
#include <guacamole/client.h>
#include <guacamole/protocol.h>
#include <guacamole/socket.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
* Response string sent when identification is requested.
#define GUAC_TERMINAL_VT102_ID "\x1B[?6c"
* Arbitrary response to ENQ control character.
* Response which indicates the terminal is alive.
#define GUAC_TERMINAL_OK "\x1B[0n"
* Advances the cursor to the next row, scrolling if the cursor would otherwise
* leave the scrolling region. If the cursor is already outside the scrolling
* region, the cursor is prevented from leaving the terminal bounds.
* @param term
* The guac_terminal whose cursor should be advanced to the next row.
static void guac_terminal_linefeed(guac_terminal* term) {
/* Scroll up if necessary */
if (term->cursor_row == term->scroll_end)
guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->scroll_start,
term->scroll_end, 1);
/* Otherwise, just advance to next row if space remains */
else if (term->cursor_row < term->term_height - 1)
* Moves the cursor backward to the previous row, scrolling if the cursor would
* otherwise leave the scrolling region. If the cursor is already outside the
* scrolling region, the cursor is prevented from leaving the terminal bounds.
* @param term
* The guac_terminal whose cursor should be moved backward by one row.
static void guac_terminal_reverse_linefeed(guac_terminal* term) {
/* Scroll down if necessary */
if (term->cursor_row == term->scroll_start)
guac_terminal_scroll_down(term, term->scroll_start,
term->scroll_end, 1);
/* Otherwise, move back one row if space remains */
else if (term->cursor_row > 0)
* Sets the position of the cursor without exceeding terminal bounds. Values
* which are out of bounds will be shifted to the nearest legal boundary.
* @param term
* The guac_terminal whose cursor position is being set.
* @param row
* The desired new row position.
* @param col
* The desired new column position.
static void guac_terminal_move_cursor(guac_terminal* term, int row, int col) {
/* Ensure cursor row is within terminal bounds */
if (row >= term->term_height)
row = term->term_height - 1;
else if (row < 0)
row = 0;
/* Ensure cursor column is within terminal bounds */
if (col >= term->term_width)
col = term->term_width - 1;
else if (col < 0)
col = 0;
/* Update cursor position */
term->cursor_row = row;
term->cursor_col = col;
int guac_terminal_echo(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
int width;
static int bytes_remaining = 0;
static int codepoint = 0;
const int* char_mapping = term->char_mapping[term->active_char_set];
/* Echo to pipe stream if open and not starting an ESC sequence */
if (term->pipe_stream != NULL && c != 0x1B) {
guac_terminal_pipe_stream_write(term, c);
/* Do not render output while pipe is open unless explicitly requested
* via flags */
if (!(term->pipe_stream_flags & GUAC_TERMINAL_PIPE_INTERPRET_OUTPUT))
return 0;
/* If using non-Unicode mapping, just map straight bytes */
if (char_mapping != NULL) {
codepoint = c;
bytes_remaining = 0;
/* 1-byte UTF-8 codepoint */
else if ((c & 0x80) == 0x00) { /* 0xxxxxxx */
codepoint = c & 0x7F;
bytes_remaining = 0;
/* 2-byte UTF-8 codepoint */
else if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { /* 110xxxxx */
codepoint = c & 0x1F;
bytes_remaining = 1;
/* 3-byte UTF-8 codepoint */
else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { /* 1110xxxx */
codepoint = c & 0x0F;
bytes_remaining = 2;
/* 4-byte UTF-8 codepoint */
else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { /* 11110xxx */
codepoint = c & 0x07;
bytes_remaining = 3;
/* Continuation of UTF-8 codepoint */
else if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) { /* 10xxxxxx */
codepoint = (codepoint << 6) | (c & 0x3F);
/* Unrecognized prefix */
else {
codepoint = '?';
bytes_remaining = 0;
/* If we need more bytes, wait for more bytes */
if (bytes_remaining != 0)
return 0;
switch (codepoint) {
/* Enquiry */
case 0x05:
guac_terminal_send_string(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_ANSWERBACK);
/* Bell */
case 0x07:
/* Backspace */
case 0x08:
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col - 1);
/* Tab */
case 0x09:
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, term->cursor_row,
guac_terminal_next_tab(term, term->cursor_col));
/* Line feed / VT / FF */
case '\n':
case 0x0B: /* VT */
case 0x0C: /* FF */
/* Advance to next row */
/* If automatic carriage return, fall through to CR handler */
if (!term->automatic_carriage_return)
/* Carriage return */
case '\r':
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, term->cursor_row, 0);
/* SO (activates character set G1) */
case 0x0E:
term->active_char_set = 1;
/* SI (activates character set G0) */
case 0x0F:
term->active_char_set = 0;
/* ESC */
case 0x1B:
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_escape;
/* CSI */
case 0x9B:
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_csi;
/* DEL (ignored) */
case 0x7F:
/* Displayable chars */
/* Don't bother handling control chars if unknown */
if (codepoint < 0x20)
/* Translate mappable codepoints to whatever codepoint is mapped */
if (codepoint >= 0x20 && codepoint <= 0xFF && char_mapping != NULL)
codepoint = char_mapping[codepoint - 0x20];
/* Wrap if necessary */
if (term->cursor_col >= term->term_width) {
term->cursor_col = 0;
/* If insert mode, shift other characters right by 1 */
if (term->insert_mode)
guac_terminal_copy_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col, term->term_width-2, 1);
/* Write character */
width = wcwidth(codepoint);
if (width < 0)
width = 1;
/* Advance cursor */
term->cursor_col += width;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_escape(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
switch (c) {
case '(':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_g0_charset;
case ')':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_g1_charset;
case ']':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_osc;
case '[':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_csi;
case '#':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_ctrl_func;
/* Save Cursor (DECSC) */
case '7':
term->saved_cursor_row = term->cursor_row;
term->saved_cursor_col = term->cursor_col;
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Restore Cursor (DECRC) */
case '8':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Index (IND) */
case 'D':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Next Line (NEL) */
case 'E':
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, term->cursor_row, 0);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Set Tab (HTS) */
case 'H':
guac_terminal_set_tab(term, term->cursor_col);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Reverse Linefeed */
case 'M':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* DEC Identify */
case 'Z':
guac_terminal_send_string(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_VT102_ID);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Reset */
case 'c':
case '_':
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_apc;
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Unhandled ESC sequence: %c", c);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
* Given a character mapping specifier (such as B, 0, U, or K),
* returns the corresponding character mapping.
static const int* __guac_terminal_get_char_mapping(char c) {
/* Translate character specifier to actual mapping */
switch (c) {
case 'B': return NULL;
case '0': return vt100_map;
case 'U': return null_map;
case 'K': return user_map;
/* Default to Unicode */
return NULL;
int guac_terminal_g0_charset(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
term->char_mapping[0] = __guac_terminal_get_char_mapping(c);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_g1_charset(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
term->char_mapping[1] = __guac_terminal_get_char_mapping(c);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
* Looks up the flag specified by the given number and mode. Used by the Set/Reset Mode
* functions of the terminal.
static bool* __guac_terminal_get_flag(guac_terminal* term, int num, char private_mode) {
if (private_mode == '?') {
switch (num) {
case 1: return &(term->application_cursor_keys); /* DECCKM */
case 25: return &(term->cursor_visible); /* DECTECM */
else if (private_mode == 0) {
switch (num) {
case 4: return &(term->insert_mode); /* DECIM */
case 20: return &(term->automatic_carriage_return); /* LF/NL */
/* Unknown flag */
return NULL;
* Parses an xterm SGR sequence specifying the RGB values of a color.
* @param argc
* The number of arguments within the argv array.
* @param argv
* The SGR arguments to parse, with the first relevant argument the
* red component of the RGB color.
* @param color
* The guac_terminal_color structure which should receive the parsed
* color values.
* @return
* The number of arguments parsed, or zero if argv does not contain
* enough elements to represent an RGB color.
static int guac_terminal_parse_xterm256_rgb(int argc, const int* argv,
guac_terminal_color* color) {
/* RGB color palette entries require three arguments */
if (argc < 3)
return 0;
/* Read RGB components from arguments */
int red = argv[0];
int green = argv[1];
int blue = argv[2];
/* Ignore if components are out of range */
if ( red < 0 || red > 255
|| green < 0 || green > 255
|| blue < 0 || blue > 255)
return 3;
/* Store RGB components */
color->red = (uint8_t) red;
color->green = (uint8_t) green;
color->blue = (uint8_t) blue;
/* Color is not from the palette */
color->palette_index = -1;
/* Done */
return 3;
* Parses an xterm SGR sequence specifying the index of a color within the
* 256-color palette.
* @param terminal
* The terminal associated with the palette.
* @param argc
* The number of arguments within the argv array.
* @param argv
* The SGR arguments to parse, with the first relevant argument being
* the index of the color.
* @param color
* The guac_terminal_color structure which should receive the parsed
* color values.
* @return
* The number of arguments parsed, or zero if the palette index is
* absent.
static int guac_terminal_parse_xterm256_index(guac_terminal* terminal,
int argc, const int* argv, guac_terminal_color* color) {
/* 256-color palette entries require only one argument */
if (argc < 1)
return 0;
/* Copy palette entry */
guac_terminal_display_lookup_color(terminal->display, argv[0], color);
/* Done */
return 1;
* Parses an xterm SGR sequence specifying the index of a color within the
* 256-color palette, or specfying the RGB values of a color. The number of
* arguments required by these sequences varies. If a 256-color sequence is
* recognized, the number of arguments parsed is returned.
* @param terminal
* The terminal whose palette state should be used when parsing the xterm
* 256-color SGR sequence.
* @param argc
* The number of arguments within the argv array.
* @param argv
* The SGR arguments to parse, with the first relevant argument being
* the first element of the array. In the case of an xterm 256-color
* SGR sequence, the first element here will be either 2, for an
* RGB color, or 5, for a 256-color palette index. All other values
* are invalid and will not be parsed.
* @param color
* The guac_terminal_color structure which should receive the parsed
* color values.
* @return
* The number of arguments parsed, or zero if argv does not point to
* the first element of an xterm 256-color SGR sequence.
static int guac_terminal_parse_xterm256(guac_terminal* terminal,
int argc, const int* argv, guac_terminal_color* color) {
/* All 256-color codes must have at least a type */
if (argc < 1)
return 0;
switch (argv[0]) {
/* RGB */
case 2:
return guac_terminal_parse_xterm256_rgb(
argc - 1, &argv[1], color) + 1;
/* Palette index */
case 5:
return guac_terminal_parse_xterm256_index(terminal,
argc - 1, &argv[1], color) + 1;
/* Invalid type */
return 0;
int guac_terminal_csi(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
/* CSI function arguments */
static int argc = 0;
static int argv[16] = {0};
/* Sequence prefix, if any */
static char private_mode_character = 0;
/* Argument building counter and buffer */
static int argv_length = 0;
static char argv_buffer[256];
/* Digits get concatenated into argv */
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
/* Concatenate digit if there is space in buffer */
if (argv_length < sizeof(argv_buffer)-1)
argv_buffer[argv_length++] = c;
/* Specific non-digits stop the parameter, and possibly the sequence */
else if ((c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x7E) || c == ';') {
int i, row, col, amount;
bool* flag;
/* At most 16 parameters */
if (argc < 16) {
/* Finish parameter */
argv_buffer[argv_length] = 0;
argv[argc++] = atoi(argv_buffer);
/* Prepare for next parameter */
argv_length = 0;
/* Handle CSI functions */
switch (c) {
/* @: Insert characters (scroll right) */
case '@':
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Scroll right by amount */
if (term->cursor_col + amount < term->term_width)
guac_terminal_copy_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col, term->term_width - amount - 1,
/* Clear left */
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col + amount - 1);
/* A: Move up */
case 'A':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor */
term->cursor_row - amount,
/* B: Move down */
case 'e':
case 'B':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor */
term->cursor_row + amount,
/* C: Move right */
case 'a':
case 'C':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor */
term->cursor_col + amount);
/* D: Move left */
case 'D':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor */
term->cursor_col - amount);
/* E: Move cursor down given number rows, column 1 */
case 'E':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor down, reset to column 1 */
term->cursor_row + amount,
/* F: Move cursor up given number rows, column 1 */
case 'F':
/* Get move amount */
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Move cursor up , reset to column 1 */
term->cursor_row - amount,
/* G: Move cursor, current row */
case '`':
case 'G':
col = argv[0]; if (col != 0) col--;
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, term->cursor_row, col);
/* H: Move cursor */
case 'f':
case 'H':
row = argv[0]; if (row != 0) row--;
col = argv[1]; if (col != 0) col--;
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, row, col);
/* J: Erase display */
case 'J':
/* Erase from cursor to end of display */
if (argv[0] == 0)
term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col,
term->term_height-1, term->term_width-1);
/* Erase from start to cursor */
else if (argv[0] == 1)
0, 0,
term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col);
/* Entire screen */
else if (argv[0] == 2 || argv[0] == 3)
0, 0, term->term_height - 1, term->term_width - 1);
/* K: Erase line */
case 'K':
/* Erase from cursor to end of line */
if (argv[0] == 0)
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col, term->term_width - 1);
/* Erase from start to cursor */
else if (argv[0] == 1)
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
0, term->cursor_col);
/* Erase line */
else if (argv[0] == 2)
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
0, term->term_width - 1);
/* L: Insert blank lines (scroll down) */
case 'L':
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
term->cursor_row, term->scroll_end, amount);
/* M: Delete lines (scroll up) */
case 'M':
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
term->cursor_row, term->scroll_end, amount);
/* P: Delete characters (scroll left) */
case 'P':
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Scroll left by amount */
if (term->cursor_col + amount < term->term_width)
guac_terminal_copy_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col + amount, term->term_width - 1,
/* Clear right */
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->term_width - amount, term->term_width - 1);
/* X: Erase characters (no scroll) */
case 'X':
amount = argv[0];
if (amount == 0) amount = 1;
/* Clear characters */
guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row,
term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col + amount - 1);
/* ]: Linux Private CSI */
case ']':
/* Explicitly ignored */
/* c: Identify */
case 'c':
if (argv[0] == 0 && private_mode_character == 0)
guac_terminal_send_string(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_VT102_ID);
/* d: Move cursor, current col */
case 'd':
row = argv[0]; if (row != 0) row--;
guac_terminal_move_cursor(term, row, term->cursor_col);
/* g: Clear tab */
case 'g':
/* Clear tab at current location */
if (argv[0] == 0)
guac_terminal_unset_tab(term, term->cursor_col);
/* Clear all tabs */
else if (argv[0] == 3)
/* h: Set Mode */
case 'h':
/* Look up flag and set */
flag = __guac_terminal_get_flag(term, argv[0], private_mode_character);
if (flag != NULL)
*flag = true;
/* l: Reset Mode */
case 'l':
/* Look up flag and clear */
flag = __guac_terminal_get_flag(term, argv[0], private_mode_character);
if (flag != NULL)
*flag = false;
/* m: Set graphics rendition */
case 'm':
for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
int value = argv[i];
/* Reset attributes */
if (value == 0)
term->current_attributes = term->default_char.attributes;
/* Bold */
else if (value == 1)
term->current_attributes.bold = true;
/* Faint (low intensity) */
else if (value == 2)
term->current_attributes.half_bright = true;
/* Underscore on */
else if (value == 4)
term->current_attributes.underscore = true;
/* Reverse video */
else if (value == 7)
term->current_attributes.reverse = true;
/* Normal intensity (not bold) */
else if (value == 21 || value == 22) {
term->current_attributes.bold = false;
term->current_attributes.half_bright = false;
/* Reset underscore */
else if (value == 24)
term->current_attributes.underscore = false;
/* Reset reverse video */
else if (value == 27)
term->current_attributes.reverse = false;
/* Foreground */
else if (value >= 30 && value <= 37)
value - 30,
/* Underscore on, default foreground OR 256-color
* foreground */
else if (value == 38) {
/* Attempt to set foreground with 256-color entry */
int xterm256_length =
argc - i - 1, &argv[i + 1],
/* If valid 256-color entry, foreground has been set */
if (xterm256_length > 0)
i += xterm256_length;
/* Otherwise interpret as underscore and default
* foreground */
else {
term->current_attributes.underscore = true;
term->current_attributes.foreground =
/* Underscore off, default foreground */
else if (value == 39) {
term->current_attributes.underscore = false;
term->current_attributes.foreground =
/* Background */
else if (value >= 40 && value <= 47)
value - 40,
/* 256-color background */
else if (value == 48)
i += guac_terminal_parse_xterm256(term,
argc - i - 1, &argv[i + 1],
/* Reset background */
else if (value == 49)
term->current_attributes.background =
/* Intense foreground */
else if (value >= 90 && value <= 97)
/* Intense background */
else if (value >= 100 && value <= 107)
/* n: Status report */
case 'n':
/* Device status report */
if (argv[0] == 5 && private_mode_character == 0)
guac_terminal_send_string(term, GUAC_TERMINAL_OK);
/* Cursor position report */
else if (argv[0] == 6 && private_mode_character == 0)
guac_terminal_sendf(term, "\x1B[%i;%iR", term->cursor_row+1, term->cursor_col+1);
/* q: Set keyboard LEDs */
case 'q':
/* Explicitly ignored */
/* r: Set scrolling region */
case 'r':
/* If parameters given, set region */
if (argc == 2) {
term->scroll_start = argv[0]-1;
term->scroll_end = argv[1]-1;
/* Otherwise, reset scrolling region */
else {
term->scroll_start = 0;
term->scroll_end = term->term_height - 1;
/* Save Cursor */
case 's':
term->saved_cursor_row = term->cursor_row;
term->saved_cursor_col = term->cursor_col;
/* Restore Cursor */
case 'u':
/* Warn of unhandled codes */
if (c != ';') {
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Unhandled CSI sequence: %c", c);
for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
" -> argv[%i] = %i", i, argv[i]);
/* If not a semicolon, end of CSI sequence */
if (c != ';') {
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Reset parameters */
for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
argv[i] = 0;
/* Reset private mode character */
private_mode_character = 0;
/* Reset argument counters */
argc = 0;
argv_length = 0;
/* Set private mode character if given and unset */
else if (c >= 0x3A && c <= 0x3F && private_mode_character == 0)
private_mode_character = c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_set_directory(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static char filename[2048];
static int length = 0;
/* Stop on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
filename[length++] = '\0';
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
if (term->upload_path_handler)
term->upload_path_handler(term->client, filename);
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Cannot set upload path. File transfer is not enabled.");
length = 0;
/* Otherwise, store character */
else if (length < sizeof(filename)-1)
filename[length++] = c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_download(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static char filename[2048];
static int length = 0;
/* Stop on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
filename[length++] = '\0';
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
if (term->file_download_handler)
term->file_download_handler(term->client, filename);
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Cannot send file. File transfer is not enabled.");
length = 0;
/* Otherwise, store character */
else if (length < sizeof(filename)-1)
filename[length++] = c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_open_pipe_stream(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static char param[2048];
static int length = 0;
static int flags = 0;
/* Open pipe on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator) */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
/* End parameter string */
param[length++] = '\0';
length = 0;
/* Open new pipe stream using final parameter as name */
guac_terminal_pipe_stream_open(term, param, flags);
/* Return to echo mode */
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Reset tracked flags for sake of any future pipe streams */
flags = 0;
/* Interpret all parameters prior to the final parameter as integer
* flags which should affect the pipe stream when opened */
else if (c == ';') {
/* End parameter string */
param[length++] = '\0';
length = 0;
/* Parse parameter string as integer flags */
flags |= atoi(param);
/* Otherwise, store character within parameter */
else if (length < sizeof(param)-1)
param[length++] = c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_close_pipe_stream(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
/* Handle closure on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator) */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
/* Close any existing pipe */
/* Return to echo mode */
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Ignore all other characters */
return 0;
int guac_terminal_set_scrollback(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static char param[16];
static int length = 0;
/* Open pipe on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator) */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
/* End parameter string */
param[length++] = '\0';
length = 0;
/* Assign scrollback size */
term->requested_scrollback = atoi(param);
/* Update scrollbar bounds */
-guac_terminal_available_scroll(term), 0);
/* Return to echo mode */
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Otherwise, store character within parameter */
else if (length < sizeof(param) - 1)
param[length++] = c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_window_title(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static int position = 0;
static char title[4096];
guac_socket* socket = term->client->socket;
/* Stop on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
/* Terminate and reset stored title */
title[position] = '\0';
position = 0;
/* Send title as connection name */
guac_protocol_send_name(socket, title);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Store all other characters within title, space permitting */
else if (position < sizeof(title) - 1)
title[position++] = (char) c;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_xterm_palette(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
* Whether we are currently reading the color spec. If false, we are
* currently reading the color index.
static bool read_color_spec = false;
* The index of the palette entry being modified.
static int index = 0;
* The color spec string, valid only if read_color_spec is true.
static char color_spec[256];
* The current position within the color spec string, valid only if
* read_color_spec is true.
static int color_spec_pos = 0;
/* If not reading the color spec, parse the index */
if (!read_color_spec) {
/* If digit, append to index */
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
index = index * 10 + c - '0';
/* If end of parameter, switch to reading the color */
else if (c == ';') {
read_color_spec = true;
color_spec_pos = 0;
/* Once the index has been parsed, read the color spec */
else {
/* Modify palette once index/spec pair has been read */
if (c == ';' || c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07) {
guac_terminal_color color;
/* Terminate color spec string */
color_spec[color_spec_pos] = '\0';
/* Modify palette if color spec is valid */
if (!guac_terminal_xparsecolor(color_spec, &color))
index, &color);
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Invalid XParseColor() color spec: \"%s\"",
/* Resume parsing index */
read_color_spec = false;
index = 0;
/* Append characters to color spec as long as available space is not
* exceeded */
else if (color_spec_pos < 255) {
color_spec[color_spec_pos++] = c;
/* Stop on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator */
if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_osc(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
static int operation = 0;
/* If digit, append to operation */
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
operation = operation * 10 + c - '0';
/* If end of parameter, check value */
else if (c == ';') {
/* Download OSC */
if (operation == 482200)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_download;
/* Set upload directory OSC */
else if (operation == 482201)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_set_directory;
/* Open and redirect output to pipe stream OSC */
else if (operation == 482202)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_open_pipe_stream;
/* Close pipe stream OSC */
else if (operation == 482203)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_close_pipe_stream;
/* Set scrollback size OSC */
else if (operation == 482204)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_set_scrollback;
/* Set window title OSC */
else if (operation == 0 || operation == 2)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_window_title;
/* xterm 256-color palette redefinition */
else if (operation == 4)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_xterm_palette;
/* Reset parameter for next OSC */
operation = 0;
/* Stop on ECMA-48 ST (String Terminator */
else if (c == 0x9C || c == 0x5C || c == 0x07)
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
/* Stop on unrecognized character */
else {
guac_client_log(term->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG,
"Unexpected character in OSC: 0x%X", c);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_ctrl_func(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
int row;
/* Build character with current attributes */
guac_terminal_char guac_char;
guac_char.value = 'E';
guac_char.attributes = term->current_attributes;
switch (c) {
/* Alignment test (fill screen with E's) */
case '8':
for (row=0; row<term->term_height; row++)
guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, 0, term->term_width-1, &guac_char);
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
return 0;
int guac_terminal_apc(guac_terminal* term, unsigned char c) {
/* xterm does not implement APC functions and neither do we. Look for the
* "ESC \" (string terminator) sequence, while ignoring other chars. */
static bool escaping = false;
if (escaping) {
if (c == '\\')
term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo;
escaping = false;
if (c == 0x1B)
escaping = true;
return 0;