
372 lines
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "config.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "cursor.h"
#include "image-stream.h"
#include "layer.h"
#include "video.h"
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <guacamole/protocol.h>
#include <guacamole/timestamp.h>
* The maximum number of buffers that the Guacamole video encoder will handle
* within a single Guacamole protocol dump.
* The maximum number of layers that the Guacamole video encoder will handle
* within a single Guacamole protocol dump.
* The maximum number of streams that the Guacamole video encoder will handle
* within a single Guacamole protocol dump.
* The current state of the Guacamole video encoder's internal display.
typedef struct guacenc_display {
* The current mouse cursor state.
guacenc_cursor* cursor;
* All currently-allocated buffers. The index of the buffer corresponds to
* its position within this array, where -1 is the 0th entry. If a buffer
* has not yet been allocated, or a buffer has been freed (due to a
* "dispose" instruction), its entry here will be NULL.
guacenc_buffer* buffers[GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_BUFFERS];
* All currently-allocated layers. The index of the layer corresponds to
* its position within this array. If a layer has not yet been allocated,
* or a layer has been freed (due to a "dispose" instruction), its entry
* here will be NULL.
guacenc_layer* layers[GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS];
* All currently-allocated image streams. The index of the stream
* corresponds to its position within this array. If a stream has not yet
* been allocated, or a stream has been freed (due to an "end"
* instruction), its entry here will be NULL.
guacenc_image_stream* image_streams[GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_STREAMS];
* The timestamp of the last sync instruction handled, or 0 if no sync has
* yet been read.
guac_timestamp last_sync;
* The video that this display is recording to.
guacenc_video* output;
} guacenc_display;
* Handles a received "sync" instruction having the given timestamp, flushing
* the current display to the in-progress video encoding.
* @param display
* The display to flush to the video encoding as a new frame.
* @param timestamp
* The timestamp of the new frame, as dictated by the "sync" instruction
* sent at the end of the frame.
* @return
* Zero if the frame was successfully written, non-zero if an error occurs.
int guacenc_display_sync(guacenc_display* display, guac_timestamp timestamp);
* Flattens the given display, rendering all child layers to the frame buffers
* of their parent layers. The frame buffer of the default layer of the display
* will thus contain the flattened, composited rendering of the entire display
* state after this function succeeds. The contents of the frame buffers of
* each layer are replaced by this function.
* @param display
* The display to flatten.
* @return
* Zero if the flatten operation succeeds, non-zero if an error occurs
* preventing proper rendering.
int guacenc_display_flatten(guacenc_display* display);
* Allocates a new Guacamole video encoder display. This display serves as the
* representation of encoding state, as well as the state of the Guacamole
* display as instructions are read and handled.
* @param path
* The full path to the file in which encoded video should be written.
* @param codec
* The name of the codec to use for the video encoding, as defined by
* ffmpeg / libavcodec.
* @param width
* The width of the desired video, in pixels.
* @param height
* The height of the desired video, in pixels.
* @param bitrate
* The desired overall bitrate of the resulting encoded video, in bits per
* second.
* @return
* The newly-allocated Guacamole video encoder display, or NULL if the
* display could not be allocated.
guacenc_display* guacenc_display_alloc(const char* path, const char* codec,
int width, int height, int bitrate);
* Frees all memory associated with the given Guacamole video encoder display,
* and finishes any underlying encoding process. If the given display is NULL,
* this function has no effect.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to free, which may be NULL.
* @return
* Zero if the encoding process completed successfully, non-zero otherwise.
int guacenc_display_free(guacenc_display* display);
* Returns the layer having the given index. A new layer will be allocated if
* necessary. If the layer having the given index already exists, it will be
* returned.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to retrieve the layer from.
* @param index
* The index of the layer to retrieve. All valid layer indices are
* non-negative.
* @return
* The layer having the given index, or NULL if the index is invalid or
* a new layer cannot be allocated.
guacenc_layer* guacenc_display_get_layer(guacenc_display* display,
int index);
* Returns the depth of a given layer in terms of parent layers. The layer
* depth is the number of layers above the given layer in hierarchy, where a
* layer without any parent (such as the default layer) has a depth of 0.
* @param layer
* The layer to check.
* @return
* The depth of the layer.
int guacenc_display_get_depth(guacenc_display* display, guacenc_layer* layer);
* Frees all resources associated with the layer having the given index. If
* the layer has not been allocated, this function has no effect.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display associated with the layer being
* freed.
* @param index
* The index of the layer to free. All valid layer indices are
* non-negative.
* @return
* Zero if the layer was successfully freed or was not allocated, non-zero
* if the layer could not be freed as the index was invalid.
int guacenc_display_free_layer(guacenc_display* display, int index);
* Returns the buffer having the given index. A new buffer will be allocated if
* necessary. If the buffer having the given index already exists, it will be
* returned.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to retrieve the buffer from.
* @param index
* The index of the buffer to retrieve. All valid buffer indices are
* negative.
* @return
* The buffer having the given index, or NULL if the index is invalid or
* a new buffer cannot be allocated.
guacenc_buffer* guacenc_display_get_buffer(guacenc_display* display,
int index);
* Frees all resources associated with the buffer having the given index. If
* the buffer has not been allocated, this function has no effect.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display associated with the buffer being
* freed.
* @param index
* The index of the buffer to free. All valid buffer indices are negative.
* @return
* Zero if the buffer was successfully freed or was not allocated, non-zero
* if the buffer could not be freed as the index was invalid.
int guacenc_display_free_buffer(guacenc_display* display, int index);
* Returns the buffer associated with the layer or buffer having the given
* index. A new buffer or layer will be allocated if necessary. If the given
* index refers to a layer (is non-negative), the buffer underlying that layer
* will be returned. If the given index refers to a buffer (is negative), that
* buffer will be returned directly.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to retrieve the buffer from.
* @param index
* The index of the buffer or layer whose associated buffer should be
* retrieved.
* @return
* The buffer associated with the buffer or layer having the given index,
* or NULL if the index is invalid.
guacenc_buffer* guacenc_display_get_related_buffer(guacenc_display* display,
int index);
* Creates a new image stream having the given index. If the stream having the
* given index already exists, it will be freed and replaced. If the mimetype
* specified is not supported, the image stream will still be allocated but
* will have no associated decoder (blobs send to that stream will have no
* effect).
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to associate with the
* newly-created image stream.
* @param index
* The index of the stream to create. All valid stream indices are
* non-negative.
* @param mask
* The Guacamole protocol compositing operation (channel mask) to apply
* when drawing the image.
* @param layer_index
* The index of the layer or buffer that the image should be drawn to.
* @param mimetype
* The mimetype of the image data that will be received along this stream.
* @param x
* The X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle within the
* destination layer or buffer that the image should be drawn to.
* @param y
* The Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle within the
* destination layer or buffer that the image should be drawn to.
* @return
* Zero if the image stream was successfully created, non-zero otherwise.
int guacenc_display_create_image_stream(guacenc_display* display, int index,
int mask, int layer_index, const char* mimetype, int x, int y);
* Returns the stream having the given index. If no such stream exists, NULL
* will be returned.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display to retrieve the image stream from.
* @param index
* The index of the stream to retrieve. All valid stream indices are
* non-negative.
* @return
* The stream having the given index, or NULL if the index is invalid or
* a no such stream exists.
guacenc_image_stream* guacenc_display_get_image_stream(
guacenc_display* display, int index);
* Frees all resources associated with the stream having the given index. If
* the stream has not been allocated, this function has no effect.
* @param display
* The Guacamole video encoder display associated with the image stream
* being freed.
* @param index
* The index of the stream to free. All valid stream indices are
* non-negative.
* @return
* Zero if the stream was successfully freed or was not allocated, non-zero
* if the stream could not be freed as the index was invalid.
int guacenc_display_free_image_stream(guacenc_display* display, int index);
* Translates the given Guacamole protocol compositing mode (channel mask) to
* the corresponding Cairo composition operator. If no such operator exists,
* CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER will be returned by default.
* @param mask
* The Guacamole protocol compositing mode (channel mask) to translate.
* @return
* The cairo_operator_t that corresponds to the given compositing mode
* (channel mask). CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER will be returned by default if no
* such operator exists.
cairo_operator_t guacenc_display_cairo_operator(guac_composite_mode mask);