/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "error.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD #include #endif /* * Error strings */ const char* __GUAC_STATUS_SUCCESS_STR = "Success"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY_STR = "Insufficient memory"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_CLOSED_STR = "Closed"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT_STR = "Timed out"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_IO_ERROR_STR = "Input/output error"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_STR = "Invalid argument"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR_STR = "Internal error"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_UNKNOWN_STATUS_STR = "UNKNOWN STATUS CODE"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NO_SPACE_STR = "Insufficient space"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_INPUT_TOO_LARGE_STR = "Input too large"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_RESULT_TOO_LARGE_STR = "Result too large"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED_STR = "Permission denied"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_BUSY_STR = "Resource busy"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR = "Resource not available"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_STR = "Not supported"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_INPLEMENTED_STR = "Not implemented"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_TRY_AGAIN_STR = "Temporary failure"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR_STR = "Protocol violation"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND_STR = "Not found"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_CANCELED_STR = "Canceled"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_STR = "Value out of range"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_REFUSED_STR = "Operation refused"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_TOO_MANY_STR = "Insufficient resources"; const char* __GUAC_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK_STR = "Operation would block"; const char* guac_status_string(guac_status status) { switch (status) { /* No error */ case GUAC_STATUS_SUCCESS: return __GUAC_STATUS_SUCCESS_STR; /* Out of memory */ case GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY: return __GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY_STR; /* End of stream */ case GUAC_STATUS_CLOSED: return __GUAC_STATUS_CLOSED_STR; /* Timeout */ case GUAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT: return __GUAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT_STR; /* Further information in errno */ case GUAC_STATUS_SEE_ERRNO: return strerror(errno); /* Input/output error */ case GUAC_STATUS_IO_ERROR: return __GUAC_STATUS_IO_ERROR_STR; /* Invalid argument */ case GUAC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT: return __GUAC_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT_STR; /* Internal error */ case GUAC_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR: return __GUAC_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR_STR; /* Out of space */ case GUAC_STATUS_NO_SPACE: return __GUAC_STATUS_NO_SPACE_STR; /* Input too large */ case GUAC_STATUS_INPUT_TOO_LARGE: return __GUAC_STATUS_INPUT_TOO_LARGE_STR; /* Result too large */ case GUAC_STATUS_RESULT_TOO_LARGE: return __GUAC_STATUS_RESULT_TOO_LARGE_STR; /* Permission denied */ case GUAC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED: return __GUAC_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED_STR; /* Resource is busy */ case GUAC_STATUS_BUSY: return __GUAC_STATUS_BUSY_STR; /* Resource not available */ case GUAC_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE: return __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR; /* Not supported */ case GUAC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: return __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED_STR; /* Not implemented */ case GUAC_STATUS_NOT_INPLEMENTED: return __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_INPLEMENTED_STR; /* Temporary failure */ case GUAC_STATUS_TRY_AGAIN: return __GUAC_STATUS_TRY_AGAIN_STR; /* Guacamole protocol error */ case GUAC_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR: return __GUAC_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR_STR; /* Resource not found */ case GUAC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: return __GUAC_STATUS_NOT_FOUND_STR; /* Operation canceled */ case GUAC_STATUS_CANCELED: return __GUAC_STATUS_CANCELED_STR; /* Value out of range */ case GUAC_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE: return __GUAC_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE_STR; /* Operation refused */ case GUAC_STATUS_REFUSED: return __GUAC_STATUS_REFUSED_STR; /* Too many resource in use */ case GUAC_STATUS_TOO_MANY: return __GUAC_STATUS_TOO_MANY_STR; /* Operation would block */ case GUAC_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK: return __GUAC_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK_STR; /* Unknown status code */ default: return __GUAC_STATUS_UNKNOWN_STATUS_STR; } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD /* PThread implementation of __guac_error */ static pthread_key_t __guac_error_key; static pthread_once_t __guac_error_key_init = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static pthread_key_t __guac_error_message_key; static pthread_once_t __guac_error_message_key_init = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static void __guac_free_pointer(void* pointer) { /* Free memory allocated to status variable */ free(pointer); } static void __guac_alloc_error_key() { /* Create key, destroy any allocated variable on thread exit */ pthread_key_create(&__guac_error_key, __guac_free_pointer); } static void __guac_alloc_error_message_key() { /* Create key, destroy any allocated variable on thread exit */ pthread_key_create(&__guac_error_message_key, __guac_free_pointer); } guac_status* __guac_error() { /* Pointer for thread-local data */ guac_status* status; /* Init error key, if not already initialized */ pthread_once(&__guac_error_key_init, __guac_alloc_error_key); /* Retrieve thread-local status variable */ status = (guac_status*) pthread_getspecific(__guac_error_key); /* Allocate thread-local status variable if not already allocated */ if (status == NULL) { status = malloc(sizeof(guac_status)); pthread_setspecific(__guac_error_key, status); } return status; } const char** __guac_error_message() { /* Pointer for thread-local data */ const char** message; /* Init error message key, if not already initialized */ pthread_once( &__guac_error_message_key_init, __guac_alloc_error_message_key ); /* Retrieve thread-local message variable */ message = (const char**) pthread_getspecific(__guac_error_message_key); /* Allocate thread-local message variable if not already allocated */ if (message == NULL) { message = malloc(sizeof(const char*)); pthread_setspecific(__guac_error_message_key, message); } return message; } #else /* Default (not-threadsafe) implementation */ static guac_status __guac_error_unsafe_storage; static const char** __guac_error_message_unsafe_storage; guac_status* __guac_error() { return &__guac_error_unsafe_storage; } const char** __guac_error_message() { return &__guac_error_message_unsafe_storage; } /* Warn about threadsafety */ #warn No threadsafe implementation of __guac_error exists for your platform, so a default non-threadsafe implementation has been used instead. This may lead to incorrect status codes being reported for failures. Please consider adding support for your platform, or filing a bug report with the Guacamole project. #endif