/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is libguac-client-ssh. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Michael Jumper. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include "common.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "terminal_handlers.h" int guac_terminal_echo(guac_terminal* term, char c) { static int bytes_remaining = 0; static int codepoint = 0; /* 1-byte UTF-8 codepoint */ if ((c & 0x80) == 0x00) { /* 0xxxxxxx */ codepoint = c & 0x7F; bytes_remaining = 0; } /* 2-byte UTF-8 codepoint */ else if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { /* 110xxxxx */ codepoint = c & 0x1F; bytes_remaining = 1; } /* 3-byte UTF-8 codepoint */ else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { /* 1110xxxx */ codepoint = c & 0x0F; bytes_remaining = 2; } /* 4-byte UTF-8 codepoint */ else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { /* 11110xxx */ codepoint = c & 0x07; bytes_remaining = 3; } /* Continuation of UTF-8 codepoint */ else if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) { /* 10xxxxxx */ codepoint = (codepoint << 6) | (c & 0x3F); bytes_remaining--; } /* Unrecognized prefix */ else { codepoint = '?'; bytes_remaining = 0; } /* If we need more bytes, wait for more bytes */ if (bytes_remaining != 0) return 0; switch (codepoint) { /* Bell */ case 0x07: break; /* Backspace */ case 0x08: if (term->cursor_col >= 1) term->cursor_col--; break; /* Carriage return */ case '\r': term->cursor_col = 0; break; /* Line feed / VT / FF */ case '\n': case 0x0B: /* VT */ case 0x0C: /* FF */ term->cursor_row++; /* Scroll up if necessary */ if (term->cursor_row > term->scroll_end) { term->cursor_row = term->scroll_end; /* Scroll up by one row */ guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->scroll_start, term->scroll_end, 1); } break; /* ESC */ case 0x1B: term->char_handler = guac_terminal_escape; break; /* CSI */ case 0x9B: term->char_handler = guac_terminal_csi; break; /* DEL (ignored) */ case 0x7F: break; /* Displayable chars */ default: /* Wrap if necessary */ if (term->cursor_col >= term->term_width) { term->cursor_col = 0; term->cursor_row++; } /* Scroll up if necessary */ if (term->cursor_row > term->scroll_end) { term->cursor_row = term->scroll_end; /* Scroll up by one row */ guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->scroll_start, term->scroll_end, 1); } /* Write character */ guac_terminal_set(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, codepoint); /* Advance cursor */ term->cursor_col++; } return 0; } int guac_terminal_escape(guac_terminal* term, char c) { switch (c) { case '(': term->char_handler = guac_terminal_charset; break; case ']': term->char_handler = guac_terminal_osc; break; case '[': term->char_handler = guac_terminal_csi; break; /* Save Cursor (DECSC) */ case '7': term->saved_cursor_row = term->cursor_row; term->saved_cursor_col = term->cursor_col; term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; break; /* Restore Cursor (DECRC) */ case '8': term->cursor_row = term->saved_cursor_row; if (term->cursor_row >= term->term_height) term->cursor_row = term->term_height - 1; term->cursor_col = term->saved_cursor_col; if (term->cursor_col >= term->term_width) term->cursor_col = term->term_width - 1; term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; break; /* Index (IND) */ case 'D': term->cursor_row++; /* Scroll up if necessary */ if (term->cursor_row > term->scroll_end) { term->cursor_row = term->scroll_end; /* Scroll up by one row */ guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->scroll_start, term->scroll_end, 1); } term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; break; /* Next Line (NEL) */ case 'E': term->cursor_col = 0; term->cursor_row++; /* Scroll up if necessary */ if (term->cursor_row > term->scroll_end) { term->cursor_row = term->scroll_end; /* Scroll up by one row */ guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->scroll_start, term->scroll_end, 1); } term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; break; /* Reverse Linefeed */ case 'M': term->cursor_row--; /* Scroll down if necessary */ if (term->cursor_row < term->scroll_start) { term->cursor_row = term->scroll_start; /* Scroll down by one row */ guac_terminal_scroll_down(term, term->scroll_start, term->scroll_end, 1); } term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; break; default: guac_client_log_info(term->client, "Unhandled ESC sequence: %c", c); term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; } return 0; } int guac_terminal_charset(guac_terminal* term, char c) { term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; return 0; } int guac_terminal_csi(guac_terminal* term, char c) { /* CSI function arguments */ static int argc = 0; static int argv[16] = {0}; /* Argument building counter and buffer */ static int argv_length = 0; static char argv_buffer[256]; /* "The sequence of parameters may be preceded by a single question mark." */ if (c == '?') return 0; /* Digits get concatenated into argv */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { /* Concatenate digit if there is space in buffer */ if (argv_length < sizeof(argv_buffer)-1) argv_buffer[argv_length++] = c; } /* Any non-digit stops the parameter, and possibly the sequence */ else { int i, row, col, amount; /* At most 16 parameters */ if (argc < 16) { /* Finish parameter */ argv_buffer[argv_length] = 0; argv[argc++] = atoi(argv_buffer); /* Prepare for next parameter */ argv_length = 0; } /* Handle CSI functions */ switch (c) { /* @: Insert characters (scroll right) */ case '@': amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Scroll right by amount */ if (term->cursor_col + amount < term->term_width) guac_terminal_copy_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, term->term_width - amount - 1, amount); /* Clear left */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col + amount - 1); break; /* A: Move up */ case 'A': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_row -= amount; if (term->cursor_row < 0) term->cursor_row = 0; break; /* B: Move down */ case 'B': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_row += amount; if (term->cursor_row >= term->term_height) term->cursor_row = term->term_height - 1; break; /* C: Move right */ case 'C': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_col += amount; if (term->cursor_col >= term->term_width) term->cursor_col = term->term_width - 1; break; /* D: Move left */ case 'D': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_col -= amount; if (term->cursor_col < 0) term->cursor_col = 0; break; /* E: Move cursor down given number rows, column 1 */ case 'E': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_row += amount; if (term->cursor_row >= term->term_height) term->cursor_row = term->term_height - 1; /* Reset to column 1 */ term->cursor_col = 0; break; /* F: Move cursor up given number rows, column 1 */ case 'F': /* Get move amount */ amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Move cursor */ term->cursor_row -= amount; if (term->cursor_row < 0) term->cursor_row = 0; /* Reset to column 1 */ term->cursor_col = 0; break; /* G: Move cursor, current row */ case 'G': col = argv[0]; if (col != 0) col--; term->cursor_col = col; break; /* H: Move cursor */ case 'H': row = argv[0]; if (row != 0) row--; col = argv[1]; if (col != 0) col--; term->cursor_row = row; term->cursor_col = col; break; /* J: Erase display */ case 'J': /* Erase from cursor to end of display */ if (argv[0] == 0) guac_terminal_clear_range(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, term->term_height-1, term->term_width-1); /* Erase from start to cursor */ else if (argv[0] == 1) guac_terminal_clear_range(term, 0, 0, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col); /* Entire screen */ else if (argv[0] == 2) guac_terminal_clear_range(term, 0, 0, term->term_height - 1, term->term_width - 1); break; /* K: Erase line */ case 'K': /* Erase from cursor to end of line */ if (argv[0] == 0) guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, term->term_width - 1); /* Erase from start to cursor */ else if (argv[0] == 1) guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, 0, term->cursor_col); /* Erase line */ else if (argv[0] == 2) guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, 0, term->term_width - 1); break; /* L: Insert blank lines (scroll down) */ case 'L': amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; guac_terminal_scroll_down(term, term->cursor_row, term->scroll_end, amount); break; /* M: Delete lines (scroll up) */ case 'M': amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; guac_terminal_scroll_up(term, term->cursor_row, term->scroll_end, amount); break; /* P: Delete characters (scroll left) */ case 'P': amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Scroll left by amount */ if (term->cursor_col + amount < term->term_width) guac_terminal_copy_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col + amount, term->term_width - 1, -amount); /* Clear right */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->term_width - amount, term->term_width - 1); break; /* X: Erase characters (no scroll) */ case 'X': amount = argv[0]; if (amount == 0) amount = 1; /* Clear characters */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col + amount - 1); break; /* c: Identify */ case 'c': guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], "\x1B[?6c", 5); break; /* d: Move cursor, current col */ case 'd': row = argv[0]; if (row != 0) row--; term->cursor_row = row; break; /* m: Set graphics rendition */ case 'm': for (i=0; icurrent_attributes = term->default_char.attributes; /* Bold */ else if (value == 1) term->current_attributes.bold = true; /* Underscore on */ else if (value == 4) term->current_attributes.underscore = true; /* Foreground */ else if (value >= 30 && value <= 37) term->current_attributes.foreground = value - 30; /* Background */ else if (value >= 40 && value <= 47) term->current_attributes.background = value - 40; /* Underscore on, default foreground */ else if (value == 38) { term->current_attributes.underscore = true; term->current_attributes.foreground = term->default_char.attributes.foreground; } /* Underscore off, default foreground */ else if (value == 39) { term->current_attributes.underscore = false; term->current_attributes.foreground = term->default_char.attributes.foreground; } /* Reset background */ else if (value == 49) term->current_attributes.background = term->default_char.attributes.background; /* Reverse video */ else if (value == 7) term->current_attributes.reverse = true; /* Reset underscore */ else if (value == 24) term->current_attributes.underscore = false; /* Reset reverse video */ else if (value == 27) term->current_attributes.reverse = false; else guac_client_log_info(term->client, "Unhandled graphics rendition: %i", value); } break; /* r: Set scrolling region */ case 'r': /* If parameters given, set region */ if (argc == 2) { term->scroll_start = argv[0]-1; term->scroll_end = argv[1]-1; } /* Otherwise, reset scrolling region */ else { term->scroll_start = 0; term->scroll_end = term->term_height - 1; } break; /* Warn of unhandled codes */ default: if (c != ';') { guac_client_log_info(term->client, "Unhandled CSI sequence: %c", c); for (i=0; iclient, " -> argv[%i] = %i", i, argv[i]); } } /* If not a semicolon, end of CSI sequence */ if (c != ';') { term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; /* Reset parameters */ for (i=0; ichar_handler = guac_terminal_echo; return 0; }