/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "client.h" #include "guac_handlers.h" #include "guac_list.h" #include "guac_surface.h" #include "rdp_cliprdr.h" #include "rdp_keymap.h" #include "rdp_rail.h" #include "rdp_stream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_WINPR #include #else #include "compat/winpr-wtypes.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_FREERDP_CLIENT_CLIPRDR_H #include #else #include "compat/client-cliprdr.h" #endif #ifdef LEGACY_FREERDP #include "compat/rail.h" #endif void __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(guac_client* client, const int* keysym_string, int from, int to); int __guac_rdp_send_keysym(guac_client* client, int keysym, int pressed); int rdp_guac_client_free_handler(guac_client* client) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; freerdp* rdp_inst = guac_client_data->rdp_inst; rdpChannels* channels = rdp_inst->context->channels; /* Clean up RDP client */ freerdp_channels_close(channels, rdp_inst); freerdp_channels_free(channels); freerdp_disconnect(rdp_inst); freerdp_clrconv_free(((rdp_freerdp_context*) rdp_inst->context)->clrconv); cache_free(rdp_inst->context->cache); freerdp_free(rdp_inst); /* Clean up filesystem, if allocated */ if (guac_client_data->filesystem != NULL) guac_rdp_fs_free(guac_client_data->filesystem); /* Free SVC list */ guac_common_list_free(guac_client_data->available_svc); /* Free client data */ guac_common_clipboard_free(guac_client_data->clipboard); guac_common_surface_free(guac_client_data->default_surface); free(guac_client_data); return 0; } static int rdp_guac_client_wait_for_messages(guac_client* client, int timeout_usecs) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; freerdp* rdp_inst = guac_client_data->rdp_inst; rdpChannels* channels = rdp_inst->context->channels; int result; int index; int max_fd, fd; void* read_fds[32]; void* write_fds[32]; int read_count = 0; int write_count = 0; fd_set rfds, wfds; struct timeval timeout = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = timeout_usecs }; /* Get RDP fds */ if (!freerdp_get_fds(rdp_inst, read_fds, &read_count, write_fds, &write_count)) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to read RDP file descriptors."); return -1; } /* Get channel fds */ if (!freerdp_channels_get_fds(channels, rdp_inst, read_fds, &read_count, write_fds, &write_count)) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to read RDP channel file descriptors."); return -1; } /* Construct read fd_set */ max_fd = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); for (index = 0; index < read_count; index++) { fd = (int)(long) (read_fds[index]); if (fd > max_fd) max_fd = fd; FD_SET(fd, &rfds); } /* Construct write fd_set */ FD_ZERO(&wfds); for (index = 0; index < write_count; index++) { fd = (int)(long) (write_fds[index]); if (fd > max_fd) max_fd = fd; FD_SET(fd, &wfds); } /* If no file descriptors, error */ if (max_fd == 0) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "No file descriptors associated with RDP connection."); return -1; } /* Wait for all RDP file descriptors */ result = select(max_fd + 1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, &timeout); if (result < 0) { /* If error ignorable, pretend timout occurred */ if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EINTR) return 0; /* Otherwise, return as error */ guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Error waiting for file descriptor."); return -1; } /* Return wait result */ return result; } int rdp_guac_client_handle_messages(guac_client* client) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; freerdp* rdp_inst = guac_client_data->rdp_inst; rdpChannels* channels = rdp_inst->context->channels; wMessage* event; /* Wait for messages */ int wait_result = rdp_guac_client_wait_for_messages(client, 250000); guac_timestamp frame_start = guac_timestamp_current(); while (wait_result > 0) { guac_timestamp frame_end; int frame_remaining; pthread_mutex_lock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); /* Check the libfreerdp fds */ if (!freerdp_check_fds(rdp_inst)) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_STATE; guac_error_message = "Error handling RDP file descriptors"; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); return 1; } /* Check channel fds */ if (!freerdp_channels_check_fds(channels, rdp_inst)) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_STATE; guac_error_message = "Error handling RDP channel file descriptors"; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); return 1; } /* Check for channel events */ event = freerdp_channels_pop_event(channels); if (event) { /* Handle channel events (clipboard and RAIL) */ #ifdef LEGACY_EVENT if (event->event_class == CliprdrChannel_Class) guac_rdp_process_cliprdr_event(client, event); else if (event->event_class == RailChannel_Class) guac_rdp_process_rail_event(client, event); #else if (GetMessageClass(event->id) == CliprdrChannel_Class) guac_rdp_process_cliprdr_event(client, event); else if (GetMessageClass(event->id) == RailChannel_Class) guac_rdp_process_rail_event(client, event); #endif freerdp_event_free(event); } /* Handle RDP disconnect */ if (freerdp_shall_disconnect(rdp_inst)) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_INPUT; guac_error_message = "RDP server closed connection"; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); return 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); /* Calculate time remaining in frame */ frame_end = guac_timestamp_current(); frame_remaining = frame_start + GUAC_RDP_FRAME_DURATION - frame_end; /* Wait again if frame remaining */ if (frame_remaining > 0) wait_result = rdp_guac_client_wait_for_messages(client, GUAC_RDP_FRAME_TIMEOUT*1000); else break; } /* If an error occurred, fail */ if (wait_result < 0) return 1; /* Success */ guac_common_surface_flush(guac_client_data->default_surface); return 0; } int rdp_guac_client_mouse_handler(guac_client* client, int x, int y, int mask) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; freerdp* rdp_inst = guac_client_data->rdp_inst; pthread_mutex_lock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); /* If button mask unchanged, just send move event */ if (mask == guac_client_data->mouse_button_mask) rdp_inst->input->MouseEvent(rdp_inst->input, PTR_FLAGS_MOVE, x, y); /* Otherwise, send events describing button change */ else { /* Mouse buttons which have JUST become released */ int released_mask = guac_client_data->mouse_button_mask & ~mask; /* Mouse buttons which have JUST become pressed */ int pressed_mask = ~guac_client_data->mouse_button_mask & mask; /* Release event */ if (released_mask & 0x07) { /* Calculate flags */ int flags = 0; if (released_mask & 0x01) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1; if (released_mask & 0x02) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3; if (released_mask & 0x04) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2; rdp_inst->input->MouseEvent(rdp_inst->input, flags, x, y); } /* Press event */ if (pressed_mask & 0x07) { /* Calculate flags */ int flags = PTR_FLAGS_DOWN; if (pressed_mask & 0x01) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON1; if (pressed_mask & 0x02) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON3; if (pressed_mask & 0x04) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_BUTTON2; if (pressed_mask & 0x08) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | 0x78; if (pressed_mask & 0x10) flags |= PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE | 0x88; /* Send event */ rdp_inst->input->MouseEvent(rdp_inst->input, flags, x, y); } /* Scroll event */ if (pressed_mask & 0x18) { /* Down */ if (pressed_mask & 0x08) rdp_inst->input->MouseEvent( rdp_inst->input, PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | 0x78, x, y); /* Up */ if (pressed_mask & 0x10) rdp_inst->input->MouseEvent( rdp_inst->input, PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL | PTR_FLAGS_WHEEL_NEGATIVE | 0x88, x, y); } guac_client_data->mouse_button_mask = mask; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); return 0; } int __guac_rdp_send_keysym(guac_client* client, int keysym, int pressed) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; freerdp* rdp_inst = guac_client_data->rdp_inst; /* If keysym can be in lookup table */ if (GUAC_RDP_KEYSYM_STORABLE(keysym)) { int pressed_flags; /* Look up scancode mapping */ const guac_rdp_keysym_desc* keysym_desc = &GUAC_RDP_KEYSYM_LOOKUP(guac_client_data->keymap, keysym); /* If defined, send event */ if (keysym_desc->scancode != 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); /* If defined, send any prerequesite keys that must be set */ if (keysym_desc->set_keysyms != NULL) __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(client, keysym_desc->set_keysyms, 0, 1); /* If defined, release any keys that must be cleared */ if (keysym_desc->clear_keysyms != NULL) __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(client, keysym_desc->clear_keysyms, 1, 0); /* Determine proper event flag for pressed state */ if (pressed) pressed_flags = KBD_FLAGS_DOWN; else pressed_flags = KBD_FLAGS_RELEASE; /* Send actual key */ rdp_inst->input->KeyboardEvent(rdp_inst->input, keysym_desc->flags | pressed_flags, keysym_desc->scancode); /* If defined, release any keys that were originally released */ if (keysym_desc->set_keysyms != NULL) __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(client, keysym_desc->set_keysyms, 0, 0); /* If defined, send any keys that were originally set */ if (keysym_desc->clear_keysyms != NULL) __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(client, keysym_desc->clear_keysyms, 1, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); return 0; } } /* Fall back to unicode events if undefined inside current keymap */ /* Only send when key pressed - Unicode events do not have * DOWN/RELEASE flags */ if (pressed) { /* Translate keysym into codepoint */ int codepoint; if (keysym <= 0xFF) codepoint = keysym; else if (keysym >= 0x1000000) codepoint = keysym & 0xFFFFFF; else { guac_client_log_info(client, "Unmapped keysym has no equivalent unicode " "value: 0x%x", keysym); return 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); /* Send Unicode event */ rdp_inst->input->UnicodeKeyboardEvent( rdp_inst->input, 0, codepoint); pthread_mutex_unlock(&(guac_client_data->rdp_lock)); } return 0; } void __guac_rdp_update_keysyms(guac_client* client, const int* keysym_string, int from, int to) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; int keysym; /* Send all keysyms in string, NULL terminated */ while ((keysym = *keysym_string) != 0) { /* Get current keysym state */ int current_state = GUAC_RDP_KEYSYM_LOOKUP(guac_client_data->keysym_state, keysym); /* If key is currently in given state, send event for changing it to specified "to" state */ if (current_state == from) __guac_rdp_send_keysym(client, *keysym_string, to); /* Next keysym */ keysym_string++; } } int rdp_guac_client_key_handler(guac_client* client, int keysym, int pressed) { rdp_guac_client_data* guac_client_data = (rdp_guac_client_data*) client->data; /* Update keysym state */ if (GUAC_RDP_KEYSYM_STORABLE(keysym)) GUAC_RDP_KEYSYM_LOOKUP(guac_client_data->keysym_state, keysym) = pressed; return __guac_rdp_send_keysym(client, keysym, pressed); }