------------------------------------------------------------ Contributing to Guacamole ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for contributing to the Guacamole project! There are certain procedures that must be followed for all contributions. These procedures are necessary to allow us to allocate resources for reviewing and testing your contribution, as well as to ensure we have your legal authorization to include your contribution in Guacamole. 1) Create an issue in our JIRA All changes to Guacamole must have corresponding issues in JIRA so the change can be properly tracked: http://glyptodon.org/jira/ If you do not already have an account on our JIRA, you will need to create one before creating your new issue. 2) Make and test your changes locally The Guacamole source is maintained in git repositories hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/glyptodon/guacamole-client https://github.com/glyptodon/guacamole-server To make your changes, fork the applicable repositories and make commits to a topic branch in your fork. Commits should be made in logical units and must reference the JIRA issue number: $ git commit -m "GUAC-123: Message describing the specific changes made." Avoid commits which cover multiple, distinct goals that could (and should) be handled separately. If you do not already have an account on GitHub, you will need to create one before making your changes. 3) Sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) All contributors to the Guacamole project must have signed CLAs on file before we can merge their contributions: http://glyptodon.org/cla.html This is necessary to ensure we have the legal right to include your code in our repositories, that we can continue to distribute that code under the MIT license, and that you have the legal right to give us that code. If you create a pull request without first signing the CLA, you will be asked to do so before the pull request is reviewed. 4) Submit your changes via a pull request on GitHub Once your changes are ready, submit them by creating a pull request for the corresponding topic branch you created when you began working on your changes. The Guacamole team will then review your changes and, if they pass review and we have your CLA on file, your changes will be allocated to a sprint for final testing and merge, and your name will be added to the list of contributors for whichever repositories contain your contributions.