/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "client.h" #include "guac_handlers.h" #include "telnet_client.h" #include "terminal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const telnet_telopt_t __telnet_options[] = { { TELNET_TELOPT_ECHO, TELNET_WONT, TELNET_DONT }, { TELNET_TELOPT_TTYPE, TELNET_WILL, TELNET_DONT }, { TELNET_TELOPT_COMPRESS2, TELNET_WONT, TELNET_DO }, { TELNET_TELOPT_MSSP, TELNET_WONT, TELNET_DO }, { TELNET_TELOPT_NAWS, TELNET_WILL, TELNET_DONT }, { -1, 0, 0 } }; static int __guac_telnet_write_all(int fd, const char* buffer, int size) { int remaining = size; while (remaining > 0) { /* Attempt to write data */ int ret_val = write(fd, buffer, remaining); if (ret_val <= 0) return -1; /* If successful, contine with what data remains (if any) */ remaining -= ret_val; buffer += ret_val; } return size; } static void __guac_telnet_event_handler(telnet_t* telnet, telnet_event_t* event, void* data) { guac_client* client = (guac_client*) data; guac_telnet_client_data* client_data = (guac_telnet_client_data*) client->data; switch (event->type) { /* User input received */ case TELNET_EV_DATA: guac_terminal_write_stdout(client_data->term, event->data.buffer, event->data.size); break; /* Data destined for remote end */ case TELNET_EV_SEND: if (__guac_telnet_write_all(client_data->socket_fd, event->data.buffer, event->data.size) != event->data.size) guac_client_stop(client); break; /* Feature enable */ case TELNET_EV_DO: if (event->neg.telopt == TELNET_TELOPT_NAWS) { client_data->naws_enabled = 1; guac_telnet_send_naws(telnet, client_data->term->term_width, client_data->term->term_height); } break; /* Terminal type request */ case TELNET_EV_TTYPE: if (event->ttype.cmd == TELNET_TTYPE_SEND) telnet_ttype_is(client_data->telnet, "linux"); break; /* Connection warnings */ case TELNET_EV_WARNING: guac_client_log_info(client, "%s", event->error.msg); break; /* Connection errors */ case TELNET_EV_ERROR: guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_UPSTREAM_ERROR, "Telnet connection closing with error: %s", event->error.msg); break; /* Ignore other events */ default: break; } } static void* __guac_telnet_input_thread(void* data) { guac_client* client = (guac_client*) data; guac_telnet_client_data* client_data = (guac_telnet_client_data*) client->data; char buffer[8192]; int bytes_read; /* Write all data read */ while ((bytes_read = guac_terminal_read_stdin(client_data->term, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) telnet_send(client_data->telnet, buffer, bytes_read); return NULL; } static telnet_t* __guac_telnet_create_session(guac_client* client) { int retval; int fd; struct addrinfo* addresses; struct addrinfo* current_address; char connected_address[1024]; char connected_port[64]; guac_telnet_client_data* client_data = (guac_telnet_client_data*) client->data; struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM, .ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP }; /* Get socket */ fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); /* Get addresses connection */ if ((retval = getaddrinfo(client_data->hostname, client_data->port, &hints, &addresses))) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Error parsing given address or port: %s", gai_strerror(retval)); return NULL; } /* Attempt connection to each address until success */ current_address = addresses; while (current_address != NULL) { int retval; /* Resolve hostname */ if ((retval = getnameinfo(current_address->ai_addr, current_address->ai_addrlen, connected_address, sizeof(connected_address), connected_port, sizeof(connected_port), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV))) guac_client_log_info(client, "Unable to resolve host: %s", gai_strerror(retval)); /* Connect */ if (connect(fd, current_address->ai_addr, current_address->ai_addrlen) == 0) { guac_client_log_info(client, "Successfully connected to " "host %s, port %s", connected_address, connected_port); /* Done if successful connect */ break; } /* Otherwise log information regarding bind failure */ else guac_client_log_info(client, "Unable to connect to " "host %s, port %s: %s", connected_address, connected_port, strerror(errno)); current_address = current_address->ai_next; } /* If unable to connect to anything, fail */ if (current_address == NULL) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_UPSTREAM_ERROR, "Unable to connect to any addresses."); return NULL; } /* Free addrinfo */ freeaddrinfo(addresses); /* Open telnet session */ telnet_t* telnet = telnet_init(__telnet_options, __guac_telnet_event_handler, 0, client); if (telnet == NULL) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Telnet client allocation failed."); return NULL; } /* Save file descriptor */ client_data->socket_fd = fd; return telnet; } static void __guac_telnet_send_uint16(telnet_t* telnet, uint16_t value) { unsigned char buffer[2]; buffer[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[1] = value & 0xFF; telnet_send(telnet, (char*) buffer, 2); } void guac_telnet_send_naws(telnet_t* telnet, uint16_t width, uint16_t height) { telnet_begin_sb(telnet, TELNET_TELOPT_NAWS); __guac_telnet_send_uint16(telnet, width); __guac_telnet_send_uint16(telnet, height); telnet_finish_sb(telnet); } void* guac_telnet_client_thread(void* data) { guac_client* client = (guac_client*) data; guac_telnet_client_data* client_data = (guac_telnet_client_data*) client->data; pthread_t input_thread; char buffer[8192]; int bytes_read; /* Open telnet session */ client_data->telnet = __guac_telnet_create_session(client); if (client_data->telnet == NULL) { /* Already aborted within __guac_telnet_create_session() */ return NULL; } /* Logged in */ guac_client_log_info(client, "Telnet connection successful."); /* Start input thread */ if (pthread_create(&(input_thread), NULL, __guac_telnet_input_thread, (void*) client)) { guac_client_abort(client, GUAC_PROTOCOL_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to start input thread"); return NULL; } /* While data available, write to terminal */ while ((bytes_read = read(client_data->socket_fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) telnet_recv(client_data->telnet, buffer, bytes_read); /* Kill client and Wait for input thread to die */ guac_client_stop(client); pthread_join(input_thread, NULL); guac_client_log_info(client, "Telnet connection ended."); return NULL; }