/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "rdp_fs.h" #include "rdp_status.h" #include "rdp_stream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include guac_rdp_fs* guac_rdp_fs_alloc(guac_client* client, const char* drive_path, int create_drive_path) { /* Create drive path if it does not exist */ if (create_drive_path) { guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Creating directory \"%s\".", __func__, drive_path); if (mkdir(drive_path, S_IRWXU)) { if (errno != EEXIST) { guac_client_log(client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); } } } guac_rdp_fs* fs = malloc(sizeof(guac_rdp_fs)); fs->client = client; fs->object = guac_client_alloc_object(client); fs->object->get_handler = guac_rdp_download_get_handler; fs->object->put_handler = guac_rdp_upload_put_handler; fs->drive_path = strdup(drive_path); fs->file_id_pool = guac_pool_alloc(0); fs->open_files = 0; return fs; } void guac_rdp_fs_free(guac_rdp_fs* fs) { guac_client_free_object(fs->client, fs->object); guac_pool_free(fs->file_id_pool); free(fs->drive_path); free(fs); } /** * Translates an absolute Windows virtual_path to an absolute virtual_path * which is within the "drive virtual_path" specified in the connection * settings. */ static void __guac_rdp_fs_translate_path(guac_rdp_fs* fs, const char* virtual_path, char* real_path) { /* Get drive path */ char* drive_path = fs->drive_path; int i; /* Start with path from settings */ for (i=0; iclient, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: path=\"%s\", access=0x%x, file_attributes=0x%x, " "create_disposition=0x%x, create_options=0x%x", __func__, path, access, file_attributes, create_disposition, create_options); /* If no files available, return too many open */ if (fs->open_files >= GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_FILES) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Too many open files.", __func__, path); return GUAC_RDP_FS_ENFILE; } /* If path empty, transform to root path */ if (path[0] == '\0') path = "\\"; /* If path is relative, the file does not exist */ else if (path[0] != '\\' && path[0] != '/') { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Access denied - supplied path \"%s\" is relative.", __func__, path); return GUAC_RDP_FS_ENOENT; } /* Translate access into flags */ if (access & ACCESS_GENERIC_ALL) flags = O_RDWR; else if ((access & ( ACCESS_GENERIC_WRITE | ACCESS_FILE_WRITE_DATA | ACCESS_FILE_APPEND_DATA)) && (access & (ACCESS_GENERIC_READ | ACCESS_FILE_READ_DATA))) flags = O_RDWR; else if (access & ( ACCESS_GENERIC_WRITE | ACCESS_FILE_WRITE_DATA | ACCESS_FILE_APPEND_DATA)) flags = O_WRONLY; else flags = O_RDONLY; /* Normalize path, return no-such-file if invalid */ if (guac_rdp_fs_normalize_path(path, normalized_path)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Normalization of path \"%s\" failed.", __func__, path); return GUAC_RDP_FS_ENOENT; } guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Normalized path \"%s\" to \"%s\".", __func__, path, normalized_path); /* Translate normalized path to real path */ __guac_rdp_fs_translate_path(fs, normalized_path, real_path); guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Translated path \"%s\" to \"%s\".", __func__, normalized_path, real_path); switch (create_disposition) { /* Create if not exist, fail otherwise */ case DISP_FILE_CREATE: flags |= O_CREAT | O_EXCL; break; /* Open file if exists and do not overwrite, fail otherwise */ case DISP_FILE_OPEN: /* No flag necessary - default functionality of open */ break; /* Open if exists, create otherwise */ case DISP_FILE_OPEN_IF: flags |= O_CREAT; break; /* Overwrite if exists, fail otherwise */ case DISP_FILE_OVERWRITE: flags |= O_TRUNC; break; /* Overwrite if exists, create otherwise */ case DISP_FILE_OVERWRITE_IF: flags |= O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; break; /* Supersede (replace) if exists, otherwise create */ case DISP_FILE_SUPERSEDE: unlink(real_path); flags |= O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; break; /* Unrecognised disposition */ default: return GUAC_RDP_FS_ENOSYS; } /* Create directory first, if necessary */ if ((create_options & FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE) && (flags & O_CREAT)) { /* Create directory */ if (mkdir(real_path, S_IRWXU)) { if (errno != EEXIST || (flags & O_EXCL)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: mkdir() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } } /* Unset O_CREAT and O_EXCL as directory must exist before open() */ flags &= ~(O_CREAT | O_EXCL); } guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: native open: real_path=\"%s\", flags=0x%x", __func__, real_path, flags); /* Open file */ fd = open(real_path, flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); /* If file open failed as we're trying to write a dir, retry as read-only */ if (fd == -1 && errno == EISDIR) { flags &= ~(O_WRONLY | O_RDWR); flags |= O_RDONLY; fd = open(real_path, flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } if (fd == -1) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: open() failed: %s", __func__, strerror(errno)); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } /* Get file ID, init file */ file_id = guac_pool_next_int(fs->file_id_pool); file = &(fs->files[file_id]); file->id = file_id; file->fd = fd; file->dir = NULL; file->dir_pattern[0] = '\0'; file->absolute_path = strdup(normalized_path); file->real_path = strdup(real_path); file->bytes_written = 0; guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Opened \"%s\" as file_id=%i", __func__, normalized_path, file_id); /* Attempt to pull file information */ if (fstat(fd, &file_stat) == 0) { /* Load size and times */ file->size = file_stat.st_size; file->ctime = WINDOWS_TIME(file_stat.st_ctime); file->mtime = WINDOWS_TIME(file_stat.st_mtime); file->atime = WINDOWS_TIME(file_stat.st_atime); /* Set type */ if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) file->attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; else file->attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } /* If information cannot be retrieved, fake it */ else { /* Init information to 0, lacking any alternative */ file->size = 0; file->ctime = 0; file->mtime = 0; file->atime = 0; file->attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } fs->open_files++; return file_id; } int guac_rdp_fs_read(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id, int offset, void* buffer, int length) { int bytes_read; guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Read from bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return GUAC_RDP_FS_EINVAL; } /* Attempt read */ lseek(file->fd, offset, SEEK_SET); bytes_read = read(file->fd, buffer, length); /* Translate errno on error */ if (bytes_read < 0) return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); return bytes_read; } int guac_rdp_fs_write(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id, int offset, void* buffer, int length) { int bytes_written; guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Write to bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return GUAC_RDP_FS_EINVAL; } /* Attempt write */ lseek(file->fd, offset, SEEK_SET); bytes_written = write(file->fd, buffer, length); /* Translate errno on error */ if (bytes_written < 0) return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); file->bytes_written += bytes_written; return bytes_written; } int guac_rdp_fs_rename(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id, const char* new_path) { char real_path[GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_PATH]; char normalized_path[GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_PATH]; guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Rename of bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return GUAC_RDP_FS_EINVAL; } /* Normalize path, return no-such-file if invalid */ if (guac_rdp_fs_normalize_path(new_path, normalized_path)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Normalization of path \"%s\" failed.", __func__, new_path); return GUAC_RDP_FS_ENOENT; } /* Translate normalized path to real path */ __guac_rdp_fs_translate_path(fs, normalized_path, real_path); guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Renaming \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", __func__, file->real_path, real_path); /* Perform rename */ if (rename(file->real_path, real_path)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: rename() failed: \"%s\" -> \"%s\"", __func__, file->real_path, real_path); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } return 0; } int guac_rdp_fs_delete(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id) { /* Get file */ guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Delete of bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return GUAC_RDP_FS_EINVAL; } /* If directory, attempt removal */ if (file->attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (rmdir(file->real_path)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: rmdir() failed: \"%s\"", __func__, file->real_path); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } } /* Otherwise, attempt deletion */ else if (unlink(file->real_path)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: unlink() failed: \"%s\"", __func__, file->real_path); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } return 0; } int guac_rdp_fs_truncate(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id, int length) { /* Get file */ guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Delete of bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return GUAC_RDP_FS_EINVAL; } /* Attempt truncate */ if (ftruncate(file->fd, length)) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: ftruncate() to %i bytes failed: \"%s\"", __func__, length, file->real_path); return guac_rdp_fs_get_errorcode(errno); } return 0; } void guac_rdp_fs_close(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id) { guac_rdp_fs_file* file = guac_rdp_fs_get_file(fs, file_id); if (file == NULL) { guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Ignoring close for bad file_id: %i", __func__, file_id); return; } file = &(fs->files[file_id]); guac_client_log(fs->client, GUAC_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Closed \"%s\" (file_id=%i)", __func__, file->absolute_path, file_id); /* Close directory, if open */ if (file->dir != NULL) closedir(file->dir); /* Close file */ close(file->fd); /* Free name */ free(file->absolute_path); free(file->real_path); /* Free ID back to pool */ guac_pool_free_int(fs->file_id_pool, file_id); fs->open_files--; } const char* guac_rdp_fs_read_dir(guac_rdp_fs* fs, int file_id) { guac_rdp_fs_file* file; struct dirent* result; /* Only read if file ID is valid */ if (file_id < 0 || file_id >= GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_FILES) return NULL; file = &(fs->files[file_id]); /* Open directory if not yet open, stop if error */ if (file->dir == NULL) { file->dir = fdopendir(file->fd); if (file->dir == NULL) return NULL; } /* Read next entry, stop if error */ if (readdir_r(file->dir, &(file->__dirent), &result)) return NULL; /* If no more entries, return NULL */ if (result == NULL) return NULL; /* Return filename */ return file->__dirent.d_name; } int guac_rdp_fs_normalize_path(const char* path, char* abs_path) { int i; int path_depth = 0; char path_component_data[GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_PATH]; const char* path_components[64]; const char** current_path_component = &(path_components[0]); const char* current_path_component_data = &(path_component_data[0]); /* If original path is not absolute, normalization fails */ if (path[0] != '\\' && path[0] != '/') return 1; /* Skip past leading slash */ path++; /* Copy path into component data for parsing */ strncpy(path_component_data, path, GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_PATH-1); /* Find path components within path */ for (i=0; i 0) path_depth--; } /* Otherwise, if component not current directory, add to list */ else if (strcmp(current_path_component_data, ".") != 0 && strcmp(current_path_component_data, "") != 0) path_components[path_depth++] = current_path_component_data; /* If end of string, stop */ if (c == 0) break; /* Update start of next component */ current_path_component_data = &(path_component_data[i+1]); } /* end if separator */ } /* end for each character */ /* If no components, the path is simply root */ if (path_depth == 0) { strcpy(abs_path, "\\"); return 0; } /* Ensure last component is null-terminated */ path_component_data[i] = 0; /* Convert components back into path */ for (; path_depth > 0; path_depth--) { const char* filename = *(current_path_component++); /* Add separator */ *(abs_path++) = '\\'; /* Copy string */ while (*filename != 0) *(abs_path++) = *(filename++); } /* Terminate absolute path */ *(abs_path++) = 0; return 0; } int guac_rdp_fs_convert_path(const char* parent, const char* rel_path, char* abs_path) { int i; char combined_path[GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_PATH]; char* current = combined_path; /* Copy parent path */ for (i=0; i= GUAC_RDP_FS_MAX_FILES) return NULL; /* Return file at given ID */ return &(fs->files[file_id]); } int guac_rdp_fs_matches(const char* filename, const char* pattern) { return fnmatch(pattern, filename, FNM_NOESCAPE) != 0; } int guac_rdp_fs_get_info(guac_rdp_fs* fs, guac_rdp_fs_info* info) { /* Read FS information */ struct statvfs fs_stat; if (statvfs(fs->drive_path, &fs_stat)) return guac_rdp_fs_get_status(errno); /* Assign to structure */ info->blocks_available = fs_stat.f_bfree; info->blocks_total = fs_stat.f_blocks; info->block_size = fs_stat.f_bsize; return 0; } int guac_rdp_fs_append_filename(char* fullpath, const char* path, const char* filename) { int i; /* Disallow "." as a filename */ if (strcmp(filename, ".") == 0) return 0; /* Disallow ".." as a filename */ if (strcmp(filename, "..") == 0) return 0; /* Copy path, append trailing slash */ for (i=0; i 0 && path[i-1] != '/' && path[i-1] != '\\') fullpath[i++] = '/'; break; } /* Copy character if not end of string */ fullpath[i] = c; } /* Append filename */ for (; i