.TH guacd 8 "6 May 2012" "version 0.6.0" "Guacamole" . .SH NAME guacd \- Guacamole proxy daemon . .SH SYNOPSIS .B guacd [\fB-b\fR \fIHOST\fR] [\fB-l\fR \fIPORT\fR] [\fB-p\fR \fIFILE\fR] [\fB-f\fR] . .SH DESCRIPTION .B guacd is the Guacamole proxy daemon used by the Guacamole web application and framework. As JavaScript cannot handle binary protocols (like VNC and remote desktop) efficiently, a new text-based protocol was developed which would contain a common superset of the operations needed for efficient remote desktop access, but would be easy for JavaScript programs to process. .B guacd is the proxy which translates between arbitrary protocols and the Guacamole protocol. . .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-b\fR \fIHOST\fR Changes the host or address that .B guacd listens on. .TP \fB\-l\fR \fIPORT\fR Changes the port that .B guacd listens on (the default is port 4822). .TP \fB\-p\fR \fIFILE\fR Causes .B guacd to write the PID of the daemon process to the specified file. This is useful for init scripts and is used by the provided init script. .TP \fB\-f\fR Causes .B guacd to run in the foreground, rather than automatically forking into the background. . .SH AUTHOR Written by Michael Jumper