/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is libguac. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Michael Jumper. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #if defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) || defined(HAVE_NANOSLEEP) #include #endif #ifndef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PNGSTRUCT_H #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include #else #include #endif #include "socket.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "error.h" #include "palette.h" /* Output formatting functions */ ssize_t __guac_socket_write_length_string(guac_socket* socket, const char* str) { return guac_socket_write_int(socket, strlen(str)) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ".") || guac_socket_write_string(socket, str); } ssize_t __guac_socket_write_length_int(guac_socket* socket, int64_t i) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%"PRIi64, i); return __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, buffer); } ssize_t __guac_socket_write_length_double(guac_socket* socket, double d) { char buffer[128]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%g", d); return __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, buffer); } /* PNG output formatting */ typedef struct __guac_socket_write_png_data { guac_socket* socket; char* buffer; int buffer_size; int data_size; } __guac_socket_write_png_data; void __guac_socket_write_png(png_structp png, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) { /* Get png buffer structure */ __guac_socket_write_png_data* png_data; #ifdef HAVE_PNG_GET_IO_PTR png_data = (__guac_socket_write_png_data*) png_get_io_ptr(png); #else png_data = (__guac_socket_write_png_data*) png->io_ptr; #endif /* Calculate next buffer size */ int next_size = png_data->data_size + length; /* If need resizing, double buffer size until big enough */ if (next_size > png_data->buffer_size) { char* new_buffer; do { png_data->buffer_size <<= 1; } while (next_size > png_data->buffer_size); /* Resize buffer */ new_buffer = realloc(png_data->buffer, png_data->buffer_size); png_data->buffer = new_buffer; } /* Append data to buffer */ memcpy(png_data->buffer + png_data->data_size, data, length); png_data->data_size += length; } void __guac_socket_flush_png(png_structp png) { /* Dummy function */ } png_byte** __guac_create_png_rgb(cairo_surface_t* surface, int alpha) { png_byte** png_rows; int x, y; int width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface); int height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface); int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surface); unsigned char* data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface); /* Fail if not an image surface */ if (data == NULL) return NULL; int bpp; if (alpha) bpp = 4; else bpp = 3; /* Copy data from surface into PNG data */ png_rows = (png_byte**) malloc(sizeof(png_byte*) * height); for (y=0; ycolors); guac_palette_free(palette); } png_rows = __guac_create_png_rgb(surface, 0); png_format = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; } else if (format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32) { png_rows = __guac_create_png_rgb(surface, 1); png_format = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; } else return -1; /* FIXME: Format not yet supported */ /* If not an image surface, fail */ if (png_rows == NULL) { return -1; /* FIXME: Set guac_error, etc? */ } /* Set up PNG writer */ png = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!png) { return -1; /* FIXME: Set guac_error, etc? */ } png_info = png_create_info_struct(png); if (!png_info) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, NULL); return -1; /* FIXME: Set guac_error, etc? */ } /* Set error handler */ if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) { png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &png_info); return -1; /* FIXME: Set guac_error, etc? */ } /* Set up buffer structure */ png_data.socket = socket; png_data.buffer_size = 8192; png_data.buffer = malloc(png_data.buffer_size); png_data.data_size = 0; /* Set up writer */ png_set_write_fn(png, &png_data, __guac_socket_write_png, __guac_socket_flush_png); /* Write image info */ png_set_IHDR( png, png_info, width, height, 8, png_format, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT ); /* Write image */ png_set_rows(png, png_info, png_rows); png_write_png(png, png_info, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, NULL); /* Finish write */ png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &png_info); __guac_free_png(png_rows, height); base64_length = (png_data.data_size + 2) / 3 * 4; /* Write length and data */ if ( guac_socket_write_int(socket, base64_length) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ".") || guac_socket_write_base64(socket, png_data.buffer, png_data.data_size) || guac_socket_flush_base64(socket)) { free(png_data.buffer); return -1; } free(png_data.buffer); return 0; } /* Instruction I/O */ int __guac_fill_instructionbuf(guac_socket* socket) { int retval; /* Attempt to fill buffer */ retval = recv( socket->fd, socket->__instructionbuf + socket->__instructionbuf_used_length, socket->__instructionbuf_size - socket->__instructionbuf_used_length, 0 ); /* Set guac_error if recv() unsuccessful */ if (retval < 0) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_SEE_ERRNO; guac_error_message = "Error filling instruction buffer"; return retval; } socket->__instructionbuf_used_length += retval; /* Expand buffer if necessary */ if (socket->__instructionbuf_used_length > socket->__instructionbuf_size / 2) { socket->__instructionbuf_size *= 2; socket->__instructionbuf = realloc(socket->__instructionbuf, socket->__instructionbuf_size); } return retval; } /* Returns new instruction if one exists, or NULL if no more instructions. */ guac_instruction* guac_protocol_read_instruction(guac_socket* socket, int usec_timeout) { int retval; /* Loop until a instruction is read */ for (;;) { /* Length of element */ int element_length = 0; /* Position within buffer */ int i = socket->__instructionbuf_parse_start; /* Parse instruction in buffer */ while (i < socket->__instructionbuf_used_length) { /* Read character from buffer */ char c = socket->__instructionbuf[i++]; /* If digit, calculate element length */ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') element_length = element_length * 10 + c - '0'; /* Otherwise, if end of length */ else if (c == '.') { /* Verify element is fully read */ if (i + element_length < socket->__instructionbuf_used_length) { /* Get element value */ char* elementv = &(socket->__instructionbuf[i]); /* Get terminator, set null terminator of elementv */ char terminator = elementv[element_length]; elementv[element_length] = '\0'; /* Move to char after terminator of element */ i += element_length+1; /* Reset element length */ element_length = 0; /* As element has been read successfully, update * parse start */ socket->__instructionbuf_parse_start = i; /* Save element */ socket->__instructionbuf_elementv[socket->__instructionbuf_elementc++] = elementv; /* Finish parse if terminator is a semicolon */ if (terminator == ';') { guac_instruction* parsed_instruction; int j; /* Allocate instruction */ parsed_instruction = malloc(sizeof(guac_instruction)); if (parsed_instruction == NULL) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; guac_error_message = "Could not allocate memory for parsed instruction"; return NULL; } /* Init parsed instruction */ parsed_instruction->argc = socket->__instructionbuf_elementc - 1; parsed_instruction->argv = malloc(sizeof(char*) * parsed_instruction->argc); /* Fail if memory could not be alloc'd for argv */ if (parsed_instruction->argv == NULL) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; guac_error_message = "Could not allocate memory for arguments of parsed instruction"; free(parsed_instruction); return NULL; } /* Set opcode */ parsed_instruction->opcode = strdup(socket->__instructionbuf_elementv[0]); /* Fail if memory could not be alloc'd for opcode */ if (parsed_instruction->opcode == NULL) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; guac_error_message = "Could not allocate memory for opcode of parsed instruction"; free(parsed_instruction->argv); free(parsed_instruction); return NULL; } /* Copy element values to parsed instruction */ for (j=0; jargc; j++) { parsed_instruction->argv[j] = strdup(socket->__instructionbuf_elementv[j+1]); /* Free memory and fail if out of mem */ if (parsed_instruction->argv[j] == NULL) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; guac_error_message = "Could not allocate memory for single argument of parsed instruction"; /* Free all alloc'd argv values */ while (--j >= 0) free(parsed_instruction->argv[j]); free(parsed_instruction->opcode); free(parsed_instruction->argv); free(parsed_instruction); return NULL; } } /* Reset buffer */ memmove(socket->__instructionbuf, socket->__instructionbuf + i, socket->__instructionbuf_used_length - i); socket->__instructionbuf_used_length -= i; socket->__instructionbuf_parse_start = 0; socket->__instructionbuf_elementc = 0; /* Done */ return parsed_instruction; } /* end if terminator */ /* Error if expected comma is not present */ else if (terminator != ',') { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT; guac_error_message = "Element terminator of instructioni was not ';' nor ','"; return NULL; } } /* end if element fully read */ /* Otherwise, read more data */ else break; } /* Error if length is non-numeric or does not end in a period */ else { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT; guac_error_message = "Non-numeric character in element length"; return NULL; } } /* No instruction yet? Get more data ... */ retval = guac_socket_select(socket, usec_timeout); if (retval <= 0) return NULL; /* If more data is available, fill into buffer */ retval = __guac_fill_instructionbuf(socket); /* Error, guac_error already set */ if (retval < 0) return NULL; /* EOF */ if (retval == 0) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_NO_INPUT; guac_error_message = "End of stream reached while reading instruction"; return NULL; } } } guac_instruction* guac_protocol_expect_instruction(guac_socket* socket, int usec_timeout, const char* opcode) { guac_instruction* instruction; /* Wait for data until timeout */ if (guac_protocol_instructions_waiting(socket, usec_timeout) <= 0) return NULL; /* Read available instruction */ instruction = guac_protocol_read_instruction(socket, usec_timeout); if (instruction == NULL) return NULL; /* Validate instruction */ if (strcmp(instruction->opcode, opcode) != 0) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_STATE; guac_error_message = "Instruction read did not have expected opcode"; guac_instruction_free(instruction); return NULL; } /* Return instruction if valid */ return instruction; } void guac_instruction_free(guac_instruction* instruction) { int argc = instruction->argc; /* Free opcode */ free(instruction->opcode); /* Free argv if set (may be NULL of argc is 0) */ if (instruction->argv) { /* All argument values */ while (argc > 0) free(instruction->argv[--argc]); /* Free actual array */ free(instruction->argv); } /* Free instruction */ free(instruction); } int guac_protocol_instructions_waiting(guac_socket* socket, int usec_timeout) { if (socket->__instructionbuf_used_length > 0) return 1; return guac_socket_select(socket, usec_timeout); } guac_timestamp guac_protocol_get_timestamp() { #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME struct timespec current; /* Get current time */ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, ¤t); /* Calculate milliseconds */ return (guac_timestamp) current.tv_sec * 1000 + current.tv_nsec / 1000000; #else struct timeval current; /* Get current time */ gettimeofday(¤t, NULL); /* Calculate milliseconds */ return (guac_timestamp) current.tv_sec * 1000 + current.tv_usec / 1000; #endif } /* Protocol functions */ int guac_protocol_send_args(guac_socket* socket, const char** args) { int i; if (guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.args")) return -1; for (i=0; args[i] != NULL; i++) { if (guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",")) return -1; if (__guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, args[i])) return -1; } return guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_arc(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int x, int y, int radius, double startAngle, double endAngle, int negative) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "3.arc,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, radius) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, startAngle) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, endAngle) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || guac_socket_write_string(socket, negative ? "1.1" : "1.0") || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_cfill(guac_socket* socket, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* layer, int r, int g, int b, int a) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.cfill,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, r) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, g) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, b) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, a) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_close(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.close,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_connect(guac_socket* socket, const char** args) { int i; if (guac_socket_write_string(socket, "7.connect")) return -1; for (i=0; args[i] != NULL; i++) { if (guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",")) return -1; if (__guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, args[i])) return -1; } return guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_clip(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.clip,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_clipboard(guac_socket* socket, const char* data) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "9.clipboard,") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, data) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_copy(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* srcl, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* dstl, int dstx, int dsty) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.copy,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcx) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcy) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, w) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, h) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dstl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dstx) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dsty) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_cstroke(guac_socket* socket, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* layer, guac_line_cap_style cap, guac_line_join_style join, int thickness, int r, int g, int b, int a) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "7.cstroke,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cap) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, join) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, thickness) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, r) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, g) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, b) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, a) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_cursor(guac_socket* socket, int x, int y, const guac_layer* srcl, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "6.cursor,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcx) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcy) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, w) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, h) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_curve(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int cp1x, int cp1y, int cp2x, int cp2y, int x, int y) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.curve,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cp1x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cp1y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cp2x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cp2y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_disconnect(guac_socket* socket) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "10.disconnect;"); } int guac_protocol_send_dispose(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "7.dispose,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_distort(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "7.distort,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, a) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, b) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, c) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, d) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, e) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, f) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_error(guac_socket* socket, const char* error) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.error,") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, error) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_identity(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "8.identity,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_lfill(guac_socket* socket, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* layer, const guac_layer* srcl) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.lfill,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_line(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int x, int y) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.line,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_lstroke(guac_socket* socket, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* layer, guac_line_cap_style cap, guac_line_join_style join, int thickness, const guac_layer* srcl) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "7.lstroke,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, cap) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, join) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, thickness) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_move(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, const guac_layer* parent, int x, int y, int z) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.move,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, parent->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, z) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_name(guac_socket* socket, const char* name) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.name,") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, name) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_png(guac_socket* socket, guac_composite_mode mode, const guac_layer* layer, int x, int y, cairo_surface_t* surface) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "3.png,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, mode) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_png(socket, surface) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_pop(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "3.pop,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_push(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.push,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_rect(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int x, int y, int width, int height) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.rect,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, width) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, height) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_reset(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.reset,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_set(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, const char* name, const char* value) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "3.set,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, name) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, value) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_select(guac_socket* socket, const char* protocol) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "6.select,") || __guac_socket_write_length_string(socket, protocol) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_shade(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int a) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.shade,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, a) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_size(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int w, int h) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.size,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, w) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, h) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_start(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, int x, int y) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "5.start,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, x) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, y) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_sync(guac_socket* socket, guac_timestamp timestamp) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "4.sync,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, timestamp) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_transfer(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* srcl, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, guac_transfer_function fn, const guac_layer* dstl, int dstx, int dsty) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "8.transfer,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcx) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, srcy) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, w) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, h) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, fn) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dstl->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dstx) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, dsty) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); } int guac_protocol_send_transform(guac_socket* socket, const guac_layer* layer, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) { return guac_socket_write_string(socket, "9.transform,") || __guac_socket_write_length_int(socket, layer->index) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, a) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, b) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, c) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, d) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, e) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ",") || __guac_socket_write_length_double(socket, f) || guac_socket_write_string(socket, ";"); }