/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Glyptodon, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include "display.h" #include "layer.h" #include "log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * The Guacamole video encoder display related to the current qsort() * operation. As qsort() does not provide a means of passing arbitrary data to * the comparitor, this value must be set prior to invoking qsort() with * guacenc_display_layer_comparator. */ guacenc_display* __qsort_display; /** * Comparator which orders layer pointers such that (1) NULL pointers are last, * (2) layers with the same parent_index are adjacent, and (3) layers with the * same parent_index are ordered by Z. * * @see qsort() */ static int guacenc_display_layer_comparator(const void* a, const void* b) { guacenc_layer* layer_a = *((guacenc_layer**) a); guacenc_layer* layer_b = *((guacenc_layer**) b); /* If a is NULL, sort it to bottom */ if (layer_a == NULL) { /* ... unless b is also NULL, in which case they are equal */ if (layer_b == NULL) return 0; return 1; } /* If b is NULL (and a is not NULL), sort it to bottom */ if (layer_b == NULL) return -1; /* Order such that the deepest layers are first */ int a_depth = guacenc_display_get_depth(__qsort_display, layer_a); int b_depth = guacenc_display_get_depth(__qsort_display, layer_b); if (b_depth != a_depth) return b_depth - a_depth; /* Order such that sibling layers are adjacent */ if (layer_b->parent_index != layer_a->parent_index) return layer_b->parent_index - layer_a->parent_index; /* Order sibling layers according to descending Z */ return layer_b->z - layer_a->z; } int guacenc_display_sync(guacenc_display* display, guac_timestamp timestamp) { /* Verify timestamp is not decreasing */ if (timestamp < display->last_sync) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Decreasing sync timestamp"); return 1; } /* Get buffer for display frame rendering */ guacenc_buffer* frame = display->frame; /* Update timestamp of display */ display->last_sync = timestamp; /* Ensure frame is the same size as the default layer */ guacenc_buffer* def_layer = guacenc_display_get_related_buffer(display, 0); guacenc_buffer_resize(frame, def_layer->width, def_layer->height); /* Render all layers to frame */ cairo_t* cairo = frame->cairo; if (cairo != NULL) { int i; guacenc_layer* render_order[GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS]; /* Copy list of layers within display */ memcpy(render_order, display->layers, sizeof(render_order)); /* Sort layers by depth, parent, and Z */ __qsort_display = display; qsort(render_order, GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS, sizeof(guacenc_layer*), guacenc_display_layer_comparator); /* Render each layer, in order */ for (i = 0; i < GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS; i++) { /* Pull current layer, ignoring unallocated layers */ guacenc_layer* layer = render_order[i]; if (layer == NULL) continue; /* Skip fully-transparent layers */ if (layer->opacity == 0) continue; /* Pull underlying buffer */ guacenc_buffer* buffer = layer->buffer; /* Ignore layers with empty buffers */ if (buffer->surface == NULL) continue; /* TODO: Determine actual location relative to parent layer */ int x = layer->x; int y = layer->y; /* Render buffer to layer */ cairo_reset_clip(cairo); cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, y, buffer->width, buffer->height); cairo_clip(cairo); cairo_set_source_surface(cairo, buffer->surface, x, y); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cairo, layer->opacity / 255.0); } } /* STUB: Write frame as PNG */ char filename[256]; sprintf(filename, "frame-%" PRId64 ".png", timestamp); cairo_surface_t* surface = frame->surface; if (surface != NULL) cairo_surface_write_to_png(surface, filename); return 0; } guacenc_layer* guacenc_display_get_layer(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (index < 0 || index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Layer index out of bounds: %i", index); return NULL; } /* Lookup layer, allocating a new layer if necessary */ guacenc_layer* layer = display->layers[index]; if (layer == NULL) { /* Attempt to allocate layer */ layer = guacenc_layer_alloc(); if (layer == NULL) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Layer allocation failed"); return NULL; } /* The default layer has no parent */ if (index == 0) layer->parent_index = GUACENC_LAYER_NO_PARENT; /* Store layer within display for future retrieval / management */ display->layers[index] = layer; } return layer; } int guacenc_display_get_depth(guacenc_display* display, guacenc_layer* layer) { /* Non-existent layers have a depth of 0 */ if (layer == NULL) return 0; /* Layers with no parent have a depth of 0 */ if (layer->parent_index == GUACENC_LAYER_NO_PARENT) return 0; /* Retrieve parent layer */ guacenc_layer* parent = guacenc_display_get_layer(display, layer->parent_index); /* Current layer depth is the depth of the parent + 1 */ return guacenc_display_get_depth(display, parent) + 1; } int guacenc_display_free_layer(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (index < 0 || index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Layer index out of bounds: %i", index); return 1; } /* Free layer (if allocated) */ guacenc_layer_free(display->layers[index]); /* Mark layer as freed */ display->layers[index] = NULL; return 0; } guacenc_buffer* guacenc_display_get_buffer(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Transform index to buffer space */ int internal_index = -index - 1; /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (internal_index < 0 || internal_index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_BUFFERS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Buffer index out of bounds: %i", index); return NULL; } /* Lookup buffer, allocating a new buffer if necessary */ guacenc_buffer* buffer = display->buffers[internal_index]; if (buffer == NULL) { /* Attempt to allocate buffer */ buffer = guacenc_buffer_alloc(); if (buffer == NULL) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Buffer allocation failed"); return NULL; } /* All non-layer buffers must autosize */ buffer->autosize = true; /* Store buffer within display for future retrieval / management */ display->buffers[internal_index] = buffer; } return buffer; } int guacenc_display_free_buffer(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Transform index to buffer space */ int internal_index = -index - 1; /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (internal_index < 0 || internal_index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_BUFFERS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Buffer index out of bounds: %i", index); return 1; } /* Free buffer (if allocated) */ guacenc_buffer_free(display->buffers[internal_index]); /* Mark buffer as freed */ display->buffers[internal_index] = NULL; return 0; } guacenc_buffer* guacenc_display_get_related_buffer(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Retrieve underlying buffer of layer if a layer is requested */ if (index >= 0) { /* Retrieve / allocate layer (if possible */ guacenc_layer* layer = guacenc_display_get_layer(display, index); if (layer == NULL) return NULL; /* Return underlying buffer */ return layer->buffer; } /* Otherwise retrieve buffer directly */ return guacenc_display_get_buffer(display, index); } int guacenc_display_create_image_stream(guacenc_display* display, int index, int mask, int layer_index, const char* mimetype, int x, int y) { /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (index < 0 || index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_STREAMS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Stream index out of bounds: %i", index); return 1; } /* Free existing stream (if any) */ guacenc_image_stream_free(display->image_streams[index]); /* Associate new stream */ guacenc_image_stream* stream = display->image_streams[index] = guacenc_image_stream_alloc(mask, layer_index, mimetype, x, y); /* Return zero only if stream is not NULL */ return stream == NULL; } guacenc_image_stream* guacenc_display_get_image_stream( guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (index < 0 || index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_STREAMS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Stream index out of bounds: %i", index); return NULL; } /* Return existing stream (if any) */ return display->image_streams[index]; } int guacenc_display_free_image_stream(guacenc_display* display, int index) { /* Do not lookup / allocate if index is invalid */ if (index < 0 || index > GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_STREAMS) { guacenc_log(GUAC_LOG_WARNING, "Stream index out of bounds: %i", index); return 1; } /* Free stream (if allocated) */ guacenc_image_stream_free(display->image_streams[index]); /* Mark stream as freed */ display->image_streams[index] = NULL; return 0; } cairo_operator_t guacenc_display_cairo_operator(guac_composite_mode mask) { /* Translate Guacamole channel mask into Cairo operator */ switch (mask) { /* Source */ case GUAC_COMP_SRC: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE; /* Over */ case GUAC_COMP_OVER: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; /* In */ case GUAC_COMP_IN: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN; /* Out */ case GUAC_COMP_OUT: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_OUT; /* Atop */ case GUAC_COMP_ATOP: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_ATOP; /* Over (source/destination reversed) */ case GUAC_COMP_ROVER: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER; /* In (source/destination reversed) */ case GUAC_COMP_RIN: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN; /* Out (source/destination reversed) */ case GUAC_COMP_ROUT: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT; /* Atop (source/destination reversed) */ case GUAC_COMP_RATOP: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_ATOP; /* XOR */ case GUAC_COMP_XOR: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR; /* Additive */ case GUAC_COMP_PLUS: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD; /* If unrecognized, just default to CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER */ default: return CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER; } } guacenc_display* guacenc_display_alloc() { /* Allocate display */ guacenc_display* display = (guacenc_display*) calloc(1, sizeof(guacenc_display)); /* Allocate buffer for frame rendering */ display->frame = guacenc_buffer_alloc(); return display; } int guacenc_display_free(guacenc_display* display) { int i; /* Ignore NULL display */ if (display == NULL) return 0; /* Free internal frame buffer */ guacenc_buffer_free(display->frame); /* Free all buffers */ for (i = 0; i < GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) guacenc_buffer_free(display->buffers[i]); /* Free all layers */ for (i = 0; i < GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_LAYERS; i++) guacenc_layer_free(display->layers[i]); /* Free all streams */ for (i = 0; i < GUACENC_DISPLAY_MAX_STREAMS; i++) guacenc_image_stream_free(display->image_streams[i]); free(display); return 0; }