/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "common.h" #include "display.h" #include "terminal.h" #include "terminal_handlers.h" void guac_terminal_reset(guac_terminal* term) { int row; /* Set current state */ term->char_handler = guac_terminal_echo; term->active_char_set = 0; term->char_mapping[0] = term->char_mapping[1] = NULL; /* Reset cursor location */ term->cursor_row = term->visible_cursor_row = term->saved_cursor_row = 0; term->cursor_col = term->visible_cursor_col = term->saved_cursor_col = 0; /* Clear scrollback, buffer, and scoll region */ term->buffer->top = 0; term->buffer->length = 0; term->scroll_start = 0; term->scroll_end = term->term_height - 1; term->scroll_offset = 0; /* Reset flags */ term->text_selected = false; term->application_cursor_keys = false; term->automatic_carriage_return = false; term->insert_mode = false; /* Reset tabs */ term->tab_interval = 8; memset(term->custom_tabs, 0, sizeof(term->custom_tabs)); /* Clear terminal */ for (row=0; rowterm_height; row++) guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, 0, term->term_width, &(term->default_char)); } guac_terminal* guac_terminal_create(guac_client* client, const char* font_name, int font_size, int dpi, int width, int height) { guac_terminal_char default_char = { .value = 0, .attributes = { .foreground = 7, .background = 0, .bold = false, .reverse = false, .underscore = false }}; guac_terminal* term = malloc(sizeof(guac_terminal)); term->client = client; /* Init buffer */ term->buffer = guac_terminal_buffer_alloc(1000, &default_char); /* Init display */ term->display = guac_terminal_display_alloc(client, font_name, font_size, dpi, default_char.attributes.foreground, default_char.attributes.background); /* Fail if display init failed */ if (term->display == NULL) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_BAD_STATE; guac_error_message = "Display initialization failed"; free(term); return NULL; } /* Init terminal state */ term->current_attributes = default_char.attributes; term->default_char = default_char; term->term_width = width / term->display->char_width; term->term_height = height / term->display->char_height; /* Open STDOUT pipe */ if (pipe(term->stdout_pipe_fd)) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_SEE_ERRNO; guac_error_message = "Unable to open pipe for STDOUT"; free(term); return NULL; } /* Open STDIN pipe */ if (pipe(term->stdin_pipe_fd)) { guac_error = GUAC_STATUS_SEE_ERRNO; guac_error_message = "Unable to open pipe for STDIN"; free(term); return NULL; } /* Init terminal lock */ pthread_mutex_init(&(term->lock), NULL); /* Size display */ guac_terminal_display_resize(term->display, term->term_width, term->term_height); /* Init terminal */ guac_terminal_reset(term); return term; } void guac_terminal_free(guac_terminal* term) { /* Close terminal output pipe */ close(term->stdout_pipe_fd[1]); close(term->stdout_pipe_fd[0]); /* Close user input pipe */ close(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1]); close(term->stdin_pipe_fd[0]); /* Free display */ guac_terminal_display_free(term->display); /* Free buffer */ guac_terminal_buffer_free(term->buffer); } int guac_terminal_set(guac_terminal* term, int row, int col, int codepoint) { /* Build character with current attributes */ guac_terminal_char guac_char; guac_char.value = codepoint; guac_char.attributes = term->current_attributes; guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, col, col, &guac_char); return 0; } void guac_terminal_commit_cursor(guac_terminal* term) { guac_terminal_char* guac_char; guac_terminal_buffer_row* old_row; guac_terminal_buffer_row* new_row; /* If no change, done */ if (term->visible_cursor_row == term->cursor_row && term->visible_cursor_col == term->cursor_col) return; /* Get old and new rows with cursor */ new_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(term->buffer, term->cursor_row, term->cursor_col+1); old_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(term->buffer, term->visible_cursor_row, term->visible_cursor_col+1); /* Clear cursor */ guac_char = &(old_row->characters[term->visible_cursor_col]); guac_char->attributes.cursor = false; guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, term->visible_cursor_row + term->scroll_offset, term->visible_cursor_col, term->visible_cursor_col, guac_char); /* Set cursor */ guac_char = &(new_row->characters[term->cursor_col]); guac_char->attributes.cursor = true; guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, term->cursor_row + term->scroll_offset, term->cursor_col, term->cursor_col, guac_char); term->visible_cursor_row = term->cursor_row; term->visible_cursor_col = term->cursor_col; return; } int guac_terminal_write(guac_terminal* term, const char* c, int size) { while (size > 0) { term->char_handler(term, *(c++)); size--; } return 0; } int guac_terminal_scroll_up(guac_terminal* term, int start_row, int end_row, int amount) { /* If scrolling entire display, update scroll offset */ if (start_row == 0 && end_row == term->term_height - 1) { /* Scroll up visibly */ guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(term->display, start_row + amount, end_row, -amount); /* Advance by scroll amount */ term->buffer->top += amount; if (term->buffer->top >= term->buffer->available) term->buffer->top -= term->buffer->available; term->buffer->length += amount; if (term->buffer->length > term->buffer->available) term->buffer->length = term->buffer->available; /* Update cursor location if within region */ if (term->visible_cursor_row >= start_row && term->visible_cursor_row <= end_row) term->visible_cursor_row -= amount; } /* Otherwise, just copy row data upwards */ else guac_terminal_copy_rows(term, start_row + amount, end_row, -amount); /* Clear new area */ guac_terminal_clear_range(term, end_row - amount + 1, 0, end_row, term->term_width - 1); return 0; } int guac_terminal_scroll_down(guac_terminal* term, int start_row, int end_row, int amount) { guac_terminal_copy_rows(term, start_row, end_row - amount, amount); /* Clear new area */ guac_terminal_clear_range(term, start_row, 0, start_row + amount - 1, term->term_width - 1); return 0; } int guac_terminal_clear_columns(guac_terminal* term, int row, int start_col, int end_col) { /* Build space */ guac_terminal_char blank; blank.value = 0; blank.attributes = term->current_attributes; /* Clear */ guac_terminal_set_columns(term, row, start_col, end_col, &blank); return 0; } int guac_terminal_clear_range(guac_terminal* term, int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col) { /* If not at far left, must clear sub-region to far right */ if (start_col > 0) { /* Clear from start_col to far right */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, start_row, start_col, term->term_width - 1); /* One less row to clear */ start_row++; } /* If not at far right, must clear sub-region to far left */ if (end_col < term->term_width - 1) { /* Clear from far left to end_col */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, end_row, 0, end_col); /* One less row to clear */ end_row--; } /* Remaining region now guaranteed rectangular. Clear, if possible */ if (start_row <= end_row) { int row; for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) { /* Clear entire row */ guac_terminal_clear_columns(term, row, 0, term->term_width - 1); } } return 0; } void guac_terminal_scroll_display_down(guac_terminal* terminal, int scroll_amount) { int start_row, end_row; int dest_row; int row, column; /* Limit scroll amount by size of scrollback buffer */ if (scroll_amount > terminal->scroll_offset) scroll_amount = terminal->scroll_offset; /* If not scrolling at all, don't bother trying */ if (scroll_amount <= 0) return; /* Shift screen up */ if (terminal->term_height > scroll_amount) guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(terminal->display, scroll_amount, terminal->term_height - 1, -scroll_amount); /* Advance by scroll amount */ terminal->scroll_offset -= scroll_amount; /* Get row range */ end_row = terminal->term_height - terminal->scroll_offset - 1; start_row = end_row - scroll_amount + 1; dest_row = terminal->term_height - scroll_amount; /* Draw new rows from scrollback */ for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) { /* Get row from scrollback */ guac_terminal_buffer_row* buffer_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(terminal->buffer, row, 0); /* Clear row */ guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, 0, terminal->display->width, &(terminal->default_char)); /* Draw row */ guac_terminal_char* current = buffer_row->characters; for (column=0; columnlength; column++) guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, column, column, current++); /* Next row */ dest_row++; } guac_terminal_display_flush(terminal->display); guac_protocol_send_sync(terminal->client->socket, terminal->client->last_sent_timestamp); guac_socket_flush(terminal->client->socket); } void guac_terminal_scroll_display_up(guac_terminal* terminal, int scroll_amount) { int start_row, end_row; int dest_row; int row, column; /* Limit scroll amount by size of scrollback buffer */ if (terminal->scroll_offset + scroll_amount > terminal->buffer->length - terminal->term_height) scroll_amount = terminal->buffer->length - terminal->scroll_offset - terminal->term_height; /* If not scrolling at all, don't bother trying */ if (scroll_amount <= 0) return; /* Shift screen down */ if (terminal->term_height > scroll_amount) guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(terminal->display, 0, terminal->term_height - scroll_amount - 1, scroll_amount); /* Advance by scroll amount */ terminal->scroll_offset += scroll_amount; /* Get row range */ start_row = -terminal->scroll_offset; end_row = start_row + scroll_amount - 1; dest_row = 0; /* Draw new rows from scrollback */ for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) { /* Get row from scrollback */ guac_terminal_buffer_row* buffer_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(terminal->buffer, row, 0); /* Clear row */ guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, 0, terminal->display->width, &(terminal->default_char)); /* Draw row */ guac_terminal_char* current = buffer_row->characters; for (column=0; columnlength; column++) guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, dest_row, column, column, current++); /* Next row */ dest_row++; } guac_terminal_display_flush(terminal->display); guac_protocol_send_sync(terminal->client->socket, terminal->client->last_sent_timestamp); guac_socket_flush(terminal->client->socket); } void guac_terminal_select_redraw(guac_terminal* terminal) { guac_terminal_display_select(terminal->display, terminal->selection_start_row + terminal->scroll_offset, terminal->selection_start_column, terminal->selection_end_row + terminal->scroll_offset, terminal->selection_end_column); } void guac_terminal_select_start(guac_terminal* terminal, int row, int column) { terminal->selection_start_row = terminal->selection_end_row = row; terminal->selection_start_column = terminal->selection_end_column = column; terminal->text_selected = true; guac_terminal_select_redraw(terminal); } void guac_terminal_select_update(guac_terminal* terminal, int row, int column) { if (row != terminal->selection_end_row || column != terminal->selection_end_column) { terminal->selection_end_row = row; terminal->selection_end_column = column; guac_terminal_select_redraw(terminal); } } int __guac_terminal_buffer_string(guac_terminal_buffer_row* row, int start, int end, char* string) { int length = 0; int i; for (i=start; i<=end; i++) { int codepoint = row->characters[i].value; /* If not null (blank), add to string */ if (codepoint != 0) { int bytes = guac_terminal_encode_utf8(codepoint, string); string += bytes; length += bytes; } } return length; } void guac_terminal_select_end(guac_terminal* terminal, char* string) { /* Deselect */ terminal->text_selected = false; guac_terminal_display_commit_select(terminal->display); guac_terminal_buffer_row* buffer_row; int row; int start_row, start_col; int end_row, end_col; /* Ensure proper ordering of start and end coords */ if (terminal->selection_start_row <= terminal->selection_end_row) { start_row = terminal->selection_start_row; start_col = terminal->selection_start_column; end_row = terminal->selection_end_row; end_col = terminal->selection_end_column; } else { end_row = terminal->selection_start_row; end_col = terminal->selection_start_column; start_row = terminal->selection_end_row; start_col = terminal->selection_end_column; } /* If only one row, simply copy */ buffer_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(terminal->buffer, start_row, 0); if (end_row == start_row) { if (buffer_row->length - 1 < end_col) end_col = buffer_row->length - 1; string += __guac_terminal_buffer_string(buffer_row, start_col, end_col, string); } /* Otherwise, copy multiple rows */ else { /* Store first row */ string += __guac_terminal_buffer_string(buffer_row, start_col, buffer_row->length - 1, string); /* Store all middle rows */ for (row=start_row+1; rowbuffer, row, 0); *(string++) = '\n'; string += __guac_terminal_buffer_string(buffer_row, 0, buffer_row->length - 1, string); } /* Store last row */ buffer_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(terminal->buffer, end_row, 0); if (buffer_row->length - 1 < end_col) end_col = buffer_row->length - 1; *(string++) = '\n'; string += __guac_terminal_buffer_string(buffer_row, 0, end_col, string); } /* Null terminator */ *string = 0; } void guac_terminal_copy_columns(guac_terminal* terminal, int row, int start_column, int end_column, int offset) { guac_terminal_display_copy_columns(terminal->display, row + terminal->scroll_offset, start_column, end_column, offset); guac_terminal_buffer_copy_columns(terminal->buffer, row, start_column, end_column, offset); /* Update cursor location if within region */ if (row == terminal->visible_cursor_row && terminal->visible_cursor_col >= start_column && terminal->visible_cursor_col <= end_column) terminal->visible_cursor_col += offset; } void guac_terminal_copy_rows(guac_terminal* terminal, int start_row, int end_row, int offset) { guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(terminal->display, start_row + terminal->scroll_offset, end_row + terminal->scroll_offset, offset); guac_terminal_buffer_copy_rows(terminal->buffer, start_row, end_row, offset); /* Update cursor location if within region */ if (terminal->visible_cursor_row >= start_row && terminal->visible_cursor_row <= end_row) terminal->visible_cursor_row += offset; } void guac_terminal_set_columns(guac_terminal* terminal, int row, int start_column, int end_column, guac_terminal_char* character) { guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, row + terminal->scroll_offset, start_column, end_column, character); guac_terminal_buffer_set_columns(terminal->buffer, row, start_column, end_column, character); /* If visible cursor in current row, preserve state */ if (row == terminal->visible_cursor_row && terminal->visible_cursor_col >= start_column && terminal->visible_cursor_col <= end_column) { /* Create copy of character with cursor attribute set */ guac_terminal_char cursor_character = *character; cursor_character.attributes.cursor = true; guac_terminal_display_set_columns(terminal->display, row + terminal->scroll_offset, terminal->visible_cursor_col, terminal->visible_cursor_col, &cursor_character); guac_terminal_buffer_set_columns(terminal->buffer, row, terminal->visible_cursor_col, terminal->visible_cursor_col, &cursor_character); } } static void __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(guac_terminal* term, int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col) { int row, col; /* Redraw region */ for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) { guac_terminal_buffer_row* buffer_row = guac_terminal_buffer_get_row(term->buffer, row - term->scroll_offset, 0); /* Clear row */ guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, row, start_col, end_col, &(term->default_char)); /* Copy characters */ for (col=start_col; col <= end_col && col < buffer_row->length; col++) guac_terminal_display_set_columns(term->display, row, col, col, &(buffer_row->characters[col])); } } void guac_terminal_resize(guac_terminal* term, int width, int height) { /* If height is decreasing, shift display up */ if (height < term->term_height) { int shift_amount; /* Get number of rows actually occupying terminal space */ int used_height = term->buffer->length; if (used_height > term->term_height) used_height = term->term_height; shift_amount = used_height - height; /* If the new terminal bottom covers N rows, shift up N rows */ if (shift_amount > 0) { guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(term->display, shift_amount, term->display->height - 1, -shift_amount); /* Update buffer top and cursor row based on shift */ term->buffer->top += shift_amount; term->cursor_row -= shift_amount; term->visible_cursor_row -= shift_amount; /* Redraw characters within old region */ __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, height - shift_amount, 0, height-1, width-1); } } /* Resize display */ guac_terminal_display_flush(term->display); guac_terminal_display_resize(term->display, width, height); /* Reraw any characters on right if widening */ if (width > term->term_width) __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, 0, term->term_width-1, height-1, width-1); /* If height is increasing, shift display down */ if (height > term->term_height) { /* If undisplayed rows exist in the buffer, shift them into view */ if (term->term_height < term->buffer->length) { /* If the new terminal bottom reveals N rows, shift down N rows */ int shift_amount = height - term->term_height; /* The maximum amount we can shift is the number of undisplayed rows */ int max_shift = term->buffer->length - term->term_height; if (shift_amount > max_shift) shift_amount = max_shift; /* Update buffer top and cursor row based on shift */ term->buffer->top -= shift_amount; term->cursor_row += shift_amount; term->visible_cursor_row += shift_amount; /* If scrolled enough, use scroll to fulfill entire resize */ if (term->scroll_offset >= shift_amount) { term->scroll_offset -= shift_amount; /* Draw characters from scroll at bottom */ __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, term->term_height, 0, term->term_height + shift_amount - 1, width-1); } /* Otherwise, fulfill with as much scroll as possible */ else { /* Draw characters from scroll at bottom */ __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, term->term_height, 0, term->term_height + term->scroll_offset - 1, width-1); /* Update shift_amount and scroll based on new rows */ shift_amount -= term->scroll_offset; term->scroll_offset = 0; /* If anything remains, move screen as necessary */ if (shift_amount > 0) { guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(term->display, 0, term->display->height - shift_amount - 1, shift_amount); /* Draw characters at top from scroll */ __guac_terminal_redraw_rect(term, 0, 0, shift_amount - 1, width-1); } } } /* end if undisplayed rows exist */ } /* Commit new dimensions */ term->term_width = width; term->term_height = height; } int guac_terminal_send_data(guac_terminal* term, const char* data, int length) { return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], data, length); } int guac_terminal_send_string(guac_terminal* term, const char* data) { return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], data, strlen(data)); } int guac_terminal_sendf(guac_terminal* term, const char* format, ...) { int written; va_list ap; char buffer[1024]; /* Print to buffer */ va_start(ap, format); written = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (written < 0) return written; /* Write to STDIN */ return guac_terminal_write_all(term->stdin_pipe_fd[1], buffer, written); } void guac_terminal_set_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) { int i; /* Search for available space, set if available */ for (i=0; icustom_tabs[i] == 0) { term->custom_tabs[i] = column+1; break; } } } void guac_terminal_unset_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) { int i; /* Search for given tab, unset if found */ for (i=0; icustom_tabs[i] == column+1) { term->custom_tabs[i] = 0; break; } } } void guac_terminal_clear_tabs(guac_terminal* term) { term->tab_interval = 0; memset(term->custom_tabs, 0, sizeof(term->custom_tabs)); } int guac_terminal_next_tab(guac_terminal* term, int column) { int i; /* Determine tab stop from interval */ int tabstop; if (term->tab_interval != 0) tabstop = (column / term->tab_interval + 1) * term->tab_interval; else tabstop = term->term_width - 1; /* Walk custom tabs, trying to find an earlier occurrence */ for (i=0; icustom_tabs[i] - 1; if (custom_tabstop != -1 && custom_tabstop > column && custom_tabstop < tabstop) tabstop = custom_tabstop; } return tabstop; }