/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Glyptodon LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "display.h" const guac_terminal_color guac_terminal_palette[16] = { /* Normal colors */ {0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, /* Black */ {0x99, 0x3E, 0x3E}, /* Red */ {0x3E, 0x99, 0x3E}, /* Green */ {0x99, 0x99, 0x3E}, /* Brown */ {0x3E, 0x3E, 0x99}, /* Blue */ {0x99, 0x3E, 0x99}, /* Magenta */ {0x3E, 0x99, 0x99}, /* Cyan */ {0x99, 0x99, 0x99}, /* White */ /* Intense colors */ {0x3E, 0x3E, 0x3E}, /* Black */ {0xFF, 0x67, 0x67}, /* Red */ {0x67, 0xFF, 0x67}, /* Green */ {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x67}, /* Brown */ {0x67, 0x67, 0xFF}, /* Blue */ {0xFF, 0x67, 0xFF}, /* Magenta */ {0x67, 0xFF, 0xFF}, /* Cyan */ {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, /* White */ }; /** * Clears the currently-selected region, removing the highlight. */ static void __guac_terminal_display_clear_select(guac_terminal_display* display) { guac_socket* socket = display->client->socket; guac_layer* select_layer = display->select_layer; guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, select_layer, 0, 0, 1, 1); guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_SRC, select_layer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); guac_protocol_send_sync(socket, display->client->last_sent_timestamp); guac_socket_flush(socket); /* Text is no longer selected */ display->text_selected = display->selection_committed = false; } /** * Returns whether at least one character within the given range is selected. */ static bool __guac_terminal_display_selected_contains(guac_terminal_display* display, int start_row, int start_column, int end_row, int end_column) { /* If test range starts after highlight ends, does not intersect */ if (start_row > display->selection_end_row) return false; if (start_row == display->selection_end_row && start_column > display->selection_end_column) return false; /* If test range ends before highlight starts, does not intersect */ if (end_row < display->selection_start_row) return false; if (end_row == display->selection_start_row && end_column < display->selection_start_column) return false; /* Otherwise, does intersect */ return true; } /* Maps any codepoint onto a number between 0 and 511 inclusive */ int __guac_terminal_hash_codepoint(int codepoint) { /* If within one byte, just return codepoint */ if (codepoint <= 0xFF) return codepoint; /* Otherwise, map to next 256 values */ return (codepoint & 0xFF) + 0x100; } /** * Returns the location of the given character in the glyph cache layer, * sending it first if necessary. The location returned is in characters, * and thus must be multiplied by the glyph width to obtain the actual * location within the glyph cache layer. */ int __guac_terminal_get_glyph(guac_terminal_display* display, int codepoint) { guac_socket* socket = display->client->socket; int location; int bytes; char utf8[4]; /* Use foreground color */ const guac_terminal_color* color = &guac_terminal_palette[display->glyph_foreground]; /* Use background color */ const guac_terminal_color* background = &guac_terminal_palette[display->glyph_background]; cairo_surface_t* surface; cairo_t* cairo; PangoLayout* layout; /* Get codepoint hash */ int hashcode = __guac_terminal_hash_codepoint(codepoint); /* If something already stored here, either same codepoint or collision */ if (display->glyphs[hashcode].location) { location = display->glyphs[hashcode].location - 1; /* If match, return match. */ if (display->glyphs[hashcode].codepoint == codepoint) return location; /* Otherwise, reuse location */ } /* If no collision, allocate new glyph location */ else location = display->next_glyph++; /* Convert to UTF-8 */ bytes = guac_terminal_encode_utf8(codepoint, utf8); /* Prepare surface */ surface = cairo_image_surface_create( CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, display->char_width, display->char_height); cairo = cairo_create(surface); /* Get layout */ layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cairo); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, display->font_desc); pango_layout_set_text(layout, utf8, bytes); /* Draw */ cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, color->red / 255.0, color->green / 255.0, color->blue / 255.0, 1.0 /* alpha */ ); cairo_move_to(cairo, 0.0, 0.0); pango_cairo_show_layout(cairo, layout); /* Free all */ g_object_unref(layout); cairo_destroy(cairo); /* Clear existing glyph (if any) */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, display->glyph_stroke, location * display->char_width, 0, display->char_width, display->char_height); guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_ROUT, display->glyph_stroke, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF); /* Send glyph */ guac_protocol_send_png(socket, GUAC_COMP_OVER, display->glyph_stroke, location * display->char_width, 0, surface); /* Update filled glyphs */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, display->filled_glyphs, location * display->char_width, 0, display->char_width, display->char_height); guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_OVER, display->filled_glyphs, background->red, background->green, background->blue, 0xFF); guac_protocol_send_copy(socket, display->glyph_stroke, location * display->char_width, 0, display->char_width, display->char_height, GUAC_COMP_OVER, display->filled_glyphs, location * display->char_width, 0); display->glyphs[hashcode].location = location+1; display->glyphs[hashcode].codepoint = codepoint; cairo_surface_destroy(surface); /* Return glyph */ return location; } /** * Sets the attributes of the glyph cache layer such that future copies from * this layer will display as expected. */ int __guac_terminal_set_colors(guac_terminal_display* display, guac_terminal_attributes* attributes) { guac_socket* socket = display->client->socket; const guac_terminal_color* background_color; int background, foreground; /* Handle reverse video */ if (attributes->reverse != attributes->cursor) { background = attributes->foreground; foreground = attributes->background; } else { foreground = attributes->foreground; background = attributes->background; } /* Handle bold */ if (attributes->bold && foreground <= 7) foreground += 8; /* Get background color */ background_color = &guac_terminal_palette[background]; /* If foreground different from current, colorize */ if (foreground != display->glyph_foreground) { /* Get color */ const guac_terminal_color* color = &guac_terminal_palette[foreground]; /* Colorize letter */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, display->glyph_stroke, 0, 0, display->char_width * display->next_glyph, display->char_height); guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_ATOP, display->glyph_stroke, color->red, color->green, color->blue, 255); } /* If any color change at all, update filled */ if (foreground != display->glyph_foreground || background != display->glyph_background) { /* Set background */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, display->filled_glyphs, 0, 0, display->char_width * display->next_glyph, display->char_height); guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_OVER, display->filled_glyphs, background_color->red, background_color->green, background_color->blue, 255); /* Copy stroke */ guac_protocol_send_copy(socket, display->glyph_stroke, 0, 0, display->char_width * display->next_glyph, display->char_height, GUAC_COMP_OVER, display->filled_glyphs, 0, 0); } display->glyph_foreground = foreground; display->glyph_background = background; return 0; } /** * Sends the given character to the terminal at the given row and column, * rendering the charater immediately. This bypasses the guac_terminal_display * mechanism and is intended for flushing of updates only. */ int __guac_terminal_set(guac_terminal_display* display, int row, int col, int codepoint) { guac_socket* socket = display->client->socket; int location = __guac_terminal_get_glyph(display, codepoint); return guac_protocol_send_copy(socket, display->filled_glyphs, location * display->char_width, 0, display->char_width, display->char_height, GUAC_COMP_OVER, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, display->char_width * col, display->char_height * row); } guac_terminal_display* guac_terminal_display_alloc(guac_client* client, const char* font_name, int font_size, int dpi, int foreground, int background) { PangoFontMap* font_map; PangoFont* font; PangoFontMetrics* metrics; PangoContext* context; /* Allocate display */ guac_terminal_display* display = malloc(sizeof(guac_terminal_display)); display->client = client; memset(display->glyphs, 0, sizeof(display->glyphs)); display->glyph_stroke = guac_client_alloc_buffer(client); display->filled_glyphs = guac_client_alloc_buffer(client); display->select_layer = guac_client_alloc_layer(client); /* Get font */ display->font_desc = pango_font_description_new(); pango_font_description_set_family(display->font_desc, font_name); pango_font_description_set_weight(display->font_desc, PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL); pango_font_description_set_size(display->font_desc, font_size*PANGO_SCALE); font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution((PangoCairoFontMap*) font_map, dpi); context = pango_font_map_create_context(font_map); font = pango_font_map_load_font(font_map, context, display->font_desc); if (font == NULL) { guac_client_log_error(display->client, "Unable to get font \"%s\"", font_name); return NULL; } metrics = pango_font_get_metrics(font, NULL); if (metrics == NULL) { guac_client_log_error(display->client, "Unable to get font metrics for font \"%s\"", font_name); return NULL; } display->glyph_foreground = foreground; display->glyph_background = background; /* Calculate character dimensions */ display->char_width = pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width(metrics) / PANGO_SCALE; display->char_height = (pango_font_metrics_get_descent(metrics) + pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(metrics)) / PANGO_SCALE; /* Initially empty */ display->width = 0; display->height = 0; display->operations = NULL; /* Initially nothing selected */ display->text_selected = display->selection_committed = false; return display; } void guac_terminal_display_free(guac_terminal_display* display) { /* Free operations buffers */ free(display->operations); /* Free display */ free(display); } void guac_terminal_display_copy_columns(guac_terminal_display* display, int row, int start_column, int end_column, int offset) { int i; guac_terminal_operation* src_current; guac_terminal_operation* current; /* Ignore operations outside display bounds */ if (row < 0 || row >= display->height) return; /* Fit range within bounds */ start_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(start_column, 0, display->width - 1); end_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(end_column, 0, display->width - 1); start_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(start_column + offset, 0, display->width - 1) - offset; end_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(end_column + offset, 0, display->width - 1) - offset; src_current = &(display->operations[row * display->width + start_column]); current = &(display->operations[row * display->width + start_column + offset]); /* Move data */ memmove(current, src_current, (end_column - start_column + 1) * sizeof(guac_terminal_operation)); /* Update operations */ for (i=start_column; i<=end_column; i++) { /* If no operation here, set as copy */ if (current->type == GUAC_CHAR_NOP) { current->type = GUAC_CHAR_COPY; current->row = row; current->column = i; } /* Next column */ current++; } /* If selection visible and committed, clear if update touches selection */ if (display->text_selected && display->selection_committed && __guac_terminal_display_selected_contains(display, row, start_column, row, end_column)) __guac_terminal_display_clear_select(display); } void guac_terminal_display_copy_rows(guac_terminal_display* display, int start_row, int end_row, int offset) { int row, col; guac_terminal_operation* src_current_row; guac_terminal_operation* current_row; /* Fit range within bounds */ start_row = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(start_row, 0, display->height - 1); end_row = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(end_row, 0, display->height - 1); start_row = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(start_row + offset, 0, display->height - 1) - offset; end_row = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(end_row + offset, 0, display->height - 1) - offset; src_current_row = &(display->operations[start_row * display->width]); current_row = &(display->operations[(start_row + offset) * display->width]); /* Move data */ memmove(current_row, src_current_row, (end_row - start_row + 1) * sizeof(guac_terminal_operation) * display->width); /* Update operations */ for (row=start_row; row<=end_row; row++) { guac_terminal_operation* current = current_row; for (col=0; colwidth; col++) { /* If no operation here, set as copy */ if (current->type == GUAC_CHAR_NOP) { current->type = GUAC_CHAR_COPY; current->row = row; current->column = col; } /* Next column */ current++; } /* Next row */ current_row += display->width; } /* If selection visible and committed, clear if update touches selection */ if (display->text_selected && display->selection_committed && __guac_terminal_display_selected_contains(display, start_row, 0, end_row, display->width - 1)) __guac_terminal_display_clear_select(display); } void guac_terminal_display_set_columns(guac_terminal_display* display, int row, int start_column, int end_column, guac_terminal_char* character) { int i; guac_terminal_operation* current; /* Ignore operations outside display bounds */ if (row < 0 || row >= display->height) return; /* Fit range within bounds */ start_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(start_column, 0, display->width - 1); end_column = guac_terminal_fit_to_range(end_column, 0, display->width - 1); current = &(display->operations[row * display->width + start_column]); /* For each column in range */ for (i=start_column; i<=end_column; i++) { /* Set operation */ current->type = GUAC_CHAR_SET; current->character = *character; /* Next column */ current++; } /* If selection visible and committed, clear if update touches selection */ if (display->text_selected && display->selection_committed && __guac_terminal_display_selected_contains(display, row, start_column, row, end_column)) __guac_terminal_display_clear_select(display); } void guac_terminal_display_resize(guac_terminal_display* display, int width, int height) { guac_terminal_operation* current; int x, y; /* Fill with background color (index 0) */ guac_terminal_char fill = { .value = 0, .attributes = { .foreground = 0, .background = 0 } }; /* Free old operations buffer */ if (display->operations != NULL) free(display->operations); /* Alloc operations */ display->operations = malloc(width * height * sizeof(guac_terminal_operation)); /* Init each operation buffer row */ current = display->operations; for (y=0; ywidth && y < display->height) current->type = GUAC_CHAR_NOP; /* Otherwise, clear contents first */ else { current->type = GUAC_CHAR_SET; current->character = fill; } current++; } } /* Set width and height */ display->width = width; display->height = height; /* Send initial display size */ guac_protocol_send_size(display->client->socket, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, display->char_width * width, display->char_height * height); guac_protocol_send_size(display->client->socket, display->select_layer, display->char_width * width, display->char_height * height); /* If selection visible and committed, clear */ if (display->text_selected && display->selection_committed) __guac_terminal_display_clear_select(display); } void __guac_terminal_display_flush_copy(guac_terminal_display* display) { guac_terminal_operation* current = display->operations; int row, col; /* For each operation */ for (row=0; rowheight; row++) { for (col=0; colwidth; col++) { /* If operation is a copy operation */ if (current->type == GUAC_CHAR_COPY) { /* The determined bounds of the rectangle of contiguous * operations */ int detected_right = -1; int detected_bottom = row; /* The current row or column within a rectangle */ int rect_row, rect_col; /* The dimensions of the rectangle as determined */ int rect_width, rect_height; /* The expected row and column source for the next copy * operation (if adjacent to current) */ int expected_row, expected_col; /* Current row within a subrect */ guac_terminal_operation* rect_current_row; /* Determine bounds of rectangle */ rect_current_row = current; expected_row = current->row; for (rect_row=row; rect_rowheight; rect_row++) { guac_terminal_operation* rect_current = rect_current_row; expected_col = current->column; /* Find width */ for (rect_col=col; rect_colwidth; rect_col++) { /* If not identical operation, stop */ if (rect_current->type != GUAC_CHAR_COPY || rect_current->row != expected_row || rect_current->column != expected_col) break; /* Next column */ rect_current++; expected_col++; } /* If too small, cannot append row */ if (rect_col-1 < detected_right) break; /* As row has been accepted, update rect_row of rect */ detected_bottom = rect_row; /* For now, only set rect_col bound if uninitialized */ if (detected_right == -1) detected_right = rect_col - 1; /* Next row */ rect_current_row += display->width; expected_row++; } /* Calculate dimensions */ rect_width = detected_right - col + 1; rect_height = detected_bottom - row + 1; /* Mark rect as NOP (as it has been handled) */ rect_current_row = current; expected_row = current->row; for (rect_row=0; rect_rowcolumn; for (rect_col=0; rect_coltype == GUAC_CHAR_COPY && rect_current->row == expected_row && rect_current->column == expected_col) rect_current->type = GUAC_CHAR_NOP; /* Next column */ rect_current++; expected_col++; } /* Next row */ rect_current_row += display->width; expected_row++; } /* Send copy */ guac_protocol_send_copy(display->client->socket, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, current->column * display->char_width, current->row * display->char_height, rect_width * display->char_width, rect_height * display->char_height, GUAC_COMP_OVER, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, col * display->char_width, row * display->char_height); } /* end if copy operation */ /* Next operation */ current++; } } } void __guac_terminal_display_flush_clear(guac_terminal_display* display) { guac_terminal_operation* current = display->operations; int row, col; /* For each operation */ for (row=0; rowheight; row++) { for (col=0; colwidth; col++) { /* If operation is a cler operation (set to space) */ if (current->type == GUAC_CHAR_SET && !guac_terminal_has_glyph(current->character.value)) { /* The determined bounds of the rectangle of contiguous * operations */ int detected_right = -1; int detected_bottom = row; /* The current row or column within a rectangle */ int rect_row, rect_col; /* The dimensions of the rectangle as determined */ int rect_width, rect_height; /* Color of the rectangle to draw */ int color; if (current->character.attributes.reverse != current->character.attributes.cursor) color = current->character.attributes.foreground; else color = current->character.attributes.background; const guac_terminal_color* guac_color = &guac_terminal_palette[color]; /* Current row within a subrect */ guac_terminal_operation* rect_current_row; /* Determine bounds of rectangle */ rect_current_row = current; for (rect_row=row; rect_rowheight; rect_row++) { guac_terminal_operation* rect_current = rect_current_row; /* Find width */ for (rect_col=col; rect_colwidth; rect_col++) { int joining_color; if (rect_current->character.attributes.reverse != rect_current->character.attributes.cursor) joining_color = rect_current->character.attributes.foreground; else joining_color = rect_current->character.attributes.background; /* If not identical operation, stop */ if (rect_current->type != GUAC_CHAR_SET || guac_terminal_has_glyph(rect_current->character.value) || joining_color != color) break; /* Next column */ rect_current++; } /* If too small, cannot append row */ if (rect_col-1 < detected_right) break; /* As row has been accepted, update rect_row of rect */ detected_bottom = rect_row; /* For now, only set rect_col bound if uninitialized */ if (detected_right == -1) detected_right = rect_col - 1; /* Next row */ rect_current_row += display->width; } /* Calculate dimensions */ rect_width = detected_right - col + 1; rect_height = detected_bottom - row + 1; /* Mark rect as NOP (as it has been handled) */ rect_current_row = current; for (rect_row=0; rect_rowcharacter.attributes.reverse != rect_current->character.attributes.cursor) joining_color = rect_current->character.attributes.foreground; else joining_color = rect_current->character.attributes.background; /* Mark clear operations as NOP */ if (rect_current->type == GUAC_CHAR_SET && !guac_terminal_has_glyph(rect_current->character.value) && joining_color == color) rect_current->type = GUAC_CHAR_NOP; /* Next column */ rect_current++; } /* Next row */ rect_current_row += display->width; } /* Send rect */ guac_protocol_send_rect(display->client->socket, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, col * display->char_width, row * display->char_height, rect_width * display->char_width, rect_height * display->char_height); guac_protocol_send_cfill(display->client->socket, GUAC_COMP_OVER, GUAC_DEFAULT_LAYER, guac_color->red, guac_color->green, guac_color->blue, 0xFF); } /* end if clear operation */ /* Next operation */ current++; } } } void __guac_terminal_display_flush_set(guac_terminal_display* display) { guac_terminal_operation* current = display->operations; int row, col; /* For each operation */ for (row=0; rowheight; row++) { for (col=0; colwidth; col++) { /* Perform given operation */ if (current->type == GUAC_CHAR_SET) { /* Set attributes */ __guac_terminal_set_colors(display, &(current->character.attributes)); /* Send character */ __guac_terminal_set(display, row, col, current->character.value); /* Mark operation as handled */ current->type = GUAC_CHAR_NOP; } /* Next operation */ current++; } } } void guac_terminal_display_flush(guac_terminal_display* display) { /* Flush operations, copies first, then clears, then sets. */ __guac_terminal_display_flush_copy(display); __guac_terminal_display_flush_clear(display); __guac_terminal_display_flush_set(display); } void guac_terminal_display_commit_select(guac_terminal_display* display) { display->selection_committed = true; } void guac_terminal_display_select(guac_terminal_display* display, int start_row, int start_col, int end_row, int end_col) { guac_socket* socket = display->client->socket; guac_layer* select_layer = display->select_layer; /* Text is now selected */ display->text_selected = true; display->selection_start_row = start_row; display->selection_start_column = start_col; display->selection_end_row = end_row; display->selection_end_column = end_col; /* If single row, just need one rectangle */ if (start_row == end_row) { /* Ensure proper ordering of columns */ if (start_col > end_col) { int temp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = temp; } /* Select characters between columns */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, select_layer, start_col * display->char_width, start_row * display->char_height, (end_col - start_col + 1) * display->char_width, display->char_height); } /* Otherwise, need three */ else { /* Ensure proper ordering of start and end coords */ if (start_row > end_row) { int temp; temp = start_row; start_row = end_row; end_row = temp; temp = start_col; start_col = end_col; end_col = temp; } /* First row */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, select_layer, start_col * display->char_width, start_row * display->char_height, display->width * display->char_width, display->char_height); /* Middle */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, select_layer, 0, (start_row + 1) * display->char_height, display->width * display->char_width, (end_row - start_row - 1) * display->char_height); /* Last row */ guac_protocol_send_rect(socket, select_layer, 0, end_row * display->char_height, (end_col + 1) * display->char_width, display->char_height); } /* Draw new selection, erasing old */ guac_protocol_send_cfill(socket, GUAC_COMP_SRC, select_layer, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x60); guac_protocol_send_sync(socket, display->client->last_sent_timestamp); guac_socket_flush(socket); }