
145 lines
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2013-12-01 23:39:29 +00:00
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include "ssh_buffer.h"
#include "ssh_key.h"
ssh_key* ssh_key_alloc(char* data, int length, char* passphrase) {
ssh_key* key;
BIO* key_bio;
char* public_key;
char* pos;
/* Create BIO for reading key from memory */
key_bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(data, length);
/* If RSA key, load RSA */
if (length > sizeof(SSH_RSA_KEY_HEADER)-1
&& memcmp(SSH_RSA_KEY_HEADER, data,
sizeof(SSH_RSA_KEY_HEADER)-1) == 0) {
RSA* rsa_key;
/* Read key */
rsa_key = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey(key_bio, NULL, NULL, passphrase);
if (rsa_key == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Allocate key */
key = malloc(sizeof(ssh_key));
key->rsa = rsa_key;
/* Set type */
key->type = SSH_KEY_RSA;
/* Allocate space for public key */
public_key = malloc(4096);
pos = public_key;
/* Derive public key */
buffer_write_string(&pos, "ssh-rsa", sizeof("ssh-rsa")-1);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, rsa_key->e);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, rsa_key->n);
/* Save public key to structure */
key->public_key = public_key;
key->public_key_length = pos - public_key;
/* If DSA key, load DSA */
else if (length > sizeof(SSH_DSA_KEY_HEADER)-1
&& memcmp(SSH_DSA_KEY_HEADER, data,
sizeof(SSH_DSA_KEY_HEADER)-1) == 0) {
DSA* dsa_key;
/* Read key */
dsa_key = PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey(key_bio, NULL, NULL, passphrase);
if (dsa_key == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Allocate key */
key = malloc(sizeof(ssh_key));
key->dsa = dsa_key;
/* Set type */
key->type = SSH_KEY_DSA;
/* Allocate space for public key */
public_key = malloc(4096);
pos = public_key;
/* Derive public key */
buffer_write_string(&pos, "ssh-dsa", sizeof("ssh-dsa")-1);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, dsa_key->p);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, dsa_key->q);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, dsa_key->g);
buffer_write_bignum(&pos, dsa_key->pub_key);
/* Save public key to structure */
key->public_key = public_key;
key->public_key_length = pos - public_key;
/* Otherwise, unsupported type */
return NULL;
/* Copy private key to structure */
key->private_key_length = length;
key->private_key = malloc(length);
memcpy(key->private_key, data, length);
return key;
void ssh_key_free(ssh_key* key) {
int ssh_key_sign(ssh_key* key, const char* data, int length, u_char* sig) {
const EVP_MD* md;
EVP_MD_CTX md_ctx;
u_char digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
u_int dlen, len;
/* Get SHA1 digest */
if ((md = EVP_get_digestbynid(NID_sha1)) == NULL)
return -1;
/* Digest data */
EVP_DigestInit(&md_ctx, md);
EVP_DigestUpdate(&md_ctx, data, length);
EVP_DigestFinal(&md_ctx, digest, &dlen);
/* Sign with key */
switch (key->type) {
if (RSA_sign(NID_sha1, digest, dlen, sig, &len, key->rsa) == 1)
return len;
if (DSA_sign(NID_sha1, digest, dlen, sig, &len, key->dsa) == 1)
return len;
return -1;