llaoj 24549dca01 1. Adjusted the log format
2. optimized code
2022-12-11 18:00:15 +08:00

106 lines
1.9 KiB

package utils
import "fmt"
var CtrlChar = map[byte]string{
0: "NUL",
1: "SOH",
2: "STX",
3: "ETX",
4: "EOT",
5: "ENQ",
6: "ACK",
7: "BEL",
8: "BS",
9: "HT",
10: "LF",
11: "VT",
12: "FF",
13: "CR",
14: "SO",
15: "SI",
16: "DLE",
17: "DCI",
18: "DC2",
19: "DC3",
20: "DC4",
21: "NAK",
22: "SYN",
23: "TB",
24: "CAN",
25: "EM",
26: "SUB",
27: "ESC",
28: "FS",
29: "GS",
30: "RS",
31: "US",
32: "SPACE",
127: "DEL",
var CtrlCharGroup = map[string]string{
"1B5B41": "UP",
"1B5B42": "DOWN",
"1B5B43": "RIGHT",
"1B5B44": "LEFT",
// shell control codes
// codes[0]+codes[1]+codes[n-1]
// for example:
// [1B(ESC) 5B([) 32(2) 3B(;) 35(5) 52(R)]: row 2 col 5
// [1B(ESC) 5B([) 31(1) 30(0) 3B(;) 35(5) 52(R)]: row 10 col 5
// [1B(ESC) 5B([) 32(2) 32(2) 3B(;) 35(5) 52(R)]: row 22 col 5
"1B5B52": "",
// maybe there will be more control char group
// ...
func FormatWriteLog(codes []byte, line *string) {
n := len(codes)
// when user uses the keyboard arrow keys
// arrow keys are combination of 3 ASCII codes
if n == 3 {
if str, exist := ASCIIGroupToStr(fmt.Sprintf("%X", codes)); exist {
*line += str
// for some shells
// they will automatically send some control characters
// after typing the command and pressing Enter
// which indicate the current row and column.
if n >= 6 {
if str, exist := ASCIIGroupToStr(fmt.Sprintf("%X", []byte{codes[0], codes[1], codes[n-1]})); exist {
*line += str
str := ASCIIToStr(codes)
*line += str
func ASCIIToStr(codes []byte) (str string) {
for _, code := range codes {
if value, ok := CtrlChar[code]; ok {
str += value
} else {
str += string(code)
func ASCIIGroupToStr(group string) (string, bool) {
if value, ok := CtrlCharGroup[group]; ok {
return value, true
return "", false