Soren L. Hansen c66ae7b2e4 First, primitive stab at SPiCE integration
Launch an Xspice and run:
echo -ne "\033]844;;9876\007"

This will launch a SPiCE client connecting to

Still need to add all the security stuff and generally be
more defensive in the implementation.
2021-04-16 06:50:05 -07:00

202 lines
5.9 KiB

wdi.PlaybackProcess = $.spcExtend(wdi.EventObject.prototype, {
_lastApp: null,
started: false,
minBuffSize: 1024*32,
frequency: null,
channels: null,
audioContext: null,
startTime: null, // controls the playback time if no delay occurs
hasAudioSupport: true, //whether the browser supports HTML5 Web Audio API
typedBuffer: null,
position: null,
init: function(c) { =;
this.audioContext = this.getAudioContext();
if (this.audioContext) {
this.hasAudioSupport = true;
} else {
this.hasAudioSupport = false;
wdi.Debug.warn('The client browser does not support Web Audio API');
this.startTime = 0;
this.typedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(1024*32);
this.position = 0;
getAudioContext: function() {
//standard browser object
try {
return new AudioContext();
} catch(e) {
//chrome and safari
try {
return new webkitAudioContext();
} catch(e) {
return false;
process: function(spiceMessage) {
// if (this.hasAudioSupport && !Modernizr.touch) {
if (this.hasAudioSupport) {
switch (spiceMessage.messageType) {
var packet = spiceMessage.args;
this.channels = packet.channels;
this.frequency = packet.frequency;
this.startTime = 0;
var packet = spiceMessage.args;
// While we receive data chunks, we store them in a buffer, so than when it is full we play the sound and empty it.
// With this we get a more fluid playback and better overall performance than if we just played the data the moment we got it
var packet = spiceMessage.args;
var dataTimestamp = spiceMessage.args.multimedia_time;
var tmpview = new Uint8Array(this.typedBuffer);
tmpview.set(, this.position);
this.position +=;
this._lastApp =;
if(this.position >= this.minBuffSize) {
// ok, the buffer is full. We send the data to be played and later we can empty it to make room for more audio
} else {
// If the browser doesn't support Web Audio, we could still attach a wav header to the raw PCM we receive from spice and use the more widespread supported audio tag
// Meanwhile, we can skip all the audio packets and gain some performance at least
* Plays all the audio buffer and empties it
* @param app
* @param dataTimestamp
flush: function(dataTimestamp) {
if(this.position > 0) {
if (this.started) {
this.playSound(this.typedBuffer, dataTimestamp);
this.position = 0;
this.typedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(1024*32);
* Plays the raw pcm data passed as param using HTML5's Web Audio API
* @param buffer
playSound: function(buffer, dataTimestamp) {
if(this.channels == 2) {
return this.playSoundStereo(buffer, dataTimestamp);
var audio = new Int16Array(buffer);
var channelData = new Array(this.channels);
for(var i = 0;i<this.channels;i++) {
channelData[i] = new Float32Array(audio.length / 2);
var channelCounter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; ) {
for(var c = 0; c < this.channels; c++) {
//because the audio data spice gives us is 16 bits signed int (32768) and we wont to get a float out of it (between -1.0' and 1.0)
channelData[c][channelCounter] = audio[i++] / 32768;
var source = this.audioContext['createBufferSource'](); // creates a sound source
var audioBuffer = this.audioContext['createBuffer'](this.channels, channelCounter, this.frequency);
for(var i=0;i < this.channels; i++) {
this._play(source, audioBuffer, dataTimestamp);
* Plays the raw pcm STEREO data passed as param using HTML5's Web Audio API
* @param buffer
playSoundStereo: function(buffer, dataTimestamp) {
// Each data packet is 16 bits, the first being left channel data and the second being right channel data (LR-LR-LR-LR...)
var audio = new Int16Array(buffer);
// We split the audio buffer in two channels. Float32Array is the type required by Web Audio API
var left = new Float32Array(audio.length / 2);
var right = new Float32Array(audio.length / 2);
var channelCounter = 0;
var audioContext = this.audioContext;
var len = audio.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ) {
//because the audio data spice gives us is 16 bits signed int (32768) and we wont to get a float out of it (between -1.0 and 1.0)
left[channelCounter] = audio[i++] / 32768;
right[channelCounter] = audio[i++] / 32768;
var source = audioContext['createBufferSource'](); // creates a sound source
var audioBuffer = audioContext['createBuffer'](2, channelCounter, this.frequency);
this._play(source, audioBuffer, dataTimestamp);
_play: function(source, audioBuffer, dataTimestamp) {
var wait = 0;
if (dataTimestamp) {
var elapsedTime = -; // time passed since we received the last multimedia time from main channel
var currentMultimediaTime = elapsedTime +; // total delay we have at the moment
wait = dataTimestamp - currentMultimediaTime;
if (wait < 0) {
wait = 0;
source['buffer'] = audioBuffer;
source['connect'](this.audioContext['destination']); // connect the source to the context's destination (the speakers)
//if (!Modernizr.touch) {
source['start'](this.startTime + wait); // play the source now
//} else {
// source.noteOn(0);
this.startTime += audioBuffer.duration;
startAudio: function () {
this.started = true;