// [string] Address to listen, all addresses will be used when empty // address = "" // [string] Port to listen // port = "8080" // [bool] Permit clients to write to the TTY // permit_write = false // [bool] Enable basic authentication // enable_basic_auth = false // [string] Default username and password of basic authentication (user:pass) // To enable basic authentication, set `true` to `enable_basic_auth` // credential = "user:pass" // [bool] Enable random URL generation // enable_random_url = false // [int] Default length of random strings appended to URL // To enable random URL generation, set `true` to `enable_random_url` // random_url_length = 8 // [bool] Enable TLS/SSL // enable_tls = false // [string] Default TLS certificate file path // tls_crt_file = "~/.gotty.crt" // [string] Default TLS key file path // tls_key_file = "~/.gotty.key" // [string] Custom index.html file // index_file = "" // [string] Title format of browser window // Available variables are: // Command Command string // Pid PID of the process for the client // Hostname Server hostname // RemoteAddr Client IP address // title_format = "GoTTY - {{ .Command }} ({{ .Hostname }})" // [bool] Enable client side reconnection when connection closed // enable_reconnect = false // [int] Interval time to try reconnection (seconds) // To enable reconnection, set `true` to `enable_reconnect` // reconnec_ttime = false // [bool] Accept only one client and exit gotty once the client exits // once = false // [object] Client terminal (hterm) preferences // Examples below are some of commonly used options. // See hterm's documentation for the complete list of preferences. // https://chromium.googlesource.com/apps/libapps/+/master/hterm/js/hterm_preference_manager.js // (Note that fihens `-` in preference names must be replaced by underscores `_`) // preferences { // background_color = "rgb(16, 16, 16)" // background_image = "" // cursor_blink = false // cursor_color = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)" // ctrl_c_copy = false // ctrl_v_paste = false // east_asian_ambiguous_as_two_column = false // font_family = "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Everson Mono', 'FreeMono', 'Menlo', 'Terminal', monospace" // font_size = 15 // foreground_color = "rgb(240, 240, 240)" // user_css = "" // }