package app import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/big" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type InitMessage struct { Arguments string `json:"Arguments,omitempty"` AuthToken string `json:"AuthToken,omitempty"` } type App struct { manager backends.ClientContextManager options *Options upgrader *websocket.Upgrader server *manners.GracefulServer onceMutex *umutex.UnblockingMutex timer *time.Timer // clientContext writes concurrently // Use atomic operations. connections *int64 } type Options struct { Address string `hcl:"address" flagName:"address" flagSName:"a" flagDescribe:"IP address to listen" default:""` Port string `hcl:"port" flagName:"port" flagSName:"p" flagDescribe:"Port number to liten" default:"8080"` PermitWrite bool `hcl:"permit_write" flagName:"permit-write" flagSName:"w" flagDescribe:"Permit clients to write to the TTY (BE CAREFUL)" default:"false"` EnableBasicAuth bool `hcl:"enable_basic_auth" default:"false"` Credential string `hcl:"credential" flagName:"credential" flagSName:"c" flagDescribe:"Credential for Basic Authentication (ex: user:pass, default disabled)" default:""` EnableRandomUrl bool `hcl:"enable_random_url flagName:"random-url" flagSName:"r" flagDescribe:"Add a random string to the URL"" default:"false"` RandomUrlLength int `hcl:"random_url_length" flagName:"random-url-length" flagDescribe:"Random URL length" default:"8"` IndexFile string `hcl:"index_file" flagName:"index" flagDescribe:"Custom index.html file" default:""` EnableTLS bool `hcl:"enable_tls" flagName:"tls" flagSName:"t" flagDescribe:"Enable TLS/SSL" default:"false"` TLSCrtFile string `hcl:"tls_crt_file" flagName:"tls-crt" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL certificate file path" default:"~/.gotty.crt"` TLSKeyFile string `hcl:"tls_key_file" flagName:"tls-key" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL key file path" default:"~/.gotty.key"` EnableTLSClientAuth bool `hcl:"enable_tls_client_auth" default:"false"` TLSCACrtFile string `hcl:"tls_ca_crt_file" flagName:"tls-ca-crt" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL CA certificate file for client certifications" default:"~/"` EnableReconnect bool `hcl:"enable_reconnect" flagName:"reconnect" flagDescribe:"Enable reconnection" default:"false"` ReconnectTime int `hcl:"reconnect_time" flagName:"reconnect-time" flagDescribe:"Time to reconnect" default:"10"` MaxConnection int `hcl:"max_connection" flagName:"max-connection" flagDescribe:"Maximum connection to gotty" default:"0"` Once bool `hcl:"once" flagName:"once" flagDescribe:"Accept only one client and exit on disconnection" default:"false"` Timeout int `hcl:"timeout" flagName:"timeout" flagDescribe:"Timeout seconds for waiting a client(0 to disable)" default:"0"` PermitArguments bool `hcl:"permit_arguments" flagName:"permit-arguments" flagDescribe:"Permit clients to send command line arguments in URL (e.g." default:"true"` Preferences HtermPrefernces `hcl:"preferences"` RawPreferences map[string]interface{} `hcl:"preferences"` Width int `hcl:"width" flagName:"width" flagDescribe:"Static width of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"` Height int `hcl:"height" flagName:"height" flagDescribe:"Static height of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"` } var Version = "1.0.0" func New(manager backends.ClientContextManager, options *Options) (*App, error) { connections := int64(0) return &App{ manager: manager, options: options, upgrader: &websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024, Subprotocols: []string{"gotty"}, }, onceMutex: umutex.New(), connections: &connections, }, nil } func CheckConfig(options *Options) error { if options.EnableTLSClientAuth && !options.EnableTLS { return errors.New("TLS client authentication is enabled, but TLS is not enabled") } return nil } func (app *App) Run() error { if app.options.PermitWrite { log.Printf("Permitting clients to write input to the PTY.") } if app.options.Once { log.Printf("Once option is provided, accepting only one client") } path := "" if app.options.EnableRandomUrl { path += "/" + generateRandomString(app.options.RandomUrlLength) } endpoint := net.JoinHostPort(app.options.Address, app.options.Port) wsHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleWS) customIndexHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleCustomIndex) authTokenHandler := http.HandlerFunc(app.handleAuthToken) staticHandler := http.FileServer( &assetfs.AssetFS{Asset: Asset, AssetDir: AssetDir, Prefix: "static"}, ) var siteMux = http.NewServeMux() if app.options.IndexFile != "" { log.Printf("Using index file at " + app.options.IndexFile) siteMux.Handle(path+"/", customIndexHandler) } else { siteMux.Handle(path+"/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler)) } siteMux.Handle(path+"/auth_token.js", authTokenHandler) siteMux.Handle(path+"/js/", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler)) siteMux.Handle(path+"/favicon.png", http.StripPrefix(path+"/", staticHandler)) siteHandler := http.Handler(siteMux) if app.options.EnableBasicAuth { log.Printf("Using Basic Authentication") siteHandler = wrapBasicAuth(siteHandler, app.options.Credential) } siteHandler = wrapHeaders(siteHandler) wsMux := http.NewServeMux() wsMux.Handle("/", siteHandler) wsMux.Handle(path+"/ws", wsHandler) siteHandler = (http.Handler(wsMux)) siteHandler = wrapLogger(siteHandler) scheme := "http" if app.options.EnableTLS { scheme = "https" } if app.options.Address != "" { log.Printf( "URL: %s", (&url.URL{Scheme: scheme, Host: endpoint, Path: path + "/"}).String(), ) } else { for _, address := range listAddresses() { log.Printf( "URL: %s", (&url.URL{ Scheme: scheme, Host: net.JoinHostPort(address, app.options.Port), Path: path + "/", }).String(), ) } } server, err := app.makeServer(endpoint, &siteHandler) if err != nil { return errors.New("Failed to build server: " + err.Error()) } app.server = manners.NewWithServer( server, ) if app.options.Timeout > 0 { app.timer = time.NewTimer(time.Duration(app.options.Timeout) * time.Second) go func() { <-app.timer.C app.Exit() }() } if app.options.EnableTLS { crtFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile) keyFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile) log.Printf("TLS crt file: " + crtFile) log.Printf("TLS key file: " + keyFile) err = app.server.ListenAndServeTLS(crtFile, keyFile) } else { err = app.server.ListenAndServe() } if err != nil { return err } log.Printf("Exiting...") return nil } func (app *App) makeServer(addr string, handler *http.Handler) (*http.Server, error) { server := &http.Server{ Addr: addr, Handler: *handler, } if app.options.EnableTLSClientAuth { caFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCACrtFile) log.Printf("CA file: " + caFile) caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Could not open CA crt file " + caFile) } caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) { return nil, errors.New("Could not parse CA crt file data in " + caFile) } tlsConfig := &tls.Config{ ClientCAs: caCertPool, ClientAuth: tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert, } server.TLSConfig = tlsConfig } return server, nil } func (app *App) stopTimer() { if app.options.Timeout > 0 { app.timer.Stop() } } func (app *App) restartTimer() { if app.options.Timeout > 0 { app.timer.Reset(time.Duration(app.options.Timeout) * time.Second) } } func (app *App) handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { app.stopTimer() connections := atomic.AddInt64(app.connections, 1) defer func() { connections := atomic.AddInt64(app.connections, -1) if app.options.MaxConnection != 0 { log.Printf("Connection closed: %s, connections: %d/%d", r.RemoteAddr, connections, app.options.MaxConnection) } else { log.Printf("Connection closed: %s, connections: %d", r.RemoteAddr, connections) } if connections == 0 { app.restartTimer() } }() if int64(app.options.MaxConnection) != 0 { if connections > int64(app.options.MaxConnection) { log.Printf("Reached max connection: %d", app.options.MaxConnection) return } } log.Printf("New client connected: %s", r.RemoteAddr) if r.Method != "GET" { http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", 405) return } conn, err := app.upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { log.Print("Failed to upgrade connection: " + err.Error()) return } defer conn.Close() _, stream, err := conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { log.Print("Failed to authenticate websocket connection") return } var init InitMessage err = json.Unmarshal(stream, &init) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to parse init message %v", err) return } if init.AuthToken != app.options.Credential { log.Print("Failed to authenticate websocket connection") return } var queryPath string if app.options.PermitArguments && init.Arguments != "" { queryPath = init.Arguments } else { queryPath = "?" } query, err := url.Parse(queryPath) if err != nil { log.Print("Failed to parse arguments") return } params := query.Query() ctx, err := app.manager.New(params) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to new client context %v", err) return } app.server.StartRoutine() defer app.server.FinishRoutine() if app.options.Once { if app.onceMutex.TryLock() { // no unlock required, it will die soon log.Printf("Last client accepted, closing the listener.") app.server.Close() } else { log.Printf("Server is already closing.") conn.Close() return } } context := &clientContext{app: app, connection: conn, writeMutex: &sync.Mutex{}, ClientContext: ctx} context.goHandleClient() } func (app *App) handleCustomIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { http.ServeFile(w, r, utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.IndexFile)) } func (app *App) handleAuthToken(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript") w.Write([]byte("var gotty_auth_token = '" + app.options.Credential + "';")) } func (app *App) Exit() (firstCall bool) { if app.server != nil { firstCall = app.server.Close() if firstCall { log.Printf("Received Exit command, waiting for all clients to close sessions...") } return firstCall } return true } func wrapLogger(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { rw := &responseWrapper{w, 200} handler.ServeHTTP(rw, r) log.Printf("%s %d %s %s", r.RemoteAddr, rw.status, r.Method, r.URL.Path) }) } func wrapHeaders(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Server", "GoTTY/"+Version) handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func wrapBasicAuth(handler http.Handler, credential string) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { token := strings.SplitN(r.Header.Get("Authorization"), " ", 2) if len(token) != 2 || strings.ToLower(token[0]) != "basic" { w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="GoTTY"`) http.Error(w, "Bad Request", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } payload, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(token[1]) if err != nil { http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if credential != string(payload) { w.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="GoTTY"`) http.Error(w, "authorization failed", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } log.Printf("Basic Authentication Succeeded: %s", r.RemoteAddr) handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } func generateRandomString(length int) string { const base = 36 size := big.NewInt(base) n := make([]byte, length) for i, _ := range n { c, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, size) n[i] = strconv.FormatInt(c.Int64(), base)[0] } return string(n) } func listAddresses() (addresses []string) { ifaces, _ := net.Interfaces() addresses = make([]string, 0, len(ifaces)) for _, iface := range ifaces { ifAddrs, _ := iface.Addrs() for _, ifAddr := range ifAddrs { switch v := ifAddr.(type) { case *net.IPNet: addresses = append(addresses, v.IP.String()) case *net.IPAddr: addresses = append(addresses, v.IP.String()) } } } return }