// [string] Address to listen, all addresses will be used when empty // address = "" // [string] Port to listen // port = "8080" // [bool] Permit clients to write to the TTY // permit_write = false // [bool] Log user's writes in the TTY // write_log = false // [bool] Enable basic authentication // enable_basic_auth = false // [string] Default username and password of basic authentication (user:pass) // To enable basic authentication, set `true` to `enable_basic_auth` // credential = "user:pass" // [bool] Enable random URL generation // enable_random_url = false // [int] Default length of random strings appended to URL // To enable random URL generation, set `true` to `enable_random_url` // random_url_length = 8 // [bool] Enable TLS/SSL // enable_tls = false // [string] Default TLS certificate file path // tls_crt_file = "~/.gotty.crt" // [string] Default TLS key file path // tls_key_file = "~/.gotty.key" // [bool] Enable client certificate authentication // enable_tls_client_auth = false // [string] Certificate file of CA for client certificates // tls_ca_crt_file = "~/.gotty.ca.crt" // [string] Custom index.html file // index_file = "" // [string] Title format of browser window // Available variables are: // Command Command string // Pid PID of the process for the client // Hostname Server hostname // RemoteAddr Client IP address // title_format = "GoTTY - {{ .Command }} ({{ .Hostname }})" // [bool] Enable client side reconnection when connection closed // enable_reconnect = false // [int] Interval time to try reconnection (seconds) // To enable reconnection, set `true` to `enable_reconnect` // reconnect_time = 10 // [int] Timeout seconds for waiting a client (0 to disable) // timeout = 60 // [int] Maximum connection to gotty, 0(default) means no limit. // max_connection = 0 // [bool] Accept only one client and exit gotty once the client exits // once = false // [bool] Permit clients to send command line arguments in URL (e.g. http://example.com:8080/?arg=AAA&arg=BBB) // permit_arguments = false // [object] Client terminal (hterm) preferences // preferences { // [enum(null, "none", "ctrl-alt", "left-alt", "right-alt")] // Select an AltGr detection hack^Wheuristic. // null: Autodetect based on navigator.language: "en-us" => "none", else => "right-alt" // "none": Disable any AltGr related munging. // "ctrl-alt": Assume Ctrl+Alt means AltGr. // "left-alt": Assume left Alt means AltGr. // "right-alt": Assume right Alt means AltGr. // alt_gr_mode = null // [bool] If set, alt-backspace indeed is alt-backspace. // alt_backspace_is_meta_backspace = false // [bool] Set whether the alt key acts as a meta key or as a distinct alt key. // alt_is_meta = false // [enum("escape", "8-bit", "browser-key")] // Controls how the alt key is handled. // "escape"....... Send an ESC prefix. // "8-bit"........ Add 128 to the unshifted character as in xterm. // "browser-key".. Wait for the keypress event and see what the browser says. // (This won't work well on platforms where the browser performs a default action for some alt sequences.) // alt_sends_what = "escape" // [string] URL of the terminal bell sound. Empty string for no audible bell. // audible_bell_sound = "lib-resource:hterm/audio/bell" // [bool] If true, terminal bells in the background will create a Web Notification. http://www.w3.org/TR/notifications/ // Displaying notifications requires permission from the user. // When this option is set to true, hterm will attempt to ask the user for permission if necessary. // Note browsers may not show this permission request // if it did not originate from a user action. // desktop_notification_bell = false // [string] The background color for text with no other color attributes. // background_color = "rgb(16, 16, 16)" // [string] CSS value of the background image. Empty string for no image. // For example: // "url(https://goo.gl/anedTK) linear-gradient(top bottom, blue, red)" // background_image = "" // [string] CSS value of the background image size. Defaults to none. // background_size = "" // [string] CSS value of the background image position. // For example: // "10% 10% center" // background_position = "" // [bool] If true, the backspace should send BS ('\x08', aka ^H). Otherwise the backspace key should send '\x7f'. // backspace_sends_backspace = false // [map[string]map[string]string] // A nested map where each property is the character set code and the value is a map that is a sparse array itself. // In that sparse array, each property is the received character and the value is the displayed character. // For example: // {"0" = {"+" = "\u2192" // "," = "\u2190" // "-" = "\u2191" // "." = "\u2193" // "0" = "\u2588"}} // character_map_overrides = null // [bool] Whether or not to close the window when the command exits. // close_on_exit = true // [bool] Whether or not to blink the cursor by default. // cursor_blink = false // [2[int]] The cursor blink rate in milliseconds. // A two element array, the first of which is how long the cursor should be on, second is how long it should be off. // cursor_blink_cycle = [1000, 500] // [string] The color of the visible cursor. // cursor_color = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)" // [[]string] // Override colors in the default palette. // This can be specified as an array or an object. // Values can be specified as almost any css color value. // This includes #RGB, #RRGGBB, rgb(...), rgba(...), and any color names that are also part of the stock X11 rgb.txt file. // You can use 'null' to specify that the default value should be not be changed. // This is useful for skipping a small number of indicies when the value is specified as an array. // color_palette_overrides = null // [bool] Automatically copy mouse selection to the clipboard. // copy_on_select = true // [bool] Whether to use the default window copy behaviour // use_default_window_copy = false // [bool] Whether to clear the selection after copying. // clear_selection_after_copy = true // [bool] If true, Ctrl-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom. // If false, Ctrl-Shift-Plus/Minus/Zero controls zoom, Ctrl-Minus sends ^_, Ctrl-Plus/Zero do nothing. // ctrl_plus_minus_zero_zoom = true // [bool] Ctrl+C copies if true, send ^C to host if false. // Ctrl+Shift+C sends ^C to host if true, copies if false. // ctrl_c_copy = false // [bool] Ctrl+V pastes if true, send ^V to host if false. // Ctrl+Shift+V sends ^V to host if true, pastes if false. // ctrl_v_paste = false // [bool] Set whether East Asian Ambiguous characters have two column width. // east_asian_ambiguous_as_two_column = false // [bool] True to enable 8-bit control characters, false to ignore them. // We'll respect the two-byte versions of these control characters regardless of this setting. // enable_8_bit_control = false // [enum(null, true, false)] // True if we should use bold weight font for text with the bold/bright attribute. // False to use the normal weight font. // Null to autodetect. // enable_bold = null // [bool] True if we should use bright colors (8-15 on a 16 color palette) for any text with the bold attribute. // False otherwise. // enable_bold_as_bright = true // [bool] Show a message in the terminal when the host writes to the clipboard. // enable_clipboard_notice = true // [bool] Allow the host to write directly to the system clipboard. // enable_clipboard_write = true // [bool] Respect the host's attempt to change the cursor blink status using DEC Private Mode 12. // enable_dec12 = false // [map[string]string] The default environment variables, as an object. // environment = {"TERM" = "xterm-256color"} // [string] Default font family for the terminal text. // font_family = "'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Everson Mono', FreeMono, 'Menlo', 'Terminal', monospace" // [int] The default font size in pixels. // font_size = 15 // [string] CSS font-smoothing property. // font_smoothing = "antialiased" // [string] The foreground color for text with no other color attributes. // foreground_color = "rgb(240, 240, 240)" // [bool] If true, home/end will control the terminal scrollbar and shift home/end will send the VT keycodes. // If false then home/end sends VT codes and shift home/end scrolls. // home_keys_scroll = false // [map[string]string] // A map of key sequence to key actions. // Key sequences include zero or more modifier keys followed by a key code. // Key codes can be decimal or hexadecimal numbers, or a key identifier. // Key actions can be specified a string to send to the host, or an action identifier. // For a full list of key code and action identifiers, see https://goo.gl/8AoD09. // Sample keybindings: // {"Ctrl-Alt-K" = "clearScrollback" // "Ctrl-Shift-L"= "PASS" // "Ctrl-H" = "'HELLO\n'"} // keybindings = null // [int] Max length of a DCS, OSC, PM, or APS sequence before we give up and ignore the code. // max_string_sequence = 100000 // [bool] If true, convert media keys to their Fkey equivalent. // If false, let the browser handle the keys. // media_keys_are_fkeys = false // [bool] Set whether the meta key sends a leading escape or not. // meta_sends_escape = true // [enum(null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] // Mouse paste button, or null to autodetect. // For autodetect, we'll try to enable middle button paste for non-X11 platforms. // On X11 we move it to button 3. // mouse_paste_button = null // [bool] If true, page up/down will control the terminal scrollbar and shift page up/down will send the VT keycodes. // If false then page up/down sends VT codes and shift page up/down scrolls. // page_keys_scroll = false // [enum(null, true, false)] // Set whether we should pass Alt-1..9 to the browser. // This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. // When not running in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be used in vim or emacs. // If true, Alt-1..9 will be handled by the browser. // If false, Alt-1..9 will be sent to the host. // If null, autodetect based on browser platform and window type. // pass_alt_number = null // [enum(null, true, false)] // Set whether we should pass Ctrl-1..9 to the browser. // This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. // When not running in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be used in vim or emacs. // If true, Ctrl-1..9 will be handled by the browser. // If false, Ctrl-1..9 will be sent to the host. // If null, autodetect based on browser platform and window type. // pass_ctrl_number = null // [enum(null, true, false)] // Set whether we should pass Meta-1..9 to the browser. // This is handy when running hterm in a browser tab, so that you don't lose Chrome's "switch to tab" keyboard accelerators. // When not running in a tab it's better to send these keys to the host so they can be used in vim or emacs. // If true, Meta-1..9 will be handled by the browser. // If false, Meta-1..9 will be sent to the host. If null, autodetect based on browser platform and window type. // pass_meta_number = null // [bool] Set whether meta-V gets passed to host. // pass_meta_v = true // [bool] If true, scroll to the bottom on any keystroke. // scroll_on_keystroke = true // [bool] If true, scroll to the bottom on terminal output. // scroll_on_output = false // [bool] The vertical scrollbar mode. // scrollbar_visible = true // [int] The multiplier for the pixel delta in mousewheel event caused by the scroll wheel. Alters how fast the page scrolls. // scroll_wheel_move_multiplier = 1 // [bool] Shift + Insert pastes if true, sent to host if false. // shift_insert_paste = true // [string] URL of user stylesheet to include in the terminal document. // user_css = "" // }