suite("InputManager", function() { var sut; var input; var stuckKeysHandler; var window; var jQuery; var document; var input = 'test'; var inputElement = {remove: function() {}}; var inputElementMock; var expAddListeners; setup(function () { jQuery = function(elem) {return elem;}; input = { on: function () {}, select: function () {}, focus: function () {}, blur: function () {}, val: function (a) { if (typeof(a) !== 'undefined') { this.value = a; } else { return this.value; } } }; document = { body: { prepend: function() {} }, getElementById: function() { return input;} }; window = { on: function () {} }; stuckKeysHandler = { releaseKeyPressed: function (a) { return a; }, releaseSpecialKeysPressed: function () {} }; sut = new wdi.InputManager({disableInput: true, input: input, stuckKeysHandler: stuckKeysHandler, window: window, jQuery: jQuery}); }); suite('#setCurrentWindow', function() { setup(function() { window = [{document: document}]; sut.inputElement = inputElement; inputElementMock = sinon.mock(inputElement); expAddListeners = sinon.mock(sut).expects('addListeners').once().withExactArgs(window); }); teardown(function() { inputElementMock.restore(); }); test('Should call addListeners with provided window', function() { sut.setCurrentWindow(window); expAddListeners.verify(); }); test('Should set currentWindow with provided window', function() { sut.setCurrentWindow(window); assert.equal(window, sut.currentWindow, 'Windows are not the same'); }); test('Should set currentWindow with provided window', function() { sut.setCurrentWindow(window); assert.equal(input, sut.input, 'Inputs are not the same'); }); test('Should call prepend with provided window', function() { var expectation = sinon.mock(document.body).expects('prepend').once().withExactArgs(inputElement); sut.setCurrentWindow(window); expectation.verify(); }); test('Should call remove from input element if there is currentWindow', function() { sut.currentWindow = {unbind: function() {}}; var expectation = inputElementMock.expects('remove').once(); sut.setCurrentWindow(window); expectation.verify(); }); test('Should call unbind when there is currentWindow', function() { sut.currentWindow = {unbind: function() {}}; inputElementMock.expects('remove').once(); var expectation = sinon.mock(sut.currentWindow).expects('unbind').once().withExactArgs('blur'); sut.setCurrentWindow(window); expectation.verify(); }); }); suite('#_onBlur', function () { test('Should call to window.on(blur)', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(window) .expects('on') .once() .withExactArgs('blur', sinon.match.func); sut._onBlur(window); })); test('Should call to input.focus when window.blur is triggered and checkFocus = true', sinon.test(function () { this.stub(window, 'on', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); this.mock(input) .expects('focus') .once() .withExactArgs(); sut.checkFocus = true; sut._onBlur(window); })); test('Should not call to when blur is triggered and checkFocus = false', sinon.test(function () { this.stub(input, 'on', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); this.mock(input) .expects('select') .never(); sut._onBlur(window); })); test('Should fire releaseKey for shift, ctrl & alt', function () { this.stub(input, 'on', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); this.mock(sut) .expects('fire') .thrice(); sut._onBlur(window); }); }); suite('#_onInput', function () { test('Should call to input.on(input)', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(input) .expects('on') .once() .withExactArgs('input', sinon.match.func); sut._onInput(); })); test('Should reset the value when the input value has length > 1', sinon.test(function () { this.stub(input, 'on', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); input.val('a fake value'); sut._onInput(); assert.equal(input.val(), ''); })); test('Should preserve the value when the input value has length = 1', sinon.test(function () { var aLetter = 'A'; this.stub(input, 'on', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); input.val(aLetter); sut._onInput(); assert.equal(input.val(), aLetter); })); }); suite('#enable', function () { test('Should call to', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(input) .expects('select') .once() .withExactArgs(); sut.enable(); })); test('Should set checkFocus = true', function () { sut.enable(); assert.isTrue(sut.checkFocus); }); }); suite('#disable', function () { test('Should call to input.blur', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(input) .expects('blur') .once() .withExactArgs(); sut.disable(); })); test('Should set checkFocus = false', function () { sut.checkFocus = true; sut.disable(); assert.isFalse(sut.checkFocus); }); }); suite('#reset', function () { test('Should call to input.val', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(input) .expects('val') .once() .withExactArgs(""); sut.reset(); })); }); suite('#getValue', function () { var aValue = "fake value"; test('Should call to input.val', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(input) .expects('val') .once() .withExactArgs(); sut.getValue(); })); test('Should reset the input when there is a value', sinon.test(function () { this.stub(input, 'val').returns(aValue); this.mock(sut) .expects('reset') .once() .withExactArgs(); sut.getValue(); })); test('Should do not reset the input when there is a value', sinon.test(function () { this.mock(sut) .expects('reset') .never(); sut.getValue(); })); test('Should return a value', function () { this.stub(input, 'val').returns(aValue); assert.equal(sut.getValue(), aValue); }); }); suite('#manageChar', function () { var TestCase = [ { val: "a", charCode: 97 }, { val: "A", charCode: 65 }, { val: "s", charCode: 115 }, { val: "S", charCode: 83 } ]; TestCase.forEach(function (data) { test('returns a updated params', function () { var params = [{ type: 'anotherType', charCode: 0 }], expected = [{ type: 'inputmanager', charCode: data.charCode }], curr = sut.manageChar(data.val, params); assert.deepEqual(curr, expected); }); }); test('the returned data is different from the params passed', function () { var params = [{ type: 'anotherType', charCode: 0 }], curr = sut.manageChar('h', params); assert.notDeepEqual(curr, params); }); }); });