suite("Graphic suite", function () { var sut, clientGui; var imageData, brush, opaque; var imageDescriptor = { width: 10, height: 10 }; var header = { top_down: true }; setup(function () { sut =; var context = $('')[0].getContext('2d'); clientGui = { getContext: function (pos) { return context; } }; }); teardown(function () { }); function testCheckingImageUncompressorIsCalled (method, self) { var imageUncompressor = new wdi.ImageUncompressor(); var imageUncompressorStub = self.stub(imageUncompressor, 'process'); var getInstanceStub = self.stub(wdi.ImageUncompressor, 'getSyncInstance') .returns(imageUncompressor); sut[method](imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui); sinon.assert.calledWithExactly( imageUncompressorStub, imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, sinon.match.func, sut ); } test('processQuic calls ImageUncompressor.process', sinon.test(function() { testCheckingImageUncompressorIsCalled('processQuic', this); })); test('processLz calls ImageUncompressor.process', sinon.test(function() { testCheckingImageUncompressorIsCalled('processLz', this); })); function testFunctionsReturnsImageData(method, self) { var processResult = new ArrayBuffer([1, 2, 3, 4]); var imageUncompressor = new wdi.ImageUncompressor(); var imageUncompressorStub1 = self.stub(imageUncompressor, 'process', function(imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope) {, processResult); }); var imageUncompressorStub2 = self.stub(imageUncompressor, 'extractLzHeader').returns({ header: header, imageData: 'an image Data' }); var getInstanceStub = self.stub(wdi.ImageUncompressor, 'getSyncInstance') .returns(imageUncompressor); var u8 = new Uint8Array(processResult); var source_img = clientGui.getContext(0).createImageData(imageDescriptor.width, imageDescriptor.height);; var actual = sut[method](imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui); assert.deepEqual(actual, source_img); } test('processQuic returns an imageData', sinon.test(function() { testFunctionsReturnsImageData('processQuic', this); })); test('processLz returns an imageData', sinon.test(function() { testFunctionsReturnsImageData('processLz', this); })); function testFlip (self, processResult) { processResult = processResult || new ArrayBuffer([1, 2, 3, 4]); var imageUncompressor = new wdi.ImageUncompressor(); var imageUncompressorStub = self.stub(imageUncompressor, 'process', function(imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope) {, processResult); }); var imageUncompressorStub2 = self.stub(imageUncompressor, 'extractLzHeader').returns({ header: header, imageData: 'an image Data' }); var getInstanceStub = self.stub(wdi.ImageUncompressor, 'getSyncInstance') .returns(imageUncompressor); sut.processLz(imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui); } test('processLz flips the image if topDown falsy in header', sinon.test(function () { header.top_down = false; var flipStub = this.stub(sut, 'imageFlip'); var processResult = new ArrayBuffer([1, 2, 3, 4]); testFlip(this, processResult); var u8 = new Uint8Array(processResult); var source_img = clientGui.getContext(0).createImageData(imageDescriptor.width, imageDescriptor.height);; sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(flipStub, source_img); })); test('processLz never flips the image if topDown truthy in header', sinon.test(function () { header.top_down = true; var flipStub = this.stub(sut, 'imageFlip'); testFlip(this); sinon.assert.notCalled(flipStub); })); });