mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 22:57:28 +00:00
generate falgs based on struct options instead of defining them externally
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
@ -22,11 +21,12 @@ import (
@ -53,60 +53,35 @@ type App struct {
type Options struct {
Address string `hcl:"address"`
Port string `hcl:"port"`
PermitWrite bool `hcl:"permit_write"`
EnableBasicAuth bool `hcl:"enable_basic_auth"`
Credential string `hcl:"credential"`
EnableRandomUrl bool `hcl:"enable_random_url"`
RandomUrlLength int `hcl:"random_url_length"`
IndexFile string `hcl:"index_file"`
EnableTLS bool `hcl:"enable_tls"`
TLSCrtFile string `hcl:"tls_crt_file"`
TLSKeyFile string `hcl:"tls_key_file"`
EnableTLSClientAuth bool `hcl:"enable_tls_client_auth"`
TLSCACrtFile string `hcl:"tls_ca_crt_file"`
TitleFormat string `hcl:"title_format"`
EnableReconnect bool `hcl:"enable_reconnect"`
ReconnectTime int `hcl:"reconnect_time"`
MaxConnection int `hcl:"max_connection"`
Once bool `hcl:"once"`
Timeout int `hcl:"timeout"`
PermitArguments bool `hcl:"permit_arguments"`
CloseSignal int `hcl:"close_signal"`
Address string `hcl:"address" flagName:"address" flagSName:"a" flagDescribe:"IP address to listen" default:""`
Port string `hcl:"port" flagName:"port" flagSName:"p" flagDescribe:"Port number to liten" default:"8080"`
PermitWrite bool `hcl:"permit_write" flagName:"permit-write" flagSName:"w" flagDescribe:"Permit clients to write to the TTY (BE CAREFUL)" default:"false"`
EnableBasicAuth bool `hcl:"enable_basic_auth" default:"false"`
Credential string `hcl:"credential" flagName:"credential" flagSName:"c" flagDescribe:"Credential for Basic Authentication (ex: user:pass, default disabled)" default:""`
EnableRandomUrl bool `hcl:"enable_random_url flagName:"random-url" flagSName:"r" flagDescribe:"Add a random string to the URL"" default:"false"`
RandomUrlLength int `hcl:"random_url_length" flagName:"random-url-length" flagDescribe:"Random URL length" default:"8"`
IndexFile string `hcl:"index_file" flagName:"index" flagDescribe:"Custom index.html file" default:""`
EnableTLS bool `hcl:"enable_tls" flagName:"tls" flagSName:"t" flagDescribe:"Enable TLS/SSL" default:"false"`
TLSCrtFile string `hcl:"tls_crt_file" flagName:"tls-crt" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL certificate file path" default:"~/.gotty.crt"`
TLSKeyFile string `hcl:"tls_key_file" flagName:"tls-key" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL key file path" default:"~/.gotty.key"`
EnableTLSClientAuth bool `hcl:"enable_tls_client_auth" default:"false"`
TLSCACrtFile string `hcl:"tls_ca_crt_file" flagName:"tls-ca-crt" flagDescribe:"TLS/SSL CA certificate file for client certifications" default:"~/.gotty.ca.crt"`
TitleFormat string `hcl:"title_format" flagName:"title-format" flagDescribe:"Title format of browser window" default:"GoTTY - {{ .Command }} ({{ .Hostname }})"`
EnableReconnect bool `hcl:"enable_reconnect" flagName:"reconnect" flagDescribe:"Enable reconnection" default:"false"`
ReconnectTime int `hcl:"reconnect_time" flagName:"reconnect-time" flagDescribe:"Time to reconnect" default:"10"`
MaxConnection int `hcl:"max_connection" flagName:"max-connection" flagDescribe:"Maximum connection to gotty" default:"0"`
Once bool `hcl:"once" flagName:"once" flagDescribe:"Accept only one client and exit on disconnection" default:"false"`
Timeout int `hcl:"timeout" flagName:"timeout" flagDescribe:"Timeout seconds for waiting a client(0 to disable)" default:"0"`
PermitArguments bool `hcl:"permit_arguments" flagName:"permit-arguments" flagDescribe:"Permit clients to send command line arguments in URL (e.g. http://example.com:8080/?arg=AAA&arg=BBB)" default:"true"`
CloseSignal int `hcl:"close_signal" flagName:"close-signal" flagDescribe:"Signal sent to the command process when gotty close it (default: SIGHUP)" default:"1"`
Preferences HtermPrefernces `hcl:"preferences"`
RawPreferences map[string]interface{} `hcl:"preferences"`
Width int `hcl:"width"`
Height int `hcl:"height"`
Width int `hcl:"width" flagName:"width" flagDescribe:"Static width of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"`
Height int `hcl:"height" flagName:"height" flagDescribe:"Static height of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize" default:"0"`
var Version = "1.0.0"
var DefaultOptions = Options{
Address: "",
Port: "8080",
PermitWrite: false,
EnableBasicAuth: false,
Credential: "",
EnableRandomUrl: false,
RandomUrlLength: 8,
IndexFile: "",
EnableTLS: false,
TLSCrtFile: "~/.gotty.crt",
TLSKeyFile: "~/.gotty.key",
EnableTLSClientAuth: false,
TLSCACrtFile: "~/.gotty.ca.crt",
TitleFormat: "GoTTY - {{ .Command }} ({{ .Hostname }})",
EnableReconnect: false,
ReconnectTime: 10,
MaxConnection: 0,
Once: false,
CloseSignal: 1, // syscall.SIGHUP
Preferences: HtermPrefernces{},
Width: 0,
Height: 0,
func New(command []string, options *Options) (*App, error) {
titleTemplate, err := template.New("title").Parse(options.TitleFormat)
if err != nil {
@ -132,26 +107,6 @@ func New(command []string, options *Options) (*App, error) {
}, nil
func ApplyConfigFile(options *Options, filePath string) error {
filePath = ExpandHomeDir(filePath)
if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
fileString := []byte{}
log.Printf("Loading config file at: %s", filePath)
fileString, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := hcl.Decode(options, string(fileString)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func CheckConfig(options *Options) error {
if options.EnableTLSClientAuth && !options.EnableTLS {
return errors.New("TLS client authentication is enabled, but TLS is not enabled")
@ -253,8 +208,8 @@ func (app *App) Run() error {
if app.options.EnableTLS {
crtFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile)
keyFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile)
crtFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCrtFile)
keyFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSKeyFile)
log.Printf("TLS crt file: " + crtFile)
log.Printf("TLS key file: " + keyFile)
@ -278,7 +233,7 @@ func (app *App) makeServer(addr string, handler *http.Handler) (*http.Server, er
if app.options.EnableTLSClientAuth {
caFile := ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCACrtFile)
caFile := utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.TLSCACrtFile)
log.Printf("CA file: " + caFile)
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile)
if err != nil {
@ -410,7 +365,7 @@ func (app *App) handleWS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func (app *App) handleCustomIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, ExpandHomeDir(app.options.IndexFile))
http.ServeFile(w, r, utils.ExpandHomeDir(app.options.IndexFile))
func (app *App) handleAuthToken(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
@ -501,11 +456,3 @@ func listAddresses() (addresses []string) {
func ExpandHomeDir(path string) string {
if path[0:2] == "~/" {
return os.Getenv("HOME") + path[1:]
} else {
return path
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
type flag struct {
name string
shortName string
description string
func generateFlags(flags []flag, hint map[string]string) ([]cli.Flag, error) {
o := structs.New(app.DefaultOptions)
results := make([]cli.Flag, len(flags))
for i, flag := range flags {
fieldName := fieldName(flag.name, hint)
field, ok := o.FieldOk(fieldName)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("No such field: " + fieldName)
flagName := flag.name
if flag.shortName != "" {
flagName += ", " + flag.shortName
envName := "GOTTY_" + strings.ToUpper(strings.Join(strings.Split(flag.name, "-"), "_"))
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
results[i] = cli.StringFlag{
Name: flagName,
Value: field.Value().(string),
Usage: flag.description,
EnvVar: envName,
case reflect.Bool:
results[i] = cli.BoolFlag{
Name: flagName,
Usage: flag.description,
EnvVar: envName,
case reflect.Int:
results[i] = cli.IntFlag{
Name: flagName,
Value: field.Value().(int),
Usage: flag.description,
EnvVar: envName,
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported type: " + fieldName)
return results, nil
func applyFlags(
options *app.Options,
flags []flag,
mappingHint map[string]string,
c *cli.Context,
) {
o := structs.New(options)
for _, flag := range flags {
if c.IsSet(flag.name) {
field := o.Field(fieldName(flag.name, mappingHint))
var val interface{}
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
val = c.String(flag.name)
case reflect.Bool:
val = c.Bool(flag.name)
case reflect.Int:
val = c.Int(flag.name)
func fieldName(name string, hint map[string]string) string {
if fieldName, ok := hint[name]; ok {
return fieldName
nameParts := strings.Split(name, "-")
for i, part := range nameParts {
nameParts[i] = strings.ToUpper(part[0:1]) + part[1:]
return strings.Join(nameParts, "")
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
func main() {
@ -18,41 +19,12 @@ func main() {
cmd.Usage = "Share your terminal as a web application"
cmd.HideHelp = true
flags := []flag{
flag{"address", "a", "IP address to listen"},
flag{"port", "p", "Port number to listen"},
flag{"permit-write", "w", "Permit clients to write to the TTY (BE CAREFUL)"},
flag{"credential", "c", "Credential for Basic Authentication (ex: user:pass, default disabled)"},
flag{"random-url", "r", "Add a random string to the URL"},
flag{"random-url-length", "", "Random URL length"},
flag{"tls", "t", "Enable TLS/SSL"},
flag{"tls-crt", "", "TLS/SSL certificate file path"},
flag{"tls-key", "", "TLS/SSL key file path"},
flag{"tls-ca-crt", "", "TLS/SSL CA certificate file for client certifications"},
flag{"index", "", "Custom index.html file"},
flag{"title-format", "", "Title format of browser window"},
flag{"reconnect", "", "Enable reconnection"},
flag{"reconnect-time", "", "Time to reconnect"},
flag{"timeout", "", "Timeout seconds for waiting a client (0 to disable)"},
flag{"max-connection", "", "Maximum connection to gotty, 0(default) means no limit"},
flag{"once", "", "Accept only one client and exit on disconnection"},
flag{"permit-arguments", "", "Permit clients to send command line arguments in URL (e.g. http://example.com:8080/?arg=AAA&arg=BBB)"},
flag{"close-signal", "", "Signal sent to the command process when gotty close it (default: SIGHUP)"},
flag{"width", "", "Static width of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize"},
flag{"height", "", "Static height of the screen, 0(default) means dynamically resize"},
options := &app.Options{}
if err := utils.ApplyDefaultValues(options); err != nil {
exit(err, 1)
mappingHint := map[string]string{
"index": "IndexFile",
"tls": "EnableTLS",
"tls-crt": "TLSCrtFile",
"tls-key": "TLSKeyFile",
"tls-ca-crt": "TLSCACrtFile",
"random-url": "EnableRandomUrl",
"reconnect": "EnableReconnect",
cliFlags, err := generateFlags(flags, mappingHint)
cliFlags, flagMappings, err := utils.GenerateFlags(options)
if err != nil {
exit(err, 3)
@ -69,35 +41,28 @@ func main() {
cmd.Action = func(c *cli.Context) {
if len(c.Args()) == 0 {
fmt.Println("Error: No command given.\n")
exit(err, 1)
exit(fmt.Errorf("Error: No command given."), 1)
options := app.DefaultOptions
configFile := c.String("config")
_, err := os.Stat(app.ExpandHomeDir(configFile))
_, err := os.Stat(utils.ExpandHomeDir(configFile))
if configFile != "~/.gotty" || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := app.ApplyConfigFile(&options, configFile); err != nil {
if err := utils.ApplyConfigFile(configFile, options); err != nil {
exit(err, 2)
applyFlags(&options, flags, mappingHint, c)
utils.ApplyFlags(cliFlags, flagMappings, c, options)
if c.IsSet("credential") {
options.EnableBasicAuth = true
if c.IsSet("tls-ca-crt") {
options.EnableTLSClientAuth = true
options.EnableBasicAuth = c.IsSet("credential")
options.EnableTLSClientAuth = c.IsSet("tls-ca-crt")
if err := app.CheckConfig(&options); err != nil {
if err := app.CheckConfig(options); err != nil {
exit(err, 6)
app, err := app.New(c.Args(), &options)
app, err := app.New(c.Args(), options)
if err != nil {
exit(err, 3)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package utils
import (
func ApplyDefaultValues(struct_ interface{}) (err error) {
o := structs.New(struct_)
for _, field := range o.Fields() {
defaultValue := field.Tag("default")
if defaultValue == "" {
var val interface{}
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
val = defaultValue
case reflect.Bool:
if defaultValue == "true" {
val = true
} else if defaultValue == "false" {
val = false
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid bool expression: %v, use true/false", defaultValue)
case reflect.Int:
val, err = strconv.Atoi(defaultValue)
if err != nil {
return err
val = field.Value()
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
package utils
import (
func GenerateFlags(options ...interface{}) (flags []cli.Flag, mappings map[string]string, err error) {
mappings = make(map[string]string)
for _, struct_ := range options {
o := structs.New(struct_)
for _, field := range o.Fields() {
flagName := field.Tag("flagName")
if flagName == "" {
envName := "GOTTY_" + strings.ToUpper(strings.Join(strings.Split(flagName, "-"), "_"))
mappings[flagName] = field.Name()
flagShortName := field.Tag("flagSName")
if flagShortName != "" {
flagName += ", " + flagShortName
flagDescription := field.Tag("flagDescribe")
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
flags = append(flags, cli.StringFlag{
Name: flagName,
Value: field.Value().(string),
Usage: flagDescription,
EnvVar: envName,
case reflect.Bool:
flags = append(flags, cli.BoolFlag{
Name: flagName,
Usage: flagDescription,
EnvVar: envName,
case reflect.Int:
flags = append(flags, cli.IntFlag{
Name: flagName,
Value: field.Value().(int),
Usage: flagDescription,
EnvVar: envName,
func ApplyFlags(
flags []cli.Flag,
mappingHint map[string]string,
c *cli.Context,
options ...interface{},
) {
objects := make([]*structs.Struct, len(options))
for i, struct_ := range options {
objects[i] = structs.New(struct_)
for flagName, fieldName := range mappingHint {
if !c.IsSet(flagName) {
var field *structs.Field
var ok bool
for _, o := range objects {
field, ok = o.FieldOk(fieldName)
if ok {
if field == nil {
var val interface{}
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
val = c.String(flagName)
case reflect.Bool:
val = c.Bool(flagName)
case reflect.Int:
val = c.Int(flagName)
func ApplyConfigFile(filePath string, options ...interface{}) error {
filePath = ExpandHomeDir(filePath)
if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
fileString := []byte{}
log.Printf("Loading config file at: %s", filePath)
fileString, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, object := range options {
if err := hcl.Decode(object, string(fileString)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package utils
import (
func ExpandHomeDir(path string) string {
if path[0:2] == "~/" {
return os.Getenv("HOME") + path[1:]
} else {
return path
Reference in New Issue
Block a user