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suite("Image uncompressor suite", function () {
var syncAsyncHandler, sut, clientGui, context, headerType,
imageDescriptor, opaque, callback, scope;
setup(function () {
callback = function () {};
scope = {};
opaque = 1;
headerType = 1;
imageDescriptor = {
type: wdi.SpiceImageType.SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_LZ_RGB,
width: 10,
height: 10
var context = window.$('<canvas>')[0].getContext('2d');
clientGui = {
getContext: function (pos) {
return context;
syncAsyncHandler = {
dispatch: function () {}
sut = new wdi.ImageUncompressor({syncAsyncHandler: syncAsyncHandler});
teardown(function () {
test.skip('processLz calls syncAsyncHandler.dispatch', sinon.test(function() {
var stub = stubSyncAsync(this);
var demarshallStub = stubDemarshall(this);
var imageData = [1,2,3];
var bufferData = [1,2,3];
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferData.length + 8);
u8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
u8[0] = 1; //LZ_RGB
u8[1] = opaque;
u8[2] = headerType;
u8[3] = 0; //padding
u8[4] = 144;
u8[5] = 1;
u8[6] = 0;
u8[7] = 0;
u8.set(bufferData, 8);
var brush = true;
sut.processLz(imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, buffer, callback, scope);
function stubDemarshall(self) {
return self.stub(wdi.LZSS, 'demarshall_rgb').returns({
type: headerType,
width: 10,
height: 10
function stubSyncAsync(self) {
return self.stub(syncAsyncHandler, 'dispatch');
test('processLz calls LZSS.demarshall_rgb when brush', sinon.test(function () {
var dispatchStub = stubSyncAsync(this);
var stub = stubDemarshall(this);
var imageData = [1,2,3];
var brush = true;
sut.processLz(imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, imageData);
test('processLz calls LZSS.demarshall_rgb when no brush and imageData is array', sinon.test(function () {
var dispatchStub = stubSyncAsync(this);
var stub = stubDemarshall(this);
var imageData = [];
imageData.length = 32;
expectedData = [];
expectedData.length = 32;
var brush = false;
sut.processLz(imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, expectedData);
test('processLz calls LZSS.demarshall_rgb when no brush and imageData is typedArray', sinon.test(function () {
var dispatchStub = stubSyncAsync(this);
var stub = stubDemarshall(this);
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(35);
u8ImageData = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var expectedData = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
var brush = false;
sut.processLz(u8ImageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, expectedData);
function quicTestOpaque (opaque, self) {
var obtainedBuff;
var dispatchStub = self.stub(syncAsyncHandler, 'dispatch', function (buff) {
obtainedBuff = buff;
var imageData = [];
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
view[3] = opaque ? 1 : 0;
view[0] = 0; //quic
sut.processQuic(imageData, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(dispatchStub, buffer, callback, scope);
// sinon.deepEqual cannot acces the data inside the arrayBuffer
// so we check also the data.
var obtainedView = new Uint8Array(obtainedBuff);
assert.deepEqual(view, obtainedView, "The data inside the buffer does not match");
test('processQuic calls syncAsyncHandler.dispatch with opaque', sinon.test(function () {
opaque = true;
quicTestOpaque(opaque, this);
test('processQuic calls syncAsyncHandler.dispatch without opaque', sinon.test(function () {
opaque = false;
quicTestOpaque(opaque, this);
test('process calls processQuic when image is quic', sinon.test(function () {
var stub = this.stub(sut, 'processQuic');
var imageData = [], brush = 1;
imageDescriptor.type = wdi.SpiceImageType.SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_QUIC;
sut.process(imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, imageData, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
test('process calls processLz when image is lz', sinon.test(function () {
var stub = this.stub(sut, 'processLz');
var imageData = [], brush = 1;
imageDescriptor.type = wdi.SpiceImageType.SPICE_IMAGE_TYPE_LZ_RGB;
sut.process(imageDescriptor, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(stub, imageData, brush, opaque, clientGui, callback, scope);
test('extractLzHeader returns an imagedata with the header extracted when no brush', sinon.test(function() {
var brush = false;
var expected = 123;
var imageData = [];
imageData.length = sut.lzHeaderSize;
var result = sut.extractLzHeader(imageData, brush);
assert.equal(result.imageData[0], expected, "header not extracted correctly from imageData");