mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:47:29 +00:00
3226 lines
84 KiB
3226 lines
84 KiB
* Pixastic Lib - Core Functions - v0.1.3
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
var Pixastic = (function() {
function addEvent(el, event, handler) {
if (el.addEventListener)
el.addEventListener(event, handler, false);
else if (el.attachEvent)
el.attachEvent("on" + event, handler);
function onready(handler) {
var handlerDone = false;
var execHandler = function() {
if (!handlerDone) {
handlerDone = true;
document.write("<"+"script defer src=\"//:\" id=\"__onload_ie_pixastic__\"></"+"script>");
var script = document.getElementById("__onload_ie_pixastic__");
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (script.readyState == "complete") {
if (document.addEventListener)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", execHandler, false);
addEvent(window, "load", execHandler);
function init() {
var imgEls = getElementsByClass("pixastic", null, "img");
var canvasEls = getElementsByClass("pixastic", null, "canvas");
var elements = imgEls.concat(canvasEls);
for (var i=0;i<elements.length;i++) {
(function() {
var el = elements[i];
var actions = [];
var classes = el.className.split(" ");
for (var c=0;c<classes.length;c++) {
var cls = classes[c];
if (cls.substring(0,9) == "pixastic-") {
var actionName = cls.substring(9);
if (actionName != "")
if (actions.length) {
if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
var dataImg = new Image();
dataImg.src = el.src;
if (dataImg.complete) {
for (var a=0;a<actions.length;a++) {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(el, el, actions[a], null);
if (res)
el = res;
} else {
dataImg.onload = function() {
for (var a=0;a<actions.length;a++) {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(el, el, actions[a], null)
if (res)
el = res;
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
for (var a=0;a<actions.length;a++) {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(
el, el, actions[a], null
if (res)
el = res;
if (typeof pixastic_parseonload != "undefined" && pixastic_parseonload)
// getElementsByClass by Dustin Diaz, http://www.dustindiaz.com/getelementsbyclass/
function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
var classElements = new Array();
if ( node == null )
node = document;
if ( tag == null )
tag = '*';
var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
var debugElement;
function writeDebug(text, level) {
if (!Pixastic.debug) return;
try {
switch (level) {
case "warn" :
console.warn("Pixastic:", text);
case "error" :
console.error("Pixastic:", text);
console.log("Pixastic:", text);
} catch(e) {
if (!debugElement) {
// canvas capability checks
var hasCanvas = (function() {
var c = document.createElement("canvas");
var val = false;
try {
val = !!((typeof c.getContext == "function") && c.getContext("2d"));
} catch(e) {}
return function() {
return val;
var hasCanvasImageData = (function() {
var c = document.createElement("canvas");
var val = false;
var ctx;
try {
if (typeof c.getContext == "function" && (ctx = c.getContext("2d"))) {
val = (typeof ctx.getImageData == "function");
} catch(e) {}
return function() {
return val;
var hasGlobalAlpha = (function() {
var hasAlpha = false;
var red = document.createElement("canvas");
if (hasCanvas() && hasCanvasImageData()) {
red.width = red.height = 1;
var redctx = red.getContext("2d");
redctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)";
var blue = document.createElement("canvas");
blue.width = blue.height = 1;
var bluectx = blue.getContext("2d");
bluectx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,255)";
redctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
redctx.drawImage(blue, 0, 0);
var reddata = redctx.getImageData(0,0,1,1).data;
hasAlpha = (reddata[2] != 255);
return function() {
return hasAlpha;
// return public interface
return {
parseOnLoad : false,
debug : false,
applyAction : function(img, dataImg, actionName, options) {
options = options || {};
var imageIsCanvas = (img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "canvas");
if (imageIsCanvas && Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
if (Pixastic.debug) writeDebug("Tried to process a canvas element but browser is IE.");
return false;
var canvas, ctx;
var hasOutputCanvas = false;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
hasOutputCanvas = !!options.resultCanvas;
canvas = options.resultCanvas || document.createElement("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w = img.offsetWidth;
var h = img.offsetHeight;
if (imageIsCanvas) {
w = img.width;
h = img.height;
// offsetWidth/Height might be 0 if the image is not in the document
if (w == 0 || h == 0) {
if (img.parentNode == null) {
// add the image to the doc (way out left), read its dimensions and remove it again
var oldpos = img.style.position;
var oldleft = img.style.left;
img.style.position = "absolute";
img.style.left = "-9999px";
w = img.offsetWidth;
h = img.offsetHeight;
img.style.position = oldpos;
img.style.left = oldleft;
} else {
if (Pixastic.debug) writeDebug("Image has 0 width and/or height.");
if (actionName.indexOf("(") > -1) {
var tmp = actionName;
actionName = tmp.substr(0, tmp.indexOf("("));
var arg = tmp.match(/\((.*?)\)/);
if (arg[1]) {
arg = arg[1].split(";");
for (var a=0;a<arg.length;a++) {
thisArg = arg[a].split("=");
if (thisArg.length == 2) {
if (thisArg[0] == "rect") {
var rectVal = thisArg[1].split(",");
options[thisArg[0]] = {
left : parseInt(rectVal[0],10)||0,
top : parseInt(rectVal[1],10)||0,
width : parseInt(rectVal[2],10)||0,
height : parseInt(rectVal[3],10)||0
} else {
options[thisArg[0]] = thisArg[1];
if (!options.rect) {
options.rect = {
left : 0, top : 0, width : w, height : h
} else {
options.rect.left = Math.round(options.rect.left);
options.rect.top = Math.round(options.rect.top);
options.rect.width = Math.round(options.rect.width);
options.rect.height = Math.round(options.rect.height);
var validAction = false;
if (Pixastic.Actions[actionName] && typeof Pixastic.Actions[actionName].process == "function") {
validAction = true;
if (!validAction) {
if (Pixastic.debug) writeDebug("Invalid action \"" + actionName + "\". Maybe file not included?");
return false;
if (!Pixastic.Actions[actionName].checkSupport()) {
if (Pixastic.debug) writeDebug("Action \"" + actionName + "\" not supported by this browser.");
return false;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
if (canvas !== img) {
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
if (!hasOutputCanvas) {
canvas.style.width = w+"px";
canvas.style.height = h+"px";
if (!img.__pixastic_org_image) {
canvas.__pixastic_org_image = img;
canvas.__pixastic_org_width = w;
canvas.__pixastic_org_height = h;
} else {
canvas.__pixastic_org_image = img.__pixastic_org_image;
canvas.__pixastic_org_width = img.__pixastic_org_width;
canvas.__pixastic_org_height = img.__pixastic_org_height;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE() && typeof img.__pixastic_org_style == "undefined") {
img.__pixastic_org_style = img.style.cssText;
var params = {
image : img,
canvas : canvas,
width : w,
height : h,
useData : true,
options : options
// Ok, let's do it!
var res = Pixastic.Actions[actionName].process(params);
if (!res) {
return false;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
if (params.useData) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
canvas.getContext("2d").putImageData(params.canvasData, options.rect.left, options.rect.top);
// Opera doesn't seem to update the canvas until we draw something on it, lets draw a 0x0 rectangle.
// Is this still so?
if (!options.leaveDOM) {
// copy properties and stuff from the source image
canvas.title = img.title;
canvas.imgsrc = img.imgsrc;
if (!imageIsCanvas) canvas.alt = img.alt;
if (!imageIsCanvas) canvas.imgsrc = img.src;
canvas.className = img.className;
canvas.style.cssText = img.style.cssText;
canvas.name = img.name;
canvas.tabIndex = img.tabIndex;
canvas.id = img.id;
if (img.parentNode && img.parentNode.replaceChild) {
img.parentNode.replaceChild(canvas, img);
options.resultCanvas = canvas;
return canvas;
return img;
prepareData : function(params, getCopy) {
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
var rect = params.options.rect;
var dataDesc = ctx.getImageData(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
var data = dataDesc.data;
if (!getCopy) params.canvasData = dataDesc;
return data;
// load the image file
process : function(img, actionName, options, callback) {
if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
var dataImg = new Image();
dataImg.src = img.src;
if (dataImg.complete) {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(img, dataImg, actionName, options);
if (callback) callback(res);
return res;
} else {
dataImg.onload = function() {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(img, dataImg, actionName, options)
if (callback) callback(res);
if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "canvas") {
var res = Pixastic.applyAction(img, img, actionName, options);
if (callback) callback(res);
return res;
revert : function(img) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() == "canvas" && img.__pixastic_org_image) {
img.width = img.__pixastic_org_width;
img.height = img.__pixastic_org_height;
img.getContext("2d").drawImage(img.__pixastic_org_image, 0, 0);
if (img.parentNode && img.parentNode.replaceChild) {
img.parentNode.replaceChild(img.__pixastic_org_image, img);
return img;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
if (typeof img.__pixastic_org_style != "undefined")
img.style.cssText = img.__pixastic_org_style;
Client : {
hasCanvas : hasCanvas,
hasCanvasImageData : hasCanvasImageData,
hasGlobalAlpha : hasGlobalAlpha,
isIE : function() {
return !!document.all && !!window.attachEvent && !window.opera;
Actions : {}
* Pixastic Lib - jQuery plugin
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
if (typeof jQuery != "undefined" && jQuery && jQuery.fn) {
jQuery.fn.pixastic = function(action, options) {
var newElements = [];
function () {
if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img" && !this.complete) {
var res = Pixastic.process(this, action, options);
if (res) {
if (newElements.length > 0)
return jQuery(newElements);
return this;
* Pixastic Lib - Blend - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.blend = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = parseFloat(params.options.amount);
var mode = (params.options.mode || "normal").toLowerCase();
var image = params.options.image;
amount = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,amount));
if (!image) return false;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
params.useData = false;
var otherCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
otherCanvas.width = params.canvas.width;
otherCanvas.height = params.canvas.height;
var otherCtx = otherCanvas.getContext("2d");
var params2 = {canvas:otherCanvas,options:params.options};
var data2 = Pixastic.prepareData(params2);
var dataDesc2 = params2.canvasData;
var p = w*h;
var pix = p*4;
var pix1, pix2;
var r1, g1, b1;
var r2, g2, b2;
var r3, g3, b3;
var r4, g4, b4;
var dataChanged = false;
switch (mode) {
case "normal" :
//while (p--) {
// data2[pix-=4] = data2[pix];
// data2[pix1=pix+1] = data2[pix1];
// data2[pix2=pix+2] = data2[pix2];
case "multiply" :
while (p--) {
data2[pix-=4] = data[pix] * data2[pix] / 255;
data2[pix1=pix+1] = data[pix1] * data2[pix1] / 255;
data2[pix2=pix+2] = data[pix2] * data2[pix2] / 255;
dataChanged = true;
case "lighten" :
while (p--) {
if ((r1 = data[pix-=4]) > data2[pix])
data2[pix] = r1;
if ((g1 = data[pix1=pix+1]) > data2[pix1])
data2[pix1] = g1;
if ((b1 = data[pix2=pix+2]) > data2[pix2])
data2[pix2] = b1;
dataChanged = true;
case "darken" :
while (p--) {
if ((r1 = data[pix-=4]) < data2[pix])
data2[pix] = r1;
if ((g1 = data[pix1=pix+1]) < data2[pix1])
data2[pix1] = g1;
if ((b1 = data[pix2=pix+2]) < data2[pix2])
data2[pix2] = b1;
dataChanged = true;
case "darkercolor" :
while (p--) {
if (((r1 = data[pix-=4])*0.3+(g1 = data[pix1=pix+1])*0.59+(b1 = data[pix2=pix+2])*0.11) <= (data2[pix]*0.3+data2[pix1]*0.59+data2[pix2]*0.11)) {
data2[pix] = r1;
data2[pix1] = g1;
data2[pix2] = b1;
dataChanged = true;
case "lightercolor" :
while (p--) {
if (((r1 = data[pix-=4])*0.3+(g1 = data[pix1=pix+1])*0.59+(b1 = data[pix2=pix+2])*0.11) > (data2[pix]*0.3+data2[pix1]*0.59+data2[pix2]*0.11)) {
data2[pix] = r1;
data2[pix1] = g1;
data2[pix2] = b1;
dataChanged = true;
case "lineardodge" :
otherCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
otherCtx.drawImage(params.canvas, 0, 0);
otherCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
otherCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
while (p--) {
if ((r3 = data[pix-=4] + data2[pix]) > 255)
data2[pix] = 255;
data2[pix] = r3;
if ((g3 = data[pix1=pix+1] + data2[pix1]) > 255)
data2[pix1] = 255;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ((b3 = data[pix2=pix+2] + data2[pix2]) > 255)
data2[pix2] = 255;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "linearburn" :
while (p--) {
if ((r3 = data[pix-=4] + data2[pix]) < 255)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = (r3 - 255);
if ((g3 = data[pix1=pix+1] + data2[pix1]) < 255)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = (g3 - 255);
if ((b3 = data[pix2=pix+2] + data2[pix2]) < 255)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = (b3 - 255);
dataChanged = true;
case "difference" :
while (p--) {
if ((r3 = data[pix-=4] - data2[pix]) < 0)
data2[pix] = -r3;
data2[pix] = r3;
if ((g3 = data[pix1=pix+1] - data2[pix1]) < 0)
data2[pix1] = -g3;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ((b3 = data[pix2=pix+2] - data2[pix2]) < 0)
data2[pix2] = -b3;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "screen" :
while (p--) {
data2[pix-=4] = (255 - ( ((255-data2[pix])*(255-data[pix])) >> 8));
data2[pix1=pix+1] = (255 - ( ((255-data2[pix1])*(255-data[pix1])) >> 8));
data2[pix2=pix+2] = (255 - ( ((255-data2[pix2])*(255-data[pix2])) >> 8));
dataChanged = true;
case "exclusion" :
var div_2_255 = 2 / 255;
while (p--) {
data2[pix-=4] = (r1 = data[pix]) - (r1 * div_2_255 - 1) * data2[pix];
data2[pix1=pix+1] = (g1 = data[pix1]) - (g1 * div_2_255 - 1) * data2[pix1];
data2[pix2=pix+2] = (b1 = data[pix2]) - (b1 * div_2_255 - 1) * data2[pix2];
dataChanged = true;
case "overlay" :
var div_2_255 = 2 / 255;
while (p--) {
if ((r1 = data[pix-=4]) < 128)
data2[pix] = data2[pix]*r1*div_2_255;
data2[pix] = 255 - (255-data2[pix])*(255-r1)*div_2_255;
if ((g1 = data[pix1=pix+1]) < 128)
data2[pix1] = data2[pix1]*g1*div_2_255;
data2[pix1] = 255 - (255-data2[pix1])*(255-g1)*div_2_255;
if ((b1 = data[pix2=pix+2]) < 128)
data2[pix2] = data2[pix2]*b1*div_2_255;
data2[pix2] = 255 - (255-data2[pix2])*(255-b1)*div_2_255;
dataChanged = true;
case "softlight" :
var div_2_255 = 2 / 255;
while (p--) {
if ((r1 = data[pix-=4]) < 128)
data2[pix] = ((data2[pix]>>1) + 64) * r1 * div_2_255;
data2[pix] = 255 - (191 - (data2[pix]>>1)) * (255-r1) * div_2_255;
if ((g1 = data[pix1=pix+1]) < 128)
data2[pix1] = ((data2[pix1]>>1)+64) * g1 * div_2_255;
data2[pix1] = 255 - (191 - (data2[pix1]>>1)) * (255-g1) * div_2_255;
if ((b1 = data[pix2=pix+2]) < 128)
data2[pix2] = ((data2[pix2]>>1)+64) * b1 * div_2_255;
data2[pix2] = 255 - (191 - (data2[pix2]>>1)) * (255-b1) * div_2_255;
dataChanged = true;
case "hardlight" :
var div_2_255 = 2 / 255;
while (p--) {
if ((r2 = data2[pix-=4]) < 128)
data2[pix] = data[pix] * r2 * div_2_255;
data2[pix] = 255 - (255-data[pix]) * (255-r2) * div_2_255;
if ((g2 = data2[pix1=pix+1]) < 128)
data2[pix1] = data[pix1] * g2 * div_2_255;
data2[pix1] = 255 - (255-data[pix1]) * (255-g2) * div_2_255;
if ((b2 = data2[pix2=pix+2]) < 128)
data2[pix2] = data[pix2] * b2 * div_2_255;
data2[pix2] = 255 - (255-data[pix2]) * (255-b2) * div_2_255;
dataChanged = true;
case "colordodge" :
while (p--) {
if ((r3 = (data[pix-=4]<<8)/(255-(r2 = data2[pix]))) > 255 || r2 == 255)
data2[pix] = 255;
data2[pix] = r3;
if ((g3 = (data[pix1=pix+1]<<8)/(255-(g2 = data2[pix1]))) > 255 || g2 == 255)
data2[pix1] = 255;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ((b3 = (data[pix2=pix+2]<<8)/(255-(b2 = data2[pix2]))) > 255 || b2 == 255)
data2[pix2] = 255;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "colorburn" :
while (p--) {
if ((r3 = 255-((255-data[pix-=4])<<8)/data2[pix]) < 0 || data2[pix] == 0)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = r3;
if ((g3 = 255-((255-data[pix1=pix+1])<<8)/data2[pix1]) < 0 || data2[pix1] == 0)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ((b3 = 255-((255-data[pix2=pix+2])<<8)/data2[pix2]) < 0 || data2[pix2] == 0)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "linearlight" :
while (p--) {
if ( ((r3 = 2*(r2=data2[pix-=4])+data[pix]-256) < 0) || (r2 < 128 && r3 < 0)) {
data2[pix] = 0
} else {
if (r3 > 255)
data2[pix] = 255;
data2[pix] = r3;
if ( ((g3 = 2*(g2=data2[pix1=pix+1])+data[pix1]-256) < 0) || (g2 < 128 && g3 < 0)) {
data2[pix1] = 0
} else {
if (g3 > 255)
data2[pix1] = 255;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ( ((b3 = 2*(b2=data2[pix2=pix+2])+data[pix2]-256) < 0) || (b2 < 128 && b3 < 0)) {
data2[pix2] = 0
} else {
if (b3 > 255)
data2[pix2] = 255;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "vividlight" :
while (p--) {
if ((r2=data2[pix-=4]) < 128) {
if (r2) {
if ((r3 = 255 - ((255-data[pix])<<8) / (2*r2)) < 0)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = r3
} else {
data2[pix] = 0;
} else if ((r3 = (r4=2*r2-256)) < 255) {
if ((r3 = (data[pix]<<8)/(255-r4)) > 255)
data2[pix] = 255;
data2[pix] = r3;
} else {
if (r3 < 0)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = r3
if ((g2=data2[pix1=pix+1]) < 128) {
if (g2) {
if ((g3 = 255 - ((255-data[pix1])<<8) / (2*g2)) < 0)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = g3;
} else {
data2[pix1] = 0;
} else if ((g3 = (g4=2*g2-256)) < 255) {
if ((g3 = (data[pix1]<<8)/(255-g4)) > 255)
data2[pix1] = 255;
data2[pix1] = g3;
} else {
if (g3 < 0)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = g3;
if ((b2=data2[pix2=pix+2]) < 128) {
if (b2) {
if ((b3 = 255 - ((255-data[pix2])<<8) / (2*b2)) < 0)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = b3;
} else {
data2[pix2] = 0;
} else if ((b3 = (b4=2*b2-256)) < 255) {
if ((b3 = (data[pix2]<<8)/(255-b4)) > 255)
data2[pix2] = 255;
data2[pix2] = b3;
} else {
if (b3 < 0)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = b3;
dataChanged = true;
case "pinlight" :
while (p--) {
if ((r2=data2[pix-=4]) < 128)
if ((r1=data[pix]) < (r4=2*r2))
data2[pix] = r1;
data2[pix] = r4;
if ((r1=data[pix]) > (r4=2*r2-256))
data2[pix] = r1;
data2[pix] = r4;
if ((g2=data2[pix1=pix+1]) < 128)
if ((g1=data[pix1]) < (g4=2*g2))
data2[pix1] = g1;
data2[pix1] = g4;
if ((g1=data[pix1]) > (g4=2*g2-256))
data2[pix1] = g1;
data2[pix1] = g4;
if ((r2=data2[pix2=pix+2]) < 128)
if ((r1=data[pix2]) < (r4=2*r2))
data2[pix2] = r1;
data2[pix2] = r4;
if ((r1=data[pix2]) > (r4=2*r2-256))
data2[pix2] = r1;
data2[pix2] = r4;
dataChanged = true;
case "hardmix" :
while (p--) {
if ((r2 = data2[pix-=4]) < 128)
if (255 - ((255-data[pix])<<8)/(2*r2) < 128 || r2 == 0)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = 255;
else if ((r4=2*r2-256) < 255 && (data[pix]<<8)/(255-r4) < 128)
data2[pix] = 0;
data2[pix] = 255;
if ((g2 = data2[pix1=pix+1]) < 128)
if (255 - ((255-data[pix1])<<8)/(2*g2) < 128 || g2 == 0)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = 255;
else if ((g4=2*g2-256) < 255 && (data[pix1]<<8)/(255-g4) < 128)
data2[pix1] = 0;
data2[pix1] = 255;
if ((b2 = data2[pix2=pix+2]) < 128)
if (255 - ((255-data[pix2])<<8)/(2*b2) < 128 || b2 == 0)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = 255;
else if ((b4=2*b2-256) < 255 && (data[pix2]<<8)/(255-b4) < 128)
data2[pix2] = 0;
data2[pix2] = 255;
dataChanged = true;
if (dataChanged)
if (amount != 1 && !Pixastic.Client.hasGlobalAlpha()) {
var p = w*h;
var amount2 = amount;
var amount1 = 1 - amount;
while (p--) {
var pix = p*4;
var r = (data[pix] * amount1 + data2[pix] * amount2)>>0;
var g = (data[pix+1] * amount1 + data2[pix+1] * amount2)>>0;
var b = (data[pix+2] * amount1 + data2[pix+2] * amount2)>>0;
data[pix] = r;
data[pix+1] = g;
data[pix+2] = b;
params.useData = true;
} else {
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.globalAlpha = amount;
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Blur filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.blur = {
process : function(params) {
if (typeof params.options.fixMargin == "undefined")
params.options.fixMargin = true;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var kernel = [
[0.5, 1, 0.5],
[1, 2, 1],
[0.5, 1, 0.5]
var kernel = [
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 2, 1],
[0, 1, 0]
var weight = 0;
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<3;j++) {
weight += kernel[i][j];
weight = 1 / (weight*2);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var prevY = (y == 1) ? 0 : y-2;
var nextY = (y == h) ? y - 1 : y;
var offsetYPrev = prevY*w*4;
var offsetYNext = nextY*w*4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var offsetPrev = offsetYPrev + ((x == 1) ? 0 : x-2) * 4;
var offsetNext = offsetYNext + ((x == w) ? x-1 : x) * 4;
data[offset] = (
dataCopy[offsetPrev - 4]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+4]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext - 4]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+4]
+ dataCopy[offset-4]
+ dataCopy[offset+4]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext]) * 2
+ dataCopy[offset] * 4
) * weight;
data[offset+1] = (
dataCopy[offsetPrev - 3]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+5]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext - 3]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+5]
+ dataCopy[offset-3]
+ dataCopy[offset+5]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+1]) * 2
+ dataCopy[offset+1] * 4
) * weight;
data[offset+2] = (
dataCopy[offsetPrev - 2]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+6]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext - 2]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+6]
+ dataCopy[offset-2]
+ dataCopy[offset+6]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+2]) * 2
+ dataCopy[offset+2] * 4
) * weight;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=1.5)";
if (params.options.fixMargin) {
params.image.style.marginLeft = (parseInt(params.image.style.marginLeft,10)||0) - 2 + "px";
params.image.style.marginTop = (parseInt(params.image.style.marginTop,10)||0) - 2 + "px";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Blur Fast - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.blurfast = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = parseFloat(params.options.amount)||0;
var clear = !!(params.options.clear && params.options.clear != "false");
amount = Math.max(0,Math.min(5,amount));
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.rect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
var scale = 2;
var smallWidth = Math.round(params.width / scale);
var smallHeight = Math.round(params.height / scale);
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = smallWidth;
copy.height = smallHeight;
var clear = false;
var steps = Math.round(amount * 20);
var copyCtx = copy.getContext("2d");
for (var i=0;i<steps;i++) {
var scaledWidth = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallWidth - i));
var scaledHeight = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallHeight - i));
if (clear)
params.useData = false;
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
var radius = 10 * amount;
params.image.style.filter += " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=" + radius + ")";
if (params.options.fixMargin || 1) {
params.image.style.marginLeft = (parseInt(params.image.style.marginLeft,10)||0) - Math.round(radius) + "px";
params.image.style.marginTop = (parseInt(params.image.style.marginTop,10)||0) - Math.round(radius) + "px";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Brightness/Contrast filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.brightness = {
process : function(params) {
var brightness = parseInt(params.options.brightness,10) || 0;
var contrast = parseFloat(params.options.contrast)||0;
var legacy = !!(params.options.legacy && params.options.legacy != "false");
if (legacy) {
brightness = Math.min(150,Math.max(-150,brightness));
} else {
var brightMul = 1 + Math.min(150,Math.max(-150,brightness)) / 150;
contrast = Math.max(0,contrast+1);
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var p = w*h;
var pix = p*4, pix1, pix2;
var mul, add;
if (contrast != 1) {
if (legacy) {
mul = contrast;
add = (brightness - 128) * contrast + 128;
} else {
mul = brightMul * contrast;
add = - contrast * 128 + 128;
} else { // this if-then is not necessary anymore, is it?
if (legacy) {
mul = 1;
add = brightness;
} else {
mul = brightMul;
add = 0;
var r, g, b;
while (p--) {
if ((r = data[pix-=4] * mul + add) > 255 )
data[pix] = 255;
else if (r < 0)
data[pix] = 0;
data[pix] = r;
if ((g = data[pix1=pix+1] * mul + add) > 255 )
data[pix1] = 255;
else if (g < 0)
data[pix1] = 0;
data[pix1] = g;
if ((b = data[pix2=pix+2] * mul + add) > 255 )
data[pix2] = 255;
else if (b < 0)
data[pix2] = 0;
data[pix2] = b;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Color adjust filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.coloradjust = {
process : function(params) {
var red = parseFloat(params.options.red) || 0;
var green = parseFloat(params.options.green) || 0;
var blue = parseFloat(params.options.blue) || 0;
red = Math.round(red*255);
green = Math.round(green*255);
blue = Math.round(blue*255);
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width*rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1, pix2;
var r, g, b;
while (p--) {
pix -= 4;
if (red) {
if ((r = data[pix] + red) < 0 )
data[pix] = 0;
else if (r > 255 )
data[pix] = 255;
data[pix] = r;
if (green) {
if ((g = data[pix1=pix+1] + green) < 0 )
data[pix1] = 0;
else if (g > 255 )
data[pix1] = 255;
data[pix1] = g;
if (blue) {
if ((b = data[pix2=pix+2] + blue) < 0 )
data[pix2] = 0;
else if (b > 255 )
data[pix2] = 255;
data[pix2] = b;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData());
* Pixastic Lib - Histogram - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.colorhistogram = {
array256 : function(default_value) {
arr = [];
for (var i=0; i<256; i++) { arr[i] = default_value; }
return arr
process : function(params) {
var values = [];
if (typeof params.options.returnValue != "object") {
params.options.returnValue = {rvals:[], gvals:[], bvals:[]};
var paint = !!(params.options.paint);
var returnValue = params.options.returnValue;
if (typeof returnValue.values != "array") {
returnValue.rvals = [];
returnValue.gvals = [];
returnValue.bvals = [];
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
params.useData = false;
var rvals = this.array256(0);
var gvals = this.array256(0);
var bvals = this.array256(0);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width*rect.height;
var pix = p*4;
while (p--) {
returnValue.rvals = rvals;
returnValue.gvals = gvals;
returnValue.bvals = bvals;
if (paint) {
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
var vals = [rvals, gvals, bvals];
for (var v=0;v<3;v++) {
var yoff = (v+1) * params.height / 3;
var maxValue = 0;
for (var i=0;i<256;i++) {
if (vals[v][i] > maxValue)
maxValue = vals[v][i];
var heightScale = params.height / 3 / maxValue;
var widthScale = params.width / 256;
if (v==0) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)";
else if (v==1) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)";
else if (v==2) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)";
for (var i=0;i<256;i++) {
i * widthScale, params.height - heightScale * vals[v][i] - params.height + yoff,
widthScale, vals[v][i] * heightScale
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Crop - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.crop = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var width = rect.width;
var height = rect.height;
var top = rect.top;
var left = rect.left;
if (typeof params.options.left != "undefined")
left = parseInt(params.options.left,10);
if (typeof params.options.top != "undefined")
top = parseInt(params.options.top,10);
if (typeof params.options.height != "undefined")
width = parseInt(params.options.width,10);
if (typeof params.options.height != "undefined")
height = parseInt(params.options.height,10);
if (left < 0) left = 0;
if (left > params.width-1) left = params.width-1;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
if (top > params.height-1) top = params.height-1;
if (width < 1) width = 1;
if (left + width > params.width)
width = params.width - left;
if (height < 1) height = 1;
if (top + height > params.height)
height = params.height - top;
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = params.width;
copy.height = params.height;
params.canvas.width = width;
params.canvas.height = height;
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas();
* Pixastic Lib - Desaturation filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.desaturate = {
process : function(params) {
var useAverage = !!(params.options.average && params.options.average != "false");
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var p = w*h;
var pix = p*4, pix1, pix2;
if (useAverage) {
while (p--)
data[pix-=4] = data[pix1=pix+1] = data[pix2=pix+2] = (data[pix]+data[pix1]+data[pix2])/3
} else {
while (p--)
data[pix-=4] = data[pix1=pix+1] = data[pix2=pix+2] = (data[pix]*0.3 + data[pix1]*0.59 + data[pix2]*0.11);
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " gray";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Edge detection filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.edges = {
process : function(params) {
var mono = !!(params.options.mono && params.options.mono != "false");
var invert = !!(params.options.invert && params.options.invert != "false");
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var c = -1/8;
var kernel = [
[c, c, c],
[c, 1, c],
[c, c, c]
weight = 1/c;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var nextY = (y == h) ? y - 1 : y;
var prevY = (y == 1) ? 0 : y-2;
var offsetYPrev = prevY*w*4;
var offsetYNext = nextY*w*4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var offsetPrev = offsetYPrev + ((x == 1) ? 0 : x-2) * 4;
var offsetNext = offsetYNext + ((x == w) ? x-1 : x) * 4;
var r = ((dataCopy[offsetPrev-4]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+4]
+ dataCopy[offset-4]
+ dataCopy[offset+4]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext-4]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+4]) * c
+ dataCopy[offset]
* weight;
var g = ((dataCopy[offsetPrev-3]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+1]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+5]
+ dataCopy[offset-3]
+ dataCopy[offset+5]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext-3]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+1]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+5]) * c
+ dataCopy[offset+1])
* weight;
var b = ((dataCopy[offsetPrev-2]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+2]
+ dataCopy[offsetPrev+6]
+ dataCopy[offset-2]
+ dataCopy[offset+6]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext-2]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+2]
+ dataCopy[offsetNext+6]) * c
+ dataCopy[offset+2])
* weight;
if (mono) {
var brightness = (r*0.3 + g*0.59 + b*0.11)||0;
if (invert) brightness = 255 - brightness;
if (brightness < 0 ) brightness = 0;
if (brightness > 255 ) brightness = 255;
r = g = b = brightness;
} else {
if (invert) {
r = 255 - r;
g = 255 - g;
b = 255 - b;
if (r < 0 ) r = 0;
if (g < 0 ) g = 0;
if (b < 0 ) b = 0;
if (r > 255 ) r = 255;
if (g > 255 ) g = 255;
if (b > 255 ) b = 255;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Edge detection 2 - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
* Contribution by Oliver Hunt (http://nerget.com/, http://nerget.com/canvas/edgeDetection.js). Thanks Oliver!
Pixastic.Actions.edges2 = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w * 4;
var pixel = w4 + 4; // Start at (1,1)
var hm1 = h - 1;
var wm1 = w - 1;
for (var y = 1; y < hm1; ++y) {
// Prepare initial cached values for current row
var centerRow = pixel - 4;
var priorRow = centerRow - w4;
var nextRow = centerRow + w4;
var r1 = - dataCopy[priorRow] - dataCopy[centerRow] - dataCopy[nextRow];
var g1 = - dataCopy[++priorRow] - dataCopy[++centerRow] - dataCopy[++nextRow];
var b1 = - dataCopy[++priorRow] - dataCopy[++centerRow] - dataCopy[++nextRow];
var rp = dataCopy[priorRow += 2];
var gp = dataCopy[++priorRow];
var bp = dataCopy[++priorRow];
var rc = dataCopy[centerRow += 2];
var gc = dataCopy[++centerRow];
var bc = dataCopy[++centerRow];
var rn = dataCopy[nextRow += 2];
var gn = dataCopy[++nextRow];
var bn = dataCopy[++nextRow];
var r2 = - rp - rc - rn;
var g2 = - gp - gc - gn;
var b2 = - bp - bc - bn;
// Main convolution loop
for (var x = 1; x < wm1; ++x) {
centerRow = pixel + 4;
priorRow = centerRow - w4;
nextRow = centerRow + w4;
var r = 127 + r1 - rp - (rc * -8) - rn;
var g = 127 + g1 - gp - (gc * -8) - gn;
var b = 127 + b1 - bp - (bc * -8) - bn;
r1 = r2;
g1 = g2;
b1 = b2;
rp = dataCopy[ priorRow];
gp = dataCopy[++priorRow];
bp = dataCopy[++priorRow];
rc = dataCopy[ centerRow];
gc = dataCopy[++centerRow];
bc = dataCopy[++centerRow];
rn = dataCopy[ nextRow];
gn = dataCopy[++nextRow];
bn = dataCopy[++nextRow];
r += (r2 = - rp - rc - rn);
g += (g2 = - gp - gc - gn);
b += (b2 = - bp - bc - bn);
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
data[pixel] = r;
data[++pixel] = g;
data[++pixel] = b;
//data[++pixel] = 255; // alpha
pixel += 8;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Emboss filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.emboss = {
process : function(params) {
var strength = parseFloat(params.options.strength)||1;
var greyLevel = typeof params.options.greyLevel != "undefined" ? parseInt(params.options.greyLevel) : 180;
var direction = params.options.direction||"topleft";
var blend = !!(params.options.blend && params.options.blend != "false");
var dirY = 0;
var dirX = 0;
switch (direction) {
case "topleft": // top left
dirY = -1;
dirX = -1;
case "top": // top
dirY = -1;
dirX = 0;
case "topright": // top right
dirY = -1;
dirX = 1;
case "right": // right
dirY = 0;
dirX = 1;
case "bottomright": // bottom right
dirY = 1;
dirX = 1;
case "bottom": // bottom
dirY = 1;
dirX = 0;
case "bottomleft": // bottom left
dirY = 1;
dirX = -1;
case "left": // left
dirY = 0;
dirX = -1;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var invertAlpha = !!params.options.invertAlpha;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var otherY = dirY;
if (y + otherY < 1) otherY = 0;
if (y + otherY > h) otherY = 0;
var offsetYOther = (y-1+otherY)*w*4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x-1)*4;
var otherX = dirX;
if (x + otherX < 1) otherX = 0;
if (x + otherX > w) otherX = 0;
var offsetOther = offsetYOther + (x-1+otherX)*4;
var dR = dataCopy[offset] - dataCopy[offsetOther];
var dG = dataCopy[offset+1] - dataCopy[offsetOther+1];
var dB = dataCopy[offset+2] - dataCopy[offsetOther+2];
var dif = dR;
var absDif = dif > 0 ? dif : -dif;
var absG = dG > 0 ? dG : -dG;
var absB = dB > 0 ? dB : -dB;
if (absG > absDif) {
dif = dG;
if (absB > absDif) {
dif = dB;
dif *= strength;
if (blend) {
var r = data[offset] + dif;
var g = data[offset+1] + dif;
var b = data[offset+2] + dif;
data[offset] = (r > 255) ? 255 : (r < 0 ? 0 : r);
data[offset+1] = (g > 255) ? 255 : (g < 0 ? 0 : g);
data[offset+2] = (b > 255) ? 255 : (b < 0 ? 0 : b);
} else {
var grey = greyLevel - dif;
if (grey < 0) {
grey = 0;
} else if (grey > 255) {
grey = 255;
data[offset] = data[offset+1] = data[offset+2] = grey;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.emboss()";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Flip - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.flip = {
process : function(params) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var copyCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
copyCanvas.width = rect.width;
copyCanvas.height = rect.height;
copyCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(params.image, rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
if (params.options.axis == "horizontal") {
ctx.drawImage(copyCanvas, -rect.left-rect.width, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height)
} else {
ctx.drawImage(copyCanvas, rect.left, -rect.top-rect.height, rect.width, rect.height)
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas();
* Pixastic Lib - Horizontal flip - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.fliph = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var copyCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
copyCanvas.width = rect.width;
copyCanvas.height = rect.height;
copyCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(params.image, rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
ctx.drawImage(copyCanvas, -rect.left-rect.width, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height)
params.useData = false;
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " fliph";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Vertical flip - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.flipv = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var copyCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
copyCanvas.width = rect.width;
copyCanvas.height = rect.height;
copyCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(params.image, rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height);
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
ctx.drawImage(copyCanvas, rect.left, -rect.top-rect.height, rect.width, rect.height)
params.useData = false;
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " flipv";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Glow - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.glow = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = (parseFloat(params.options.amount)||0);
var blurAmount = parseFloat(params.options.radius)||0;
amount = Math.min(1,Math.max(0,amount));
blurAmount = Math.min(5,Math.max(0,blurAmount));
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var blurCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
blurCanvas.width = params.width;
blurCanvas.height = params.height;
var blurCtx = blurCanvas.getContext("2d");
var scale = 2;
var smallWidth = Math.round(params.width / scale);
var smallHeight = Math.round(params.height / scale);
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = smallWidth;
copy.height = smallHeight;
var clear = true;
var steps = Math.round(blurAmount * 20);
var copyCtx = copy.getContext("2d");
for (var i=0;i<steps;i++) {
var scaledWidth = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallWidth - i));
var scaledHeight = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallHeight - i));
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var blurData = Pixastic.prepareData({canvas:blurCanvas,options:params.options});
var p = rect.width * rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1 = pix + 1, pix2 = pix + 2, pix3 = pix + 3;
while (p--) {
if ((data[pix-=4] += amount * blurData[pix]) > 255) data[pix] = 255;
if ((data[pix1-=4] += amount * blurData[pix1]) > 255) data[pix1] = 255;
if ((data[pix2-=4] += amount * blurData[pix2]) > 255) data[pix2] = 255;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Histogram - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.histogram = {
process : function(params) {
var average = !!(params.options.average && params.options.average != "false");
var paint = !!(params.options.paint && params.options.paint != "false");
var color = params.options.color || "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)";
var values = [];
if (typeof params.options.returnValue != "object") {
params.options.returnValue = {values:[]};
var returnValue = params.options.returnValue;
if (typeof returnValue.values != "array") {
returnValue.values = [];
values = returnValue.values;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
params.useData = false;
for (var i=0;i<256;i++) {
values[i] = 0;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width * rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1 = pix + 1, pix2 = pix + 2, pix3 = pix + 3;
var round = Math.round;
if (average) {
while (p--) {
values[ round((data[pix-=4]+data[pix+1]+data[pix+2])/3) ]++;
} else {
while (p--) {
values[ round(data[pix-=4]*0.3 + data[pix+1]*0.59 + data[pix+2]*0.11) ]++;
if (paint) {
var maxValue = 0;
for (var i=0;i<256;i++) {
if (values[i] > maxValue) {
maxValue = values[i];
var heightScale = params.height / maxValue;
var widthScale = params.width / 256;
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = color;
for (var i=0;i<256;i++) {
i * widthScale, params.height - heightScale * values[i],
widthScale, values[i] * heightScale
returnValue.values = values;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - HSL Adjust - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.hsl = {
process : function(params) {
var hue = parseInt(params.options.hue,10)||0;
var saturation = (parseInt(params.options.saturation,10)||0) / 100;
var lightness = (parseInt(params.options.lightness,10)||0) / 100;
// this seems to give the same result as Photoshop
if (saturation < 0) {
var satMul = 1+saturation;
} else {
var satMul = 1+saturation*2;
hue = (hue%360) / 360;
var hue6 = hue * 6;
var rgbDiv = 1 / 255;
var light255 = lightness * 255;
var lightp1 = 1 + lightness;
var lightm1 = 1 - lightness;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width * rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1 = pix + 1, pix2 = pix + 2, pix3 = pix + 3;
while (p--) {
var r = data[pix-=4];
var g = data[pix1=pix+1];
var b = data[pix2=pix+2];
if (hue != 0 || saturation != 0) {
// ok, here comes rgb to hsl + adjust + hsl to rgb, all in one jumbled mess.
// It's not so pretty, but it's been optimized to get somewhat decent performance.
// The transforms were originally adapted from the ones found in Graphics Gems, but have been heavily modified.
var vs = r;
if (g > vs) vs = g;
if (b > vs) vs = b;
var ms = r;
if (g < ms) ms = g;
if (b < ms) ms = b;
var vm = (vs-ms);
var l = (ms+vs)/510;
if (l > 0) {
if (vm > 0) {
if (l <= 0.5) {
var s = vm / (vs+ms) * satMul;
if (s > 1) s = 1;
var v = (l * (1+s));
} else {
var s = vm / (510-vs-ms) * satMul;
if (s > 1) s = 1;
var v = (l+s - l*s);
if (r == vs) {
if (g == ms)
var h = 5 + ((vs-b)/vm) + hue6;
var h = 1 - ((vs-g)/vm) + hue6;
} else if (g == vs) {
if (b == ms)
var h = 1 + ((vs-r)/vm) + hue6;
var h = 3 - ((vs-b)/vm) + hue6;
} else {
if (r == ms)
var h = 3 + ((vs-g)/vm) + hue6;
var h = 5 - ((vs-r)/vm) + hue6;
if (h < 0) h+=6;
if (h >= 6) h-=6;
var m = (l+l-v);
var sextant = h>>0;
if (sextant == 0) {
r = v*255; g = (m+((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255; b = m*255;
} else if (sextant == 1) {
r = (v-((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255; g = v*255; b = m*255;
} else if (sextant == 2) {
r = m*255; g = v*255; b = (m+((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255;
} else if (sextant == 3) {
r = m*255; g = (v-((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255; b = v*255;
} else if (sextant == 4) {
r = (m+((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255; g = m*255; b = v*255;
} else if (sextant == 5) {
r = v*255; g = m*255; b = (v-((v-m)*(h-sextant)))*255;
if (lightness < 0) {
r *= lightp1;
g *= lightp1;
b *= lightp1;
} else if (lightness > 0) {
r = r * lightm1 + light255;
g = g * lightm1 + light255;
b = b * lightm1 + light255;
if (r < 0)
data[pix] = 0
else if (r > 255)
data[pix] = 255
data[pix] = r;
if (g < 0)
data[pix1] = 0
else if (g > 255)
data[pix1] = 255
data[pix1] = g;
if (b < 0)
data[pix2] = 0
else if (b > 255)
data[pix2] = 255
data[pix2] = b;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Invert filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.invert = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var invertAlpha = !!params.options.invertAlpha;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width * rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1 = pix + 1, pix2 = pix + 2, pix3 = pix + 3;
while (p--) {
data[pix-=4] = 255 - data[pix];
data[pix1-=4] = 255 - data[pix1];
data[pix2-=4] = 255 - data[pix2];
if (invertAlpha)
data[pix3-=4] = 255 - data[pix3];
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
params.image.style.filter += " invert";
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Laplace filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.laplace = {
process : function(params) {
var strength = 1.0;
var invert = !!(params.options.invert && params.options.invert != "false");
var contrast = parseFloat(params.options.edgeStrength)||0;
var greyLevel = parseInt(params.options.greyLevel)||0;
contrast = -contrast;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var kernel = [
[-1, -1, -1],
[-1, 8, -1],
[-1, -1, -1]
var weight = 1/8;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var nextY = (y == h) ? y - 1 : y;
var prevY = (y == 1) ? 0 : y-2;
var offsetYPrev = prevY*w*4;
var offsetYNext = nextY*w*4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var offsetPrev = offsetYPrev + ((x == 1) ? 0 : x-2) * 4;
var offsetNext = offsetYNext + ((x == w) ? x-1 : x) * 4;
var r = ((-dataCopy[offsetPrev-4]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+4]
- dataCopy[offset-4]
- dataCopy[offset+4]
- dataCopy[offsetNext-4]
- dataCopy[offsetNext]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+4])
+ dataCopy[offset] * 8)
* weight;
var g = ((-dataCopy[offsetPrev-3]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+1]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+5]
- dataCopy[offset-3]
- dataCopy[offset+5]
- dataCopy[offsetNext-3]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+1]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+5])
+ dataCopy[offset+1] * 8)
* weight;
var b = ((-dataCopy[offsetPrev-2]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+2]
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+6]
- dataCopy[offset-2]
- dataCopy[offset+6]
- dataCopy[offsetNext-2]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+2]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+6])
+ dataCopy[offset+2] * 8)
* weight;
var brightness = ((r + g + b)/3) + greyLevel;
if (contrast != 0) {
if (brightness > 127) {
brightness += ((brightness + 1) - 128) * contrast;
} else if (brightness < 127) {
brightness -= (brightness + 1) * contrast;
if (invert) {
brightness = 255 - brightness;
if (brightness < 0 ) brightness = 0;
if (brightness > 255 ) brightness = 255;
data[offset] = data[offset+1] = data[offset+2] = brightness;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Lighten filter - v0.1.1
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.lighten = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = parseFloat(params.options.amount) || 0;
amount = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, amount));
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var p = rect.width * rect.height;
var pix = p*4, pix1 = pix + 1, pix2 = pix + 2;
var mul = amount + 1;
while (p--) {
if ((data[pix-=4] = data[pix] * mul) > 255)
data[pix] = 255;
if ((data[pix1-=4] = data[pix1] * mul) > 255)
data[pix1] = 255;
if ((data[pix2-=4] = data[pix2] * mul) > 255)
data[pix2] = 255;
return true;
} else if (Pixastic.Client.isIE()) {
var img = params.image;
if (amount < 0) {
img.style.filter += " light()";
100 * -amount
} else if (amount > 0) {
img.style.filter += " light()";
100 * amount
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData() || Pixastic.Client.isIE());
* Pixastic Lib - Mosaic filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.mosaic = {
process : function(params) {
var blockSize = Math.max(1,parseInt(params.options.blockSize,10));
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
var pixel = document.createElement("canvas");
pixel.width = pixel.height = 1;
var pixelCtx = pixel.getContext("2d");
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = w;
copy.height = h;
var copyCtx = copy.getContext("2d");
copyCtx.drawImage(params.canvas,rect.left,rect.top,w,h, 0,0,w,h);
for (var y=0;y<h;y+=blockSize) {
for (var x=0;x<w;x+=blockSize) {
var blockSizeX = blockSize;
var blockSizeY = blockSize;
if (blockSizeX + x > w)
blockSizeX = w - x;
if (blockSizeY + y > h)
blockSizeY = h - y;
pixelCtx.drawImage(copy, x, y, blockSizeX, blockSizeY, 0, 0, 1, 1);
var data = pixelCtx.getImageData(0,0,1,1).data;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + data[0] + "," + data[1] + "," + data[2] + ")";
ctx.fillRect(rect.left + x, rect.top + y, blockSize, blockSize);
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData());
* Pixastic Lib - Noise filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.noise = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = 0;
var strength = 0;
var mono = false;
if (typeof params.options.amount != "undefined")
amount = parseFloat(params.options.amount)||0;
if (typeof params.options.strength != "undefined")
strength = parseFloat(params.options.strength)||0;
if (typeof params.options.mono != "undefined")
mono = !!(params.options.mono && params.options.mono != "false");
amount = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,amount));
strength = Math.max(0,Math.min(1,strength));
var noise = 128 * strength;
var noise2 = noise / 2;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
var random = Math.random;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x-1)*4;
if (random() < amount) {
if (mono) {
var pixelNoise = - noise2 + random() * noise;
var r = data[offset] + pixelNoise;
var g = data[offset+1] + pixelNoise;
var b = data[offset+2] + pixelNoise;
} else {
var r = data[offset] - noise2 + (random() * noise);
var g = data[offset+1] - noise2 + (random() * noise);
var b = data[offset+2] - noise2 + (random() * noise);
if (r < 0 ) r = 0;
if (g < 0 ) g = 0;
if (b < 0 ) b = 0;
if (r > 255 ) r = 255;
if (g > 255 ) g = 255;
if (b > 255 ) b = 255;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Posterize effect - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.posterize = {
process : function(params) {
var numLevels = 256;
if (typeof params.options.levels != "undefined")
numLevels = parseInt(params.options.levels,10)||1;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
numLevels = Math.max(2,Math.min(256,numLevels));
var numAreas = 256 / numLevels;
var numValues = 256 / (numLevels-1);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x-1)*4;
var r = numValues * ((data[offset] / numAreas)>>0);
var g = numValues * ((data[offset+1] / numAreas)>>0);
var b = numValues * ((data[offset+2] / numAreas)>>0);
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Pointillize filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.pointillize = {
process : function(params) {
var radius = Math.max(1,parseInt(params.options.radius,10));
var density = Math.min(5,Math.max(0,parseFloat(params.options.density)||0));
var noise = Math.max(0,parseFloat(params.options.noise)||0);
var transparent = !!(params.options.transparent && params.options.transparent != "false");
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
var ctx = params.canvas.getContext("2d");
var canvasWidth = params.canvas.width;
var canvasHeight = params.canvas.height;
var pixel = document.createElement("canvas");
pixel.width = pixel.height = 1;
var pixelCtx = pixel.getContext("2d");
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = w;
copy.height = h;
var copyCtx = copy.getContext("2d");
copyCtx.drawImage(params.canvas,rect.left,rect.top,w,h, 0,0,w,h);
var diameter = radius * 2;
if (transparent)
ctx.clearRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height);
var noiseRadius = radius * noise;
var dist = 1 / density;
for (var y=0;y<h+radius;y+=diameter*dist) {
for (var x=0;x<w+radius;x+=diameter*dist) {
rndX = noise ? (x+((Math.random()*2-1) * noiseRadius))>>0 : x;
rndY = noise ? (y+((Math.random()*2-1) * noiseRadius))>>0 : y;
var pixX = rndX - radius;
var pixY = rndY - radius;
if (pixX < 0) pixX = 0;
if (pixY < 0) pixY = 0;
var cx = rndX + rect.left;
var cy = rndY + rect.top;
if (cx < 0) cx = 0;
if (cx > canvasWidth) cx = canvasWidth;
if (cy < 0) cy = 0;
if (cy > canvasHeight) cy = canvasHeight;
var diameterX = diameter;
var diameterY = diameter;
if (diameterX + pixX > w)
diameterX = w - pixX;
if (diameterY + pixY > h)
diameterY = h - pixY;
if (diameterX < 1) diameterX = 1;
if (diameterY < 1) diameterY = 1;
pixelCtx.drawImage(copy, pixX, pixY, diameterX, diameterY, 0, 0, 1, 1);
var data = pixelCtx.getImageData(0,0,1,1).data;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + data[0] + "," + data[1] + "," + data[2] + ")";
ctx.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData());
* Pixastic Lib - Remove noise - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.removenoise = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var nextY = (y == h) ? y - 1 : y;
var prevY = (y == 1) ? 0 : y-2;
var offsetYPrev = prevY*w*4;
var offsetYNext = nextY*w*4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var offsetPrev = offsetYPrev + ((x == 1) ? 0 : x-2) * 4;
var offsetNext = offsetYNext + ((x == w) ? x-1 : x) * 4;
var minR, maxR, minG, maxG, minB, maxB;
minR = maxR = data[offsetPrev];
var r1 = data[offset-4], r2 = data[offset+4], r3 = data[offsetNext];
if (r1 < minR) minR = r1;
if (r2 < minR) minR = r2;
if (r3 < minR) minR = r3;
if (r1 > maxR) maxR = r1;
if (r2 > maxR) maxR = r2;
if (r3 > maxR) maxR = r3;
minG = maxG = data[offsetPrev+1];
var g1 = data[offset-3], g2 = data[offset+5], g3 = data[offsetNext+1];
if (g1 < minG) minG = g1;
if (g2 < minG) minG = g2;
if (g3 < minG) minG = g3;
if (g1 > maxG) maxG = g1;
if (g2 > maxG) maxG = g2;
if (g3 > maxG) maxG = g3;
minB = maxB = data[offsetPrev+2];
var b1 = data[offset-2], b2 = data[offset+6], b3 = data[offsetNext+2];
if (b1 < minB) minB = b1;
if (b2 < minB) minB = b2;
if (b3 < minB) minB = b3;
if (b1 > maxB) maxB = b1;
if (b2 > maxB) maxB = b2;
if (b3 > maxB) maxB = b3;
if (data[offset] > maxR) {
data[offset] = maxR;
} else if (data[offset] < minR) {
data[offset] = minR;
if (data[offset+1] > maxG) {
data[offset+1] = maxG;
} else if (data[offset+1] < minG) {
data[offset+1] = minG;
if (data[offset+2] > maxB) {
data[offset+2] = maxB;
} else if (data[offset+2] < minB) {
data[offset+2] = minB;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Resize - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.resize = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var width = parseInt(params.options.width,10);
var height = parseInt(params.options.height,10);
var canvas = params.canvas;
if (width < 1) width = 1;
if (width < 2) width = 2;
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = width;
copy.height = height;
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas();
* Pixastic Lib - Rotate - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.rotate = {
process : function(params) {
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas()) {
var canvas = params.canvas;
var width = params.width;
var height = params.height;
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = width;
copy.height = height;
var angle = -parseFloat(params.options.angle) * Math.PI / 180;
var dimAngle = angle;
if (dimAngle > Math.PI*0.5)
dimAngle = Math.PI - dimAngle;
if (dimAngle < -Math.PI*0.5)
dimAngle = -Math.PI - dimAngle;
var diag = Math.sqrt(width*width + height*height);
var diagAngle1 = Math.abs(dimAngle) - Math.abs(Math.atan2(height, width));
var diagAngle2 = Math.abs(dimAngle) + Math.abs(Math.atan2(height, width));
var newWidth = Math.abs(Math.cos(diagAngle1) * diag);
var newHeight = Math.abs(Math.sin(diagAngle2) * diag);
canvas.width = newWidth;
canvas.height = newHeight;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.translate(newWidth/2, newHeight/2);
params.useData = false;
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvas();
* Pixastic Lib - Sepia filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.sepia = {
process : function(params) {
var mode = (parseInt(params.options.mode,10)||0);
if (mode < 0) mode = 0;
if (mode > 1) mode = 1;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x-1)*4;
if (mode) {
// a bit faster, but not as good
var d = data[offset] * 0.299 + data[offset+1] * 0.587 + data[offset+2] * 0.114;
var r = (d + 39);
var g = (d + 14);
var b = (d - 36);
} else {
// Microsoft
var or = data[offset];
var og = data[offset+1];
var ob = data[offset+2];
var r = (or * 0.393 + og * 0.769 + ob * 0.189);
var g = (or * 0.349 + og * 0.686 + ob * 0.168);
var b = (or * 0.272 + og * 0.534 + ob * 0.131);
if (r < 0) r = 0; if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g < 0) g = 0; if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b < 0) b = 0; if (b > 255) b = 255;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Sharpen filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.sharpen = {
process : function(params) {
var strength = 0;
if (typeof params.options.amount != "undefined")
strength = parseFloat(params.options.amount)||0;
if (strength < 0) strength = 0;
if (strength > 1) strength = 1;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var dataCopy = Pixastic.prepareData(params, true)
var mul = 15;
var mulOther = 1 + 3*strength;
var kernel = [
[0, -mulOther, 0],
[-mulOther, mul, -mulOther],
[0, -mulOther, 0]
var weight = 0;
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
for (var j=0;j<3;j++) {
weight += kernel[i][j];
weight = 1 / weight;
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
mul *= weight;
mulOther *= weight;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var nextY = (y == h) ? y - 1 : y;
var prevY = (y == 1) ? 0 : y-2;
var offsetYPrev = prevY*w4;
var offsetYNext = nextY*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var offsetPrev = offsetYPrev + ((x == 1) ? 0 : x-2) * 4;
var offsetNext = offsetYNext + ((x == w) ? x-1 : x) * 4;
var r = ((
- dataCopy[offsetPrev]
- dataCopy[offset-4]
- dataCopy[offset+4]
- dataCopy[offsetNext]) * mulOther
+ dataCopy[offset] * mul
var g = ((
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+1]
- dataCopy[offset-3]
- dataCopy[offset+5]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+1]) * mulOther
+ dataCopy[offset+1] * mul
var b = ((
- dataCopy[offsetPrev+2]
- dataCopy[offset-2]
- dataCopy[offset+6]
- dataCopy[offsetNext+2]) * mulOther
+ dataCopy[offset+2] * mul
if (r < 0 ) r = 0;
if (g < 0 ) g = 0;
if (b < 0 ) b = 0;
if (r > 255 ) r = 255;
if (g > 255 ) g = 255;
if (b > 255 ) b = 255;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();
* Pixastic Lib - Solarize filter - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.solarize = {
process : function(params) {
var useAverage = !!(params.options.average && params.options.average != "false");
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var rect = params.options.rect;
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x-1)*4;
var r = data[offset];
var g = data[offset+1];
var b = data[offset+2];
if (r > 127) r = 255 - r;
if (g > 127) g = 255 - g;
if (b > 127) b = 255 - b;
data[offset] = r;
data[offset+1] = g;
data[offset+2] = b;
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData());
* Pixastic Lib - USM - v0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk, http://blog.nihilogic.dk/
* License: [http://www.pixastic.com/lib/license.txt]
Pixastic.Actions.unsharpmask = {
process : function(params) {
var amount = (parseFloat(params.options.amount)||0);
var blurAmount = parseFloat(params.options.radius)||0;
var threshold = parseFloat(params.options.threshold)||0;
amount = Math.min(500,Math.max(0,amount)) / 2;
blurAmount = Math.min(5,Math.max(0,blurAmount)) / 10;
threshold = Math.min(255,Math.max(0,threshold));
var thresholdNeg = -threshold;
amount *= 0.016;
if (Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData()) {
var rect = params.options.rect;
var blurCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
blurCanvas.width = params.width;
blurCanvas.height = params.height;
var blurCtx = blurCanvas.getContext("2d");
var scale = 2;
var smallWidth = Math.round(params.width / scale);
var smallHeight = Math.round(params.height / scale);
var copy = document.createElement("canvas");
copy.width = smallWidth;
copy.height = smallHeight;
var steps = Math.round(blurAmount * 20);
var copyCtx = copy.getContext("2d");
for (var i=0;i<steps;i++) {
var scaledWidth = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallWidth - i));
var scaledHeight = Math.max(1,Math.round(smallHeight - i));
var data = Pixastic.prepareData(params);
var blurData = Pixastic.prepareData({canvas:blurCanvas,options:params.options});
var w = rect.width;
var h = rect.height;
var w4 = w*4;
var y = h;
do {
var offsetY = (y-1)*w4;
var x = w;
do {
var offset = offsetY + (x*4-4);
var difR = data[offset] - blurData[offset];
if (difR > threshold || difR < thresholdNeg) {
var blurR = blurData[offset];
blurR = amount * difR + blurR;
data[offset] = blurR > 255 ? 255 : (blurR < 0 ? 0 : blurR);
var difG = data[offset+1] - blurData[offset+1];
if (difG > threshold || difG < thresholdNeg) {
var blurG = blurData[offset+1];
blurG = amount * difG + blurG;
data[offset+1] = blurG > 255 ? 255 : (blurG < 0 ? 0 : blurG);
var difB = data[offset+2] - blurData[offset+2];
if (difB > threshold || difB < thresholdNeg) {
var blurB = blurData[offset+2];
blurB = amount * difB + blurB;
data[offset+2] = blurB > 255 ? 255 : (blurB < 0 ? 0 : blurB);
} while (--x);
} while (--y);
return true;
checkSupport : function() {
return Pixastic.Client.hasCanvasImageData();