
196 lines
5.2 KiB

package main
import (
type knockArguments struct {
WhitelistPort int `cli:'wp' usage:'The port to launch the whitelist server on'`
GatewayPort int `cli:'gp' usage:'The port to protect'`
BlacklistPort int `cli:'wp' usage:'If set: The port to blacklist the connected host'`
Destination string `cli:'d' usage:'The destination to relay traffic to'`
Timeout int64 `cli:'t' usage:'Time in seconds after which a whitelist entry will be removed'`
Verbose bool `cli:'v' usage:'Verbosity'`
var (
whitelist = make(map[string]int64)
blacklist []string
arguments *knockArguments
traffic_in int64
traffic_out int64
func main() {
// Parse command line arguments
cli.Run(new(knockArguments), func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
arguments = ctx.Argv() . (*knockArguments)
return nil
// Launch listeners
go listener(arguments.WhitelistPort, whitelist_handler)
go listener(arguments.BlacklistPort, blacklist_handler)
go listener(arguments.GatewayPort, gateway_handler)
func stats() {
for {
fmt.Println("[STS] In ", traffic_in/1024, "KB, Out ", traffic_out/1024, "KB");
func listener(port int, listen_func func(c net.Conn)) {
// Set up listening sockets on specified port and hand over to specified listen_func
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[ERR] Creating listener for Port ", port)
fmt.Println(" Error is ", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("[OK ] Creating listener for Port ", port)
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[ERR] Accepting on Port ", port)
} else {
go listen_func(conn)
func whitelist_handler(c net.Conn) {
// Handler function for whitelist socket connections, whitelisting the connecting host
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteAddr().String())
if is_blacklisted(host) {
if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[BLK] Denying blacklisted host ", host)
} else {
io.WriteString(c, fmt.Sprintf("Knock Knock, %s.", host))
func blacklist_handler(c net.Conn) {
// Handler which blocks every host connecting to it.
// Useful to place it on port (whitelistPort-1) to crash port scanners.
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteAddr().String())
if ! is_whitelisted(host) {
if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[BLK] Blacklisting ", host)
} else {
if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[ERR] Whitelisted host ", host, " connected to blacklist port. Ignoring.")
func gateway_handler(c net.Conn) {
// Filter connections whether or not the connecting host is whitelisted
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteAddr().String())
if is_blacklisted(host) {
if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[BLK] Blacklisted host ", host, ", ignoring")
} else if is_whitelisted(host) {
if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[OK ] Whitelisted host ", host, " connected")
// yes, we're updating this before and after.
// why? Consider long TCP connections, e.g. in games
// Then the specified Timeout may be reached before the connection is even closed
// This won't affect this connection (it'll stay open even if the timeout is reached)
// but another connection won't be possible, even if it's right after the closing of
// the first connection. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
} else if arguments.Verbose {
fmt.Println("[BLK] Blocking host ", host)
func add_to_whitelist(addr string) {
// Add the specified address to the whitelist
if ! is_whitelisted(addr) {
func remove_from_whitelist(addr string) {
// Remove specified address from whitelist
delete(whitelist, addr)
func is_whitelisted(addr string) bool {
// Check whether or not the specified address is whitelisted and inside the timing window
if _, present := whitelist[addr]; present {
// Key is present in whitelist map
if (whitelist[addr] + arguments.Timeout) >= time.Now().Unix() {
// AND we are still in the timing window
return true
} else {
// But we're outside of the timing window
return false
// Entry is not present.
return false
func add_to_blacklist(addr string) {
// Add specified address to blacklist
blacklist = append(blacklist, addr)
func is_blacklisted(addr string) bool {
// Check whether or not the specified address is blacklisted
for i:=0; i<len(blacklist); i++ {
if blacklist[i] == addr {
return true
return false
func update_whitelist_time(addr string) {
// Update whitelist - prevent timeout of connection
whitelist[addr] = time.Now().Unix()
func proxy(c net.Conn) {
// Proxy connection between the destination server and our connecting client
ln, err := net.Dial("tcp", arguments.Destination)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[ERR] Proxy connection to server failed")
fmt.Println(" Error is ", err)
} else {
// A bit of cluttery code for statistics purposes, sorry.
go func() {
delta_traffic_in, _ := io.Copy(c, ln)
traffic_in += delta_traffic_in
delta_traffic_out, _ := io.Copy(ln, c)
traffic_out += delta_traffic_out