#!/bin/sh echo "HOI, this is the 'Arch w/ maride flavour' install script (chainloader)" echo "Hope you used TLS..." echo -e "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n" echo "=> Things you should've set up already:" echo " * Your keyboard layout (consider passwords!)" echo " * Any RAID setup that you are planning to set up" echo " * An internet connection (DHCP or static, idc...)" echo -n "=> Did you set that up? (y/N) " read answer if [ "$answer" != "y" ] && [ "$answer" != "Y" ]; then echo "OK, then do necessary steps and see you soon." exit 1 fi echo -n "=> Do you want to install on EFI or BIOS? BIOS is required for VirtalBox hosts (E/b) " read answer if [ "$answer" != "e" ] && [ "$answer" != "E" ]; then export bootloader="BIOS"; else export bootloader="EFI"; fi echo "=> Please enter the full path to the block device the installation should take place on: (e.g. /dev/sda)" echo " Make sure to choose a drive, not a partition." echo " Hint: here's a list of devices that may be the right:" ls /dev/sd* /dev/mmc* 2>/dev/null echo -n "Install to: " read blockdevice export blockdevice for check in checks/*.check do echo "=> Running check '$check'..." $check return=$? if [ "$return" -ne 0 ]; then echo "=> Check failed. Fix it, maybe." exit fi done for step in steps/*.step do echo "=> Running step '$step'..." $step return=$? if [ "$return" -ne 0 ]; then echo "=> Step failed. That is weird. Sorry. Check logs maybe." exit fi done for flavour in flavours/*.flavour do echo -n "=> Do you want to run flavour '$flavour'? (y/N) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then echo "=> Running flavour '$flavour'..." pushd $flavour ./install.sh return=$? if [ "$return" -ne 0 ]; then echo "=> Flavour failed. :(" fi popd fi done echo -n "=> Finished \o/ reboot now? (Y/n) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "n" ] || [ "$answer" == "N" ]; then exit fi reboot