#!/bin/sh echo "~> Changing password for root account." arch-chroot /mnt passwd root echo -n "~> Do you want to create an user account? (Y/n) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "n" ] || [ "$answer" == "N" ]; then amf_return=0 else echo -n " Name of your new user? " read name export username=$name arch-chroot /mnt useradd -m $name arch-chroot /mnt passwd $name # If group "sudo" exists (=> sudo.flavour was installed), ask if the user should be added if [ $(arch-chroot /mnt getent group sudo) ]; then echo -n "~> Do you want to add $name to sudoers? (Y/n) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then arch-chroot /mnt usermod -a -G sudo $name fi fi echo -n " Set up zsh with ohmyzsh for $name? (Y/n) " read answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ] || [ "$answer" == "Y" ]; then pacstrap /mnt zsh git arch-chroot /mnt git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git /home/$name/.oh-my-zsh wget https://git.darknebu.la/maride/config/raw/master/zshrc -O /mnt/home/$name/.zshrc arch-chroot /mnt chsh -s /bin/zsh fi amf_return=0 fi