maride 02061d74c2 Original 1.0.5 code
(as received from Jonas Echterhoff)
2016-04-02 14:43:55 +02:00

214 lines
5.9 KiB
Executable File

#ifndef __CARPHYSICS
#define __CARPHYSICS
#include "fileio.h"
#include "vectors.h"
#include "entities.h"
#include "gameinitexit.h"
#define kMaxWheels 6
typedef struct{
tVector3 pos;
int texture;
float powered;
float maxAngle;
float maxSuspension; //m
float radius; //m
float width;
float loadSensitivity;
float stickyness;
float grip;
float rollCenter;
float braked,handbraked;
float tolerance;
float inertia;
float tilt;
float friction;
tFileRef model;
tFileRef customBrakeModel;
int noShadow;
} tWheelDefinition;
#define kFatalDamage 400
#define kEngineDamage 300
#define kSuspensionDamage 200
typedef struct{
char name[64];
char describtion[256];
int requirements,conflicts;
float mass;
float frontLift,rearLift;
float frontMaxSuspension,rearMaxSuspension;
float frontWheelWidth,rearWheelWidth;
float frontAirResistance;
float powerPercent,torquePercent;
float finalDriveRatio,topGearRatio;
float engineInertia;
float gearSwitchTime;
float differentialLockCoefficient;
float frontSwayBar,rearSwayBar;
float track;
float maxRPM;
float exhaustFire;
float damperStrength;
tVector3 massCenter;
int hasGraphic;
tFileRef model;
int price;
int group;
} tAddOnDefinition;
typedef struct{
float frontAirResistance,sideAirResistance,topAirResistance;
float frontLift,rearLift;
float mass; //kg
float power; //W
float torque; //Nm
float powerRPM,torqueRPM; //revs per minute
float clutchRPM;
float idleRPM,jerkRPM,maxRPM;
float shiftUpRPM,shiftDownRPM,shiftUpRPMFix;
float finalDriveRatio;
float differentialLockCoefficient;
float supsensionFriction,damperStrength;
float engineInertia;
float engineFriction,engineBaseFriction,engineRPMFriction;
float maxClutchTorqueTransfer;
float zeroRPMSoundGain,fullRPMSoundGain,zeroThrottleSoundGain,fullThrottleSoundGain;
float zeroRPMSoundPitch,fullRPMSoundPitch,zeroThrottleSoundPitch,fullThrottleSoundPitch;
float gearSwitchTime;
float exhaustFire;
float frontSwayBar,rearSwayBar;
float aiSpeedIndex;
int numGears,numWheels,numLights,numAddOns;
int numColors;
int initialAddOns;
int challengeRequirements;
int demoAvailable,builtIn;
tVector3 massCenter;
tVector3 inertia;
tVector3 steeringWheelPos;
tVector3 driverPos;
tVector3 exhaust1Pos,exhaust2Pos;
tVector3 frontLicensePlatePos,rearLicensePlatePos;
float steeringWheelAngle,steeringWheelTurns,steeringWheelRadius;
tFileRef steeringWheelTexture;
tFileRef model,interiorModel,shadowModel;
tFileRef engineSample,hallSample,turboSample,hornSample;
float hornPitch;
int numCollBoxes;
int noDriverModel;
float maxCollRadius;
float *gearRatios;
tWheelDefinition *wheels;
tLightDefinition *lights;
tAddOnDefinition *addOns;
tVector3 *colors;
int *colorLoaded;
tCollBox *coll;
char carName[64];
int year;
int magic;
int secret;
int price;
float displacement;
float turboGain;
} tCarDefinition;
typedef struct{
float angle;
float suspension; //m
float slipVelo,slip,slipAngle;
float rotation;
float angularVelo;
float glow;
int lastTrack;
int onGround;
int surfaceType;
} tWheelPhysics;
#define kNumLastCollisions 32
typedef struct{
int frameCount;
tVector3 attackPoint;
tVector3 veloDiff;
float rotationFactor;
} tCollisionStruct;
typedef struct{
tCarDefinition car;
int addOns; //flags for add-ons installed.
int color;
float aiPowerCycle; //for AI cars: start of AI power cycle which makes AI cars behave more randomly
float aiRouteCycle;
int gear; //current gear car is in
int lastGear;
int lightFlags; //which lights are on
float echo; //is the car in a tunnel?
int lap; //internal lap counter for position determination (not neccesarily ==lapCount)
int lapCount; //lap counter
int wrongDriectionFrames; //number of Frames the car is moving into the wrong Direction
int lapTimes[kMaxLaps+1]; //frame Count each time the finish line was crossed
int finishTime; //frame Count the race was finished or is prognosed to be finished
int lappedPlayers[kMaxPlayers];
int averageSpeedFrames; //number of frames used to calculate average speed so far.
float maxSpeed,averageSpeed,accel100,accel200,accelQuarter,accelKM,odo;
float position;
int checkPoint;
float lead;
float rpm;
float engineAngularVelo,drivetrainAngularVelo;
float clutchTorque;
float throttle,oldThrottle,steering,brake,arcadeBrake,handbrake,clutch;
float idleThrottle;
float lastGearSwitch;
float arcadeSteerVelo,arcadeDraftBoost;
float maxSlip,maxAngle;
float noisePriority;
float dirt;
int crashTime; //the last frame in which all four wheels have been on the ground.
int stuckTime; //the last frame in which the car seemed to make some progress (ai)
int collision; //has the car collided with something solid this frame? (for getting stuck detection)
int onGround;
tGameEntity *overtaking;
int overtakeSide;
float overTakeProgress;
tVector3 lastSamplePos;
float dirtStretch[5];
tWheelPhysics wheels[kMaxWheels];
UInt64 regCode;
char *plateName;
float damage;
float turboRPM;
tCollisionStruct lastCollisions[kNumLastCollisions];
} tCarPhysics;
typedef struct{
tVector3 pos,velo,groundNormal;
tVector3 roadForce;
int onGround;
float bump;
float inertia;
float oldAngle;
float normalForce,suspensionForce;
} tWheelCalcData;
void InstallCarAddOns(tCarPhysics *phys);
float CalcDraftFactor(tGameEntity *car1);
void CarPhysicsEntity(tGameEntity *carEntity);
void CarMotionEntity(tGameEntity *carEntity);